Lost N.R

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Your POV
Peter asked me to help pick out some clothes for him for his prom last week and I agreed so I am heading to Nat to tell her I'll be out with Peter.

"Hey Nat." I poked my head through the door. "I'm heading out with Peter today, but I'll be back before dinner."

She swiveled the chair around. "Okay. Are you getting anything?" Before I got to reply, she shoved her card in my hand. "Here, just in case." I didn't even get to reject before she shoved her card in my hand, not taking no as an answer. 

I went to knock on Peter's door and we left for the mall.

I can see why Tony still calls him a kid, he gets too excited seeing the toys on display through the glass panes, especially when it comes to Star Wars. I'm pretty sure we went into more shops selling toys and figurines than choosing clothes. If this mall has 10 shops selling toys, I am a hundred percent certain that we entered all of them.

"Peter. Come on. Let's get back to choosing clothes, we have to get back before dinner." I looked to my left, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Peter?" This is bad. I looked throughout the shop but there was no sight of him. He just left?

I tried calling his phone, but trust him to forget it at the compound.

Peter POV
I was planning to show Y/N this Millennium Falcon Lego set but I didn't see her anywhere. "Y/N? Y/N?" Oh shit. I placed it back on the shelf and walked out of the shop, scanning for her.

"What should I do? What should I do?" I was panicking. Ms Romanoff wouldn't like this. I tried to feel for my phone and I hit myself in the head for leaving it behind. I tried retracing my step to find her but there was no sign of her.

Your POV
Well now I'm in deep shit. I have no idea where I am after walking around looking for Peter. Nat isn't going to like that we are separated and I am lost, but I called her anyway. "Nat?"

"Yeah what's up baby?"

"Uhhh, I'm kinda lost and I don't know where Peter went..."

"WHAT?" She screamed through the phone and I had to put my ears away from the phone. "Just stay where you are and DON'T MOVE!" Nat instructed through the phone. I took a seat on the bench that was sprinkled throughout the mall. There wasn't really much I could do other than to wait for Natasha to come and find me.

Natasha POV
I can't believe they get lost just from shopping in a mall. What would happen if this happened in Hydra's base? I dropped everything headed for the mall. I went to find Y/N first since I can trace her from her phone. Peter was a bit tougher. I searched through the mall and I finally saw Y/N sitting on one of the benches eating ice cream?

"So are you lost or are you enjoying your dessert?" I placed my hands on my hip as I approached her.

"I was lost but then I was sitting here and I saw the ice cream shop in front of me and I couldn't resist." She said, pointing at the shop in front.

"Come on. We still have another kid to find..."

It was harder to find Peter since no one told him to stop walking around. We didn't know if he was walking in another direction or away from us. Finally, I saw him walking frantically around and I waved to get his attention. Peter took a double take before sprinting towards us.

"Thank god. I thought I'd have to walk around for the rest of the day." He put his hand on his chest.

"I managed to see something when I was walking around."

"Okay, let's go get it and head back to the compound." I didn't want to spend the rest of the day following two kids around.


"You're my compass." Y/N looked up at me while we were cuddling. "You guide me when I am lost and direct me in the right direction."

"You're my sun. You brighten me up when I am down and give me a reason to continue." I replied, pecking their forehead and hugging her closer.

Written on 12 Oct 2021
Posted on 25 Jan 2022

As you can see, I didn't know to end it. 

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