This is as far as I will go N.R

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Your POV
I had a huge crush on Natasha ever since I was in SHIELD. So when Fury asked me to transfer over to Avenger together with Natasha I was more than over the moon.

Of course, Nat was better than me in every possible way, so she went on missions more than I did. I used the extra time I had training with Clint since regular humans understand regular humans better. He ended up noticing that I had a crush on her since I was staring at her every time she was in sight. He threatened to tell Nat himself if I didn't admit it so I caved.

Ever since then, he kept teasing me about it whenever he had the chance.

"Nat! Do you want to watch Fear Street with me?" I barged into her room without notifying her.


"Great! Because I already brought the snacks and drinks." I pulled them out from behind my back. I wasn't sure if she was going to agree since she's rather busy these few days. I put the movie on the TV in her room and sat next to her.

Because of Nat, I have been watching horror movies more often. I still hide and flinch when the jump scare comes but it wasn't as bad as in the beginning.

"I think there's a sequel for this movie. We should watch that next time." I said as the end credit was rolling.

"Sure. See you tomorrow morning for training?"

"Yes. I'll be there. Goodnight Nat!"

"Goodnight. See you tomorrow. DON'T BE LATE." I chuckled as she shouted the last part while I was closing the door.

This was enough for me.

>next morning<

Nat swiped at my feet and I was knocked to the ground. She pinned me to the ground and her fist was mere centimeters away from my face.

"You still have more to work on." Nat patted my shoulder and got up. I regained from my shock and bounced back up.

"One last time?" I asked panting, in a position ready to attack. Nat threw a punch and I blocked it and threw one of my own. Nat dodged it easily and did an uppercut which I took it before punching her shoulder.

"You can't always just take the punch." Nat expressed.

"Why not? It is a strategy." I passed a bottle of water to Nat.

"Whatever. Lunch?" Nat invited me.

"Sure." I would be a fool to turn that down.

I was walking back to my room after Nat offered to clean up the equipment when Clint suddenly pulled me into an empty meeting room. "What are you doing?"

"So? Did you make any move?" Clint wiggled his eyebrow asking for information.

"What move?"

"On Nat!"

"That's enough Clint. You know I'm never going to do anything."

"But you're going to regret it."

Natasha POV
I was packing the gloves and putting them in their respective places after our training when I heard Clint's and Y/N's voices coming from a meeting room. Both of them have a really close friendship. If she's not around me, she's around him.

"I have a lot of things I want and things I can never achieve. This is as far as I can get and this is as far as I will go. As long as I don't make her hate me it's fine. As long as she doesn't distance herself from me it's fine. As long as I am able to have a conversation with her it's fine."

It sounded like a heated argument that I shouldn't be listening to. But who was the 'she'?

Y/N opened the door and I was standing right outside. We looked at each other for a few seconds before she walked off. I looked at Clint being shocked speechless in the meeting room.

"Who were you guys talking about?" Asking about the unidentified person since the topic was pretty much clear.

Clint shook his head. "No one."

"Y/N was practically shouting, just tell me who it is."

"She told me not to say."

I pushed him to the wall and choked him with my elbow. I was staring daggers at him but he still refused to say anything. I pushed even harder and he was getting paler by the second. I raised an eyebrow at him showing him I was serious about getting an answer.

"You! It was you." He tapped my arm, asking to be released.

Me? It was me!

"If she comes to kill me, you gotta protect me." He said as he put his hand around his neck trying to get his breath back.

"You know I'm going to stand by her." I said as I was walking out.

Since I was dealing with Clint, I had to hurry through my shower and change into a fresh set of clothes as Y/N was waiting for me in the living room.

"Are you okay?" I saw her holding her forehead, thinking about something.


Since I was the one who invited her, I offered to drive. I could instantly feel ever since I overheard her conversation with Clint, she was a lot more silent. I didn't want to make the meal awkward so I decided to get this out of the way.

"I could meet you halfway."

She snapped her head and scrunched her eyebrow in confusion. I was already bringing her to the restaurant so she didn't understand what I meant.

"You don't have to go all the way, I could come and meet you halfway. I like you too, romantically I mean."

"You heard everything?"

"Only the last part. Clint snitched who it was about."

"Damn Clint." She mumbled under her breath.

"You really think Fury will ask you to transfer to Avengers? I'm pretty sure there were other people to choose from."


"Sorry babe." She widened her eyes at me. "Sorry, was it too fast?"

"No. I love it."

We arrived at the restaurant and were about to head in when she suddenly pecked my cheeks. "I'm going to kill Clint." She whispered in my ears as she pulled away.

"I already told him I'd do it with you. I can't wait to show the world you're mine." I held her hands in mine and kissed it before opening the door.

Written on 31 Oct 2021
Posted on 19 March 2022

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