Pianist S.J

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Scarlett POV
I am always mesmerised by the sound she produced on the piano. It's very relaxing to come back from a tiring day at work to see her in front of her piano. I'm glad she agreed to install a glass in her music room so I could watch her fingers dance across the keys. There were times when the music was anguish, solemn, sadness, serenity or joy.

After each session, she would come out sweating, I never knew it was such a tiring sport. All I knew is that once she puts all her focus into playing the piano and no one would be able to stop her until she finishes.

Apparently, there's a competition coming up so she's spending a lot more time in her music room, playing and choosing which score she's going to use for the competition. There were times when she would play the same score over and over again but somehow when it comes to classical music, I can never get sick of it.

Your POV
I have finally decided on the scores that I am going to play on the competition. If all goes well then I'll be able to move onto the second round.

I lose track of time when I'm in the music room, mainly because there isn't a clock anywhere and I don't bring my phone in.

I closed the piano and on my way out, I saw Scarlett asleep in the viewing area. It's called a viewing area but really it's just for her. There's only one chair to sit on since I'll never have a chance to sit in it. When Scarlett feels stressed and I'm playing the piano, she would come here and unwind.

The angle at which her head tilts is so adorable. I went to grab my phone to capture this memory before carrying her to our bedroom.

I must have placed her down wrongly because she jolted awake and looked at me. "What are you doing?" Scarlett sat up and looked at me.

"What am I doing? Putting you to bed!" It said as a matter of fact. What else does it seem like I was doing? Undressing her?

"But your hands! Your fingers!" Scarlett held my hands gently and went through them, making sure they were alright.

"I'm pretty sure I can bring you to bed without hurting my fingers, Scarlett." I complained but still letting her check my hands.

"But they are your assets. My assets. You can't risk it when your competition is so close."

"It's fine. I know my limits." I pushed her back to bed and laid next to her. "Let's just go to sleep. I still need to practise tomorrow." I said with a yawn.

"I know you can do this."

Written on 16 Nov 2021
Posted on 19 May 2022

Inspired by the sudden recommendation of Chopin Competition, Warsaw on YouTube.
I watched an anime about that competition also though, Forest of Piano. What a turn of events.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now