Coincidence pt3 S.J

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Your POV
"WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND!" I shouted at my father at the dining table.


"YOU!" I held my head in pain. "So this was why you gave me transportation allowance yesterday." I stormed back into my room and packed everything.

"HERE IS YOUR MONEY. I DIDN'T TOUCH A SINGLE CENT." I slammed the money on the table.  "This is this month's water and electricity bill." I opened my wallet and took out a wad of cash.

"IS THIS HOW YOU SPEAK TO YOUR FATHER?" He slapped me across the face.

"You have to act like one to be treated like one." I stared at him. "But I guess that's not true. No matter how I tried, you'll never look at me the same way you would Y/S/N."

I took what little I had and left the house. Now I truly have no place to go. Leaving the house impulsively without any plans was probably not the best idea.

I hope Scarlett is not filming overseas, else I'm in deeper shit.

Hi Scarlett.
Are you free?

Hi Y/N.
Yes I'm free.
What's up?

I was wondering if your offer still stands.
I'm kinda stranded outside.

Are you okay?
I'll come and pick you up.
Why don't you wait for me in front of the pharmacy where I patched up your knee.

Ok. Thanks Scarlett.

Don't worry about it sweetie.

She remembered that incident from such a long time ago. Not even my own father knew I hurt my knee. This showed how much he cared about me. I picked up my duffle bag and started walking to the meeting point.

I heard a car honked and the window wind down, revealing Scarlett behind the wheel. I got into the passenger side of her car.

She took one look at me and said. "He slapped you?"

What? I have been walking around with a palm print on my face? There's no denying since there is evidence on my face so I nodded my head.

It was a short ride but the journey was silent. "Just a heads up, both Rose and Colin are home."

"Oh ok." I glanced quickly at Scarlett out of respect.

"We've been chatting for so long and you still can't look directly at me?" She teased.

"It takes months for me to get used to someone." I said as she pulled up to her house.
(I would love to say I am getting better)

"You have very little things for a 19 year old." Seeing how I was only carrying one duffle bag.

"These are just the necessities." Did I make the right decision by leaving the house? I may have more freedom but it's different living independently from them. Fuck it, it's not like they provided much for me.

"Hey, we are going in." Scarlett brought me out of my trance. "This is Colin and this is Rose."

"Hi, my name is Y/N." I shook Colin's hand and waved at Rose.

"Let's get you settled in your room first." Scarlett brought you up to her spare room that she had Colin setup while she was out fetching you.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" She asked as she sat on the bed watching you pack your stuff around the room.

I let out a huge sigh and leant against the wardrobe. "He asked for an allowance. For both himself and my mom, hundred dollars each. I was already paying the utility bills from what meagre allowance I had from my internship. It wasn't as if they weren't working!"

I ran my hands through my hair. "They just keep asking for more. I have to leave before they sucked me dry." I was speaking softer towards the end.

I stumbled a bit before walking over to Scarlett who was inviting me to sit next to her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Thanks for letting me stay here."

"How many times do I have to say, don't worry about it. I'm sure you're lovely to have around." Scarlett placed a reassuring arm around your shoulder.

You could feel yourself opening up to her, even though it was just a little.

Written on 1 Nov 2021
Posted on 24 March 2022

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now