Birthday/Three weeks N.R

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Your POV
"What do mean no?" I confronted Fury.

"There is no solo mission for the next three weeks." He repeated.

"What about team missions?" I had no choice but to compromise.

"There's one with Agent Romanoff-" He started going through his computer.

"No. No one from the team. What about the others from SHIELD?" I cut him off.

"They have their own teams and missions." He argued.

I stormed out of his office. I needed to get away. Without the excuse of a mission, there was no other reason for me to leave. I can't use the excuse of visiting family, Nat knows that I have none. I have to think on my feet, I didn't think there wasn't going to be a mission available. With hurried feet, I walked into our shared room and took my bag. I always have one just in case. It is filled with the necessities and some cash. I grabbed it and left the compound immediately.

No one saw me leave because they are either training, busy in their lab or away for mission. I flagged for a cab and headed to the airport, I needed to get away immediately. When Nat comes back from her training, she's going to notice that my bag is missing. I just hope I have enough time before she realises. I texted Fury for a three week leave before tossing my phone out of the window of a moving cab.

I went to the counter and booked a two way ticket for Beijing, China. I was going to come back, I wasn't just going to leave, but I wanted to get away. They say to hide a leaf in a forest, so I am headed to a high density and populated area.

Once I landed in Beijing, I immediately went to find an inn where I could stay for three weeks. That's right, three weeks. One week before my birthday, the week of my birthday and the week after my birthday. If you haven't gathered by now, I hate celebrating my birthday. There's nothing wrong with it, I just hate celebrating it. I would go to extreme lengths to prevent that as seen here. I guess I'll just take these three weeks as my break.

Natasha POV
I wrapped up my training with Clint and went back to our room of shower. As I picked out my clothes, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Y/N's emergency bag missing. This was odd, she didn't mention anything to me. I asked Tony and Bruce who were the only other people in the compound but they didn't see her leave.

She didn't answer her phone so I called Fury since she told me that's where she was heading earlier. Maybe she went for a mission without me knowing. Fury got back to me saying she took a three week leave.

Three weeks leave? Where could she be? I asked Tony to track her phone but her last known location was in the middle of nowhere.

Why did she leave? Was it because of me? Did I do something wrong? Why would she leave all of a sudden? Fury said she didn't want any mission with the team, what does she not want the team to know?

Over the next three weeks, I was out of my mind, the team dared not bother me for their safety of their necks.

Your POV
I spent the next three weeks in peace. I was kind of surprised that Nat didn't manage to find me. Maybe it's because the reason for leaving is so petty that she didn't think about it. It was time for my flight so I boarded the plane back home.

I stepped back into the compound and when they heard the door open, everybody snapped their head to me.

"Where have you been?"
"Where did you go?"
"How could you just leave?"

A chorus of questions came rushing my way. I calmed them down and told them I went to Beijing. I looked around but Nat was nowhere to be seen.

"She's in the room. She's not very happy about you leaving without notice." Steve noticed I was looking for Natasha.

Understandably so. I gripped my bag tighter and thought about what to say as I walked towards our room. I knocked on the door and before I could say anything, she shouted. "Go away!"

"It's me. I just came back and you want me to go away?" I could hear her stomping towards the door and I stepped back a little. But it was not enough. Her hand came down on my face as I stood there and took it. I probably, no I definitely deserved it.

"You left me all alone here!" Nat was crying out her eyes. I could see her dark eye circle surrounding her eyes. She must have lost sleep because of me. No one has seen her cry before and it makes me feel bad that I was the cause of it.

"I thought it was something I did that made you leave! Do you know how worried I was? I was going crazy waiting for you. Those three weeks left like months to me." She shouted so loud that the team at the bottom could hear her words very clearly.

"Don't you ever do that again!" She pulled me into her embrace, causing me to drop my bag. I awkwardly lifted my arm and rubbed her back before getting used to it. Like Nat, I also had to learn to love.

I brought Nat to bed and tried to calm her down, telling her I'm here and I'm not leaving.

"I'm sorry." Nat said.

"What?" I had no idea what she was talking about.

"I slapped you. Is your face or neck hurt?" She cupped my face and moved it around to check for any discomfort. I held her hands and said.

"You did nothing wrong, I love you." I rubbed her back as she laid on my chest. Slowly, she managed to calm down and drift to sleep. I was glad she didn't ask why I left, I probably wouldn't be able to answer her and she may think I cheated on her. It slipped my mind that they might throw a party for my return but thank goodness they did not do that.


The next morning, Nat woke up and her first sentence was "Where did you go?" in her soft raspy voice.

Again, my heart dropped for leaving her alone. "Beijing."

I sat up and she did the same. I held her hands and rubbed my thumbs on her knuckles.


"I just want you to know, every year during this period, I will be gone for three weeks and I'll come back."


"I- I" I felt a lump in my throat. I really want to tell her but at the same time I don't. What would she think of me? I tilt my head back to prevent tears from falling. "I- I can't tell you..."

It became her turn to comfort me, pulling me into her arms. "It's alright if you can't say. Next time just tell me before you leave for the three weeks. Promise me?"

"I promise."

Written on 11/9/2021
Posted on 1/10/2021

Is it just me who hates celebrating birthdays? Especially the birthday song for me. What am I supposed to do while you sing?

But I may write something good about it in the future, maybe.

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