Avalanche N.R

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Your POV
"I don't understand why Fury sent us here." I huffed at the back seat of the car. Steve and Nat were at the front. We had actually taken the quinjet here to save time but because we didn't want to risk being noticed, we had to take a three hour drive to our destination.

"Who the hell lives in this cold weather?" Fury had sent the three of you to the north of Russia to investigate the mysterious spike in death in one of the facilities.

"Erm hello?" Your girlfriend responded in the front.

"There's actually a small village near there with a population around a hundred thousand." Steve commented. He had done his research before coming to this mission.

"I have to admit it looks nice though..." I mumbled as I looked out the window. The serenity of the tall mountains coated in white surrounding us. Its massive built compared to my scrawny size.


"We're here." Steve mentioned that our destination came into sight. It was a hydro powered dam that we were supposed to investigate. We were supposed to act as the National Inspection Team, checking to make sure that they are built and working according to regulations. Natasha was there as the translator.

"So Fury said they might be poisoned?"

"No...Y/N... Fury said the cause of death was unknown. They had no underlying conditions so it was suspicious that so many people started dying." Natasha answered. Thank goodness the both of them did their research and actually read the mission brief.

"Ohh... " I said as I got out and closed the door. "Burr... It's so cold here." I said as the harsh winter wind slapped my face.

"You need to wear your clothes properly." Natasha zipped up my winter jacket and made sure I was covered properly. Suddenly I felt like I was her child and I was going off to school.

"Thanks." I gave her a last kiss before we had to keep up our act inside.


After we were cleared to enter and met up with the manager, Natasha introduced us and we shook hands. The manager first started off with a tour around the dam so we could get used to the place around here.

After showing us the generator, powerhouse of both sides and the control tower, he ended the tour at the top of the dam. From here, we could see the village between the valley that Steve was talking about. It is about 30miles/48km from where we were standing. Since we were at the top, the wind was very strong and I covered my face in my jacket and my hands in the pocket with hand warmers.

"He said feel free to look around and call him if we have any questions." Natasha translated. We shot him a kind smile and before he left with his assistant.

Steve and Natasha were still talking behind me while I was looking at the village. It was a flat village with no industrial building, in fact, it looked like it was years behind on technology.

"Nice village?" Natasha came to stand next to me.

"No. It feels as if they are being watched from here. Like they are trapped." There was a hint of hierarchy I was feeling.

"Anyway, what do you think about that guy?" Natasha tried to bring us on track since we were only going to be here for a few days.

"Not to be trusted."


"The calluses on his thumb and middle fingers showed that he uses a gun frequently. A manager shouldn't have such rough hands." I made the action of pulling the trigger and pointing towards the village. "Though I'm sure you knew already."

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now