Call N.R

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Your POV
It's been a long time since I last met the Avengers. Fate brought us back together as the company I was working for was hired to build bulletproof cars for them along with other features. After knowing that I had a previous connection with them, my boss insisted that I did the presentation for them.

So that's where we are, in Avenger's meeting room, going through the details of each option that the company has provided, going through the pros and cons.

"With this, there's added security but the extra weight slows it down by 3%. Alongside, there's also- sorry." My phone buzzed in the middle of the presentation. I looked at the caller ID and it was my bestfriend who called me. I had asked her to take care of Ashley since my boss assigned me to this meeting at the last minute and I was unable to find anyone else.

"You know I'm in a meeting." I whispered as I left and closed the door behind me.

"I know but Ash won't stop crying." I could hear her crying behind the phone.

"Pass me to her."

"Mummy... where are you? You said you'll pway with me today." My heart broke when I heard her cry. I did promise I'd be home today to spend the day with her.

"I'm sorry love. I'll be back soon okay. I'll give you lots of cuddles when I come back."

"Mummy pwomise?"

"Promise. Pass me back to aunty Mickey?"

"Hey, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Call me if anything happens."

With that, I ended the call and went back to the meeting with an apologetic smile for leaving the presentation halfway. "Sorry about that, let's continue where I left off." I showed them the pictures of the prototype and which buttons to press to get each function.

Finally, I gave them a full listing of the available options just in case they wanted to make any changes and mix and match. "So it's entirely possible if you want a full defensive vehicle or a full offensive vehicle."

"Apart from the ones you just showed, I would like another vehicle with a defibrillator, rattling gun and other medical supplies you can fit." Fury decided to add another car.

"Sure." I jotted down in my notebook. "If any of you have any request later, feel free to contact me or the company." I ended the presentation and walked out of the meeting room.

"Y/N! Wait." I knew this would happen if I came to make this presentation. I was so close to leaving the compound. Just a couple more steps.

I regained my composure and collected myself before turning to greet her. "Yes Ms Romanoff, anything can I help you with?"

"You don't have to speak to me like this. Everyone who was in the meeting room knew I had a relationship with you."

"What do you want?" I changed my tone instantly.

"Mummy!" My child's voice rang through my ears. I turned around and saw Ash running towards me. I bent down and picked her up. "Mummy, I miss you." She held my face and screamed at me.

"No screaming." I looked over at Miki and she mouthed 'I'm sorry.'

"Ash, can you go back to aunty Mickey? I just need a few more minutes here."

"Okay..." She said sadly. I put her on the ground carefully and she ran back to Miki.

"How old is she?"

"5. She's not yours Romanoff, not everything has to be yours." I knew where she was going with her question. Immediately after I left her, I got pregnant. Not willingly.

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