Distraction/Priorities N.R

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Chronologically, this was the first time I wrote such as long chapter, usually I split into two. But since then there have been a few request that exceeded the word count to this. 

Angst all the way :)

Your POV
I met Natasha when the company I was working for recently became the legal partner for Stark Industries. At that time, she was introduced as Natalie Rushman. We crossed paths numerous times as she helped me pass some paperwork either to Tony or Pepper that needed their signatures.

When she came into my office one day, I plucked up the courage and asked her out on a date. I was so excited when she said yes, dropping everything on hand to plan for the date that day. I wasn't expecting to be met with a positive answer.

Ever since then we have been going out for about three years. Of course I wasn't too happy when I realised the person who I was dating had been lying to me all this time. But I couldn't stay mad at her for long if I was going to work for Stark Industries, I understood where she was coming from.

I got to stay with Natasha in the Avengers compound eventually after everything got settled after the Battle of New York. A step towards the right direction.

Or maybe not.

From the beginning I knew Natasha was work-centric. She would place work before herself, and to a certain extent, I would say the same for myself. What I didn't know was how I had to fight for her attention against her teammates, especially the Captain.

"Babe..." I trailed off at the end of my word when I saw Steve in her office sitting on her desk. Surely they had chairs back in the 40s and 50s.

He hopped off as soon as I entered. "Y/N."

"Hi Steve. Nat are you ready to go?" I asked as I got closer to her desk.

"I think I have to clock in extra time today. There's more paperwork than usual." She motioned to the two stacks of paper on each side of her desk.

"Do you need some company?"

"It's alright. Steve and I have things to discuss."


I left her office and went back to the compound alone. The rest of the team were there and we had our dinner together before each retreating to their rooms. I remained behind hoping to be able to catch Natasha coming back but there was no sign of it happening, not even a message.

12am, 1am passed and still no sign of her. I got tired of waiting and decided to head to bed alone.

A few hours could have passed as I felt the bed next to the dipped. "What time is it?"

"Late. You should continue to go back to sleep babe." Nat kissed my forehead.

"Did you manage to finish your work?" I asked with sleepiness in my voice.

"Not really, I still have some leftovers. Go to sleep babe, I know you're tired." Nat stroked my head trying to get me to sleep.


As the legal partner for Stark Industries I have an office here even though I was not working for them, I was assigned by my company to work with them. This meant that apart from settling legal documents or agreements for SI, I had other work assigned to me from my boss that needed to be done.

I thought of finding Nat during her lunch time so I went over to SHIELD but Maria told me she wasn't there today and had a mission with Steve. Feeling dejected, I trudged back to SI no longer having any appetite to eat.

I thought if they had a mission in the afternoon, there's a chance they could be back by night time, but once again I was left alone amongst the team who noticed more than Nat ever would. "I'm sure they'll be back soon." Bucky placed a reassuring arm around my shoulders.

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