Communication S.J

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You were always clumsy. You didn't know if the god was against you or you were just not paying enough attention. You had scratches all around your arms and legs from bumping into the corner, splinter or papercut. On some days, you would even come back with more scratches you didn't even know where it came from. Since then, you always wear long sleeve shirts and pants/trousers so that people don't see them and to prevent yourself from getting more.

It is currently the middle of summer and you are boiling, you could turn on the air con but you hated how it would make your hand cold and stiff as you were typing across your laptop. Not to mention you get cold pretty easily too and you don't want to start sneezing, losing energy while you work.

"Why are you pacing around darling?" You didn't hear Scarlett talking to you. Even though you were already sweating buckets, you were walking up and down thinking of how to reply to an email. How should you start the salutation, with 'Dear' or 'Hi'? Should you address them by their last name or first name? Do you need a starting line? What should you put for the subject title? Does it seem friendly enough?

You were pulled out of thought literally by Scarlett tugging your arm. "What are you thinking about? You didn't even hear me talking to you."

"I- I was thinking about how to reply to an email."

"Is it about work?"

"It's not so much about work I am thinking about. I already know the content. I just need to know how to make it seem professional enough and not overstep boundaries."

"Come on, let me help you."

You went over the questions you had with Scarlett and she answered them one by one, allowing you to finally start typing out the email you needed to send out. Again, you were so deep into your thoughts that you didn't hear Scarlett coming behind you with a bucket of water.

"SCARLETT JOHANSSON!" You didn't know to be mad or flustered. You turned to look at holding her stomach laughing hysterically. You turned back to your laptop to make sure it's fine, frantically taking tissue to wipe any water residue off your laptop. You tried turning on the laptop again but was met with a blank screen. You sighed in resignation, you didn't manage to save your work before meeting with this disaster. 

With a serious face, you turned back to Scarlett looking at her still laughing at your demise. "You're lucky I love you." With that, you walked away to change out of your wet clothes. Scarlett noticed the change in your tone and stopped laughing immediately to follow you.

"I'm sorry." Scarlett came into the room to apologize.

"It's fine. I just spent three hours doing the document and I'm sure I can do it again in less time, whenever the laptop's fixed." You said with a hint of sarcasm. To Scarlett's surprise you picked a short sleeve shirt instead of your usual long sleeve.

"I thought you always wore long sleeves?"

"I don't feel like taking care of myself today." You walked away from Scarlett and went to take your laptop to the shop to fix. Scarlett felt bad for doing the prank at the wrong time. You came back without your laptop so she knew you left it at the workshop to get it fixed. Once you got back, you went to the dining table to start working. You have been working there since you wanted to separate work from resting in your room so Scarlett knew you were back in working mode once you sat there.

You were typing on your phone thinking of how to explain that your laptop is out for fixing and you wouldn't be able to get work done until it's fixed. Should I capitalize the first letter? She doesn't capitalize the first letter in all of her messages though. Should I put a full stop at the end of my sentence? Would it seem too serious? Is putting an emoji at the end better? Should I put all my questions in one message or separate them? Would it be too much?

You pinched the bridge of your nose. Who was the one who said talking online is easier. You were having a tough time even formulating your text messages let alone thinking about the content of the text.

"What's wrong?" Scarlett came and sat across from you on the table after seeing you stressed out on your phone.

"Same as earlier. I just suck at writing messages." You groaned and slid your phone to her. She picked it up and looked at it.

"Looks okay to me." She passed back the phone to you.

"Really? Okay, then I'll send it." You read through the message again to make sure you didn't miss anything out before clicking send.

"Did you know you came back with more scratches?" Scarlett pointed to some which were redder than the others.

"Are we even surprised at this point."

"Look, I'm sorry for splashing water on you and spoiling your laptop."

You sighed. Even if you were mad with Scarlett, it can't last long. You got up from the table and pulled her to the couch. "It's fine. Now we get to spend more time together without thinking about work."

"But you spent time doing those and I wasted your efforts."

"How many times do I have to say it's fine? As long as you help me with the email and messages."

"I'll help you no matter what."

Written on 26/9/2021
Posted on 16/11/2021

Based on a true story. I have a hard time writing messages and emails. Especially since now in internship, I have to write more emails and I just don't know what to include when I am just sending back a document that doesn't need much explanation. But doesn't it seem rude when I just send a document without any messages included?

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