Torture N.R

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Unfortunately indeed.

One wrong move led to this drastic change of situation. They shot a tranquilizer dart at you and you were unable to call to the team before you passed out cold.

The freezing sensation of water brought you back to life as you choked on the water that went up your nose. You tried to free yourself but you felt something nicking your ankle. You were bound to the chair with barbed wire around your ankles. There's only one lamp hanging above your head with no way of escaping.

The general punched your face and you were knocked to the floor along with your chair. You could feel the blood in your mouth as his henchmen sat your chair upright again. He held your chin. "What do you have on us?" You just chuckled and spat on him.

He wiped his face and nodded towards his guy. With a flick of a switch, orange lights turned on and you knew those were heat lamps. They were planning to dehydrate you. They left you alone and since there was no circulation in the room, you were sweating buckets within minutes.

You wiggled your hands with the ropes but they were too tight, there weren't any ropes to pull to untangle yourself. "Just give up." The general came back. "Tell us what you know and you don't have to suffer." You tried to speak but your throat was too dry. All you could do was shake your head.

You felt the pain of the whip before the whip crack. You were an open target with no defense. Essentially being their practice target they never had. "So stubborn."

With another switch, the aircon was blasting cold air.

Your bottom lips were trembling as your entire body shook, causing the barbed wire to sink into your ankle even more. Your lips were dry and peeling as you tried to take your mind off the cold. The sweat from earlier was making this way more difficult as the wind took away any moisture you had.

Throughout the entire day, they kept switching between hot and cold to try and get you to talk. You were getting weaker, vision getting blurry and you kept hearing noises that weren't there.

"I don't have time!" The general said as he stabbed your thigh. You grunt in pain, not being able to make a sound. This guy was not at the top of the hierarchy. You couldn't take it anymore and passed out.

You woke up screaming in pain as the knife was pulled out from your thigh. Blood was pooling at the edge of the chair as you felt yourself growing weaker, getting colder... with all hope lost.

Suddenly, everyone dropped to the ground as a wave of explosion caused the wall to break and shatter. White lights shone. Before they could even get onto their feet, they get knocked out again by the man in red and gold armor. Right behind him, was the girl that had kept you alive throughout the entire ordeal. You smiled, finally being able to see sunlight again, relief of all tension.

"Y/N!" Nat ran next to you, not caring if there were any traps in the room. She gasped at the state you were in, not truly knowing how you were tortured. She immediately untied your arm, cut the barbed wire and carried you out. Leaving the rest to deal with the goons.

Bruce was already waiting in the quinjet, as soon as Natasha brought you in, he started getting to work. You have tons of cuts across your body but the most urgent was the gash on your thigh. It was evident that you have lost a lot of blood and were in a critical stage.

With whatever Bruce brought on the quinjet, he tried to stitch up as many wounds as he could as the quinjet flew back to the compound.

"Give her about two days and she should wake up." Bruce said after coming out of surgery. Everyone was unsettled after you came back. They needed Natasha but Natasha needed you. Everyone was hoping that you'll be back on your feet soon.

It was breaking Nat's heart seeing you lying on the bed unconscious, she knew even after you wake up, you wouldn't be your bubbly self anymore.

White lights shone through your eyes and you knew you were no longer in the cell. All the noises came through when they realised you were awake. You scanned through them to find your girlfriend, and there she was, sitting next to you.

The both of you locked eyes and the rest knew to give you some private time. "I missed you so much." Nat started first. "We were trying all sorts of methods in finding you. Sorry we took so long."

"I kept thinking of you. I knew you'd come and get me."

Several days passed and you were finally allowed to leave the ward. You could still see the rope marks on your wrist, reminding you of what you went through that day, more could be said about your ankles.

You were clear to go back to your room but since your feet were still weak, they brought a wheelchair with them. You pushed it away, only trusting Natasha and no one else. You hid your face in her waist and she bent down to look at you. "I'll carry you back okay?"

Nat noticed at random points of the day, one moment you were sweating and the next you were shivering. The temperature of the compound remained constant and you weren't doing any activity.

You were sleeping when Nat found you shaking next to her. Instinctively, you went closer to her and she put an arm around you but it woke you up. "Sorry." You shook your head and put your head on her chest before falling back asleep again. After, you were feeling a bit hot so you turned away and pulled the cover off you. Safe to say, this disrupted your sleep a lot.

You weren't comfortable sitting back in a chair yet but your legs weren't strong enough to stand for long periods of time so often you would be lying down. Nat being the spy she was, noticed your discomfort and offered her lap for you to sit on whenever she was available. You won't actually sit, but straddle her lap. It just feels different, being able to relax in her arms and when you pull away, she would be able to look at you lovingly.

"You don't have to do this."

"You know the answer."

"I know the answer."

Written on 6 Nov 2021
Posted on 9 April 2022

I finally got an offer for Uni after applying!! I was so afraid I couldn't get into the local Uni because my results weren't that great. So that's some good news :)

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