Her, first pt2 N.R

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Thank you so much for the support in part 1! I totally didn't expect it :)

And once again sorry for the confusion and sadness the other day.

After you left Natasha, it took you a few wandering months before you settled down again. It was hard to move on, it was your first ever relationship and you experienced all your firsts with her. It was tough, but you did it.

Thankfully, things were not awkward between you two. Both of you hardly meet up but since you were still working in SHIELD, you see her every now and then. Things were civilised between the two of you, you still meet up for a drink or two or whenever Tony has a party.

"What am I supposed to do Y/N?" Natasha asked as she sipped her coffee. The coffeeshop down the road at equal distance between the compound and SHIELD was your regular meeting place.

"I can't help you with that." You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. Natasha was asking about how she was going to approach Wanda and honestly you thought she would have done it already, seeing as a few months had passed.

It saddened you in the beginning when you realised Natasha fell out of love with you. Things just weren't meant to happen. But at least she didn't cheat, you held onto that as you recovered, she tried, but it wasn't enough.

"Just do it and worry about the consequences later." You stood up, cutting the meeting shorter than usual.

"Where are you going?" She asked. She wasn't expecting you to leave so quickly, you usually catch up for about an hour and only thirty minutes has passed.

"I hate to cut this short but I'm meeting my girlfriend."

Natasha widened her eyes but didn't say anything. "Who?"

"Maybe I'll bring her along to the next party. Make your move Nat!" You reminded her before leaving the coffeeshop.


You were still staying in SHIELD's dorm but every weekend when you had the chance, you would stayover at your girlfriend's house. She's not perfect, but you don't expect her to be.

True to your words, you brought her along to the next party Tony has hosted. She was a bit hesitant in joining but you persuaded her and told her you would stay by her side all the time. She isn't used to all the violence and the most she ever has encountered was probably knocking onto a corner or being shoved in a busy street.

You went to pick her up at her apartment and everyone except Natasha were surprised you brought a plus one along with you.

"Hi, this is my girlfriend, Sarah." You introduced everyone to her and she shook hands with them.

Both of you stayed together as the party started and the Avengers were asking questions about your girlfriend, curious to know more about her. There were some questions about you but you let her go free and answer anything she was comfortable with. Only occasionally starring at the guys from behind her when the questions were too intrusive.

When the party went into full swing, the group dispersed and you brought Sarah along to the bar and ordered her a drink. Both of you sat together as you watched others party.

"I'm really glad I met you, Sarah. You make a part of me normal, instead of all the fighting and killing. I get to put it all aside when I'm with you and experience a normal life." You held her hands and rubbed your thumb over her knuckles.

"I'm thankful I met you too. I'm comfortable with you and I want to share every part of my life with you, now and in the future. I love you." Sarah's eyes were full of love and admiration as the both of you expressed yourself.

"I love you too." Both lips touched each other before pulling away. Both of you were in a blushing mess, not too used to it yet.

Feeling a lot more confident with the relationship, you rest your arm around Sarah's shoulders as you go to the nearest couch to observe the rest. While you were chatting with her making sure she's not bored and letting her know she was free to leave early if she wanted to, you noticed something and brought her attention to it.

"Look at Nat over there." You nodded towards her direction and Natasha was getting closer to Wanda. You couldn't hear what they were saying over the music and chatter but based on them hugging together you would assume to have a positive result.

"All's well that ends well." Sarah kissed your cheek before saying. "And now you're with me."

"I'm not planning to leave."

You went to grab a refill for yourself and Sarah when Nat approached you at the bar. "Hi, Y/N."

"Hey Nat. I saw what you did out there?" You wiggled your eyebrows as Nat took her drink from the bartender.

She shook her head. "Can I speak to you for a second?"

"Just let me tell Sarah."

"Alright, I'll wait for you on the balcony outside."

You told Sarah where you were headed before finding Nat. "We can leave after I come back, alright?" You tried your best to make her comfortable before leaving.

You cleared your throat as you entered the balcony. "So are you and Wanda together now?"

She scratched the back of her neck. "Yeah, something like that."

"That's good. So, what do you want to talk about?"

"I know we've talked about this already. But I just wanted to say it again. You were a really great girlfriend but with Wanda, she gives me the adrenaline, the excitement. She just matches my energy I guess."

"Nat, I get it. Some say opposite attracts, but not when we are so far apart. If anything, I am a friend that brings you back on track." You patted her shoulder. "And I just get to chill on the couch with Sarah. We learn from our past Nat. We had a great run while we were at it."

You opened your arms for a hug. "If anything, I'll come to you for the best hug." Natasha said. Both of you stayed there for a moment before pulling away.

"Alright, we should both go back to our girlfriends. See you next week."

You went to find Sarah where you left her and you were heartened to see that she was having a nice time with the rest of the team. "Are they giving you a hard time dear?" You kissed her cheek.

"No. Not at all." She shook her head. "We were talking about your missions." Sarah stood up and went to your side.

"I hope good things only." Your hands snaked around her waist. "Alright, we're heading back. See you guys next time."

You may have closed your chapter with Natasha, but the next chapter is only going to get better.

Written on 28 Jan 2022
Posted on 30 Jan 2022

SophiaFalcon23 natswhore01 something_lol1 heeeythereciao

I hope you liked it, I tried to include all of the requests. Some request clashes so I had to pick and choose. Sorry.

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