Lady of the house S.J

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Today is not a special day but I wanted to surprise Scarlett, and maybe it may end up as a special date and the end of the day. I have been preparing this surprise for a while now and Scarlett is away filming but she'll come back at the end of the day so it's just me and Rose for the day.

"Y/N!!!!" An energetic voice came running into my room. "What are we going to do today?" Rose jumps onto my bed. She knows that I always do something special on the day Scarlett comes back from filming abroad.

"It's a secret." I booped her nose. "Let's have breakfast first shall we?" All my tiredness washed away as soon as her energy bounced off me. Her hyper energy radiates the house and it instantly seems brighter.

With Rose on my hip, we walked down to the kitchen where I placed her on the countertop so she could watch me. I made her a special unicorn pancake and sat opposite her as I watched her eat. Is this how Scarlett feels? Just seeing a child eat makes you feel full already.

"When is mummy coming back today?" Rose asked as I cleaned up the dishes.

"I don't know, things change but hopefully before dinner."

It was finally time to play, the most exciting time for Rose. I could hear her shrieks as she came running down the stairs. She ran into my arm and I picked her up to my waist and helped her do the superman pose. I ran around the house carrying her while she makes all the 'whooze' and 'whee' noises. She has grown so much, just running around the house a few laps has left me exhausted.

I placed her back on the couch. "Alright, that's enough superhero for the day. Today, Rosebud, you are going to be a princess."

"I'm going to be a princess?"

"Yes! That's right! We are going to build our castle in the backyard." I went to the garage to get the package that came from amazon a few days back.

"Legos!!!" Rose yelled as I poured the contents on the floor. She instantly went to work and got started on the foundation. I got tasked as the slave to bring her the building blocks each time she asked for it.

"The red one! No, the yellow one, the yellow one." I chuckled as I passed her the Lego piece.

Rose managed to build a castle that can fit the both of us and we laid there for a moment before Rose started dozing off. It was almost time for her nap so I picked her up gently and put her to bed. She's been such a nice girl today that I fell asleep while watching her sleep.

"Y/N!! Y/N!! Wake up!" I woke up to Rose jumping on top of me.

"Mercy, have mercy on me princess." It was my turn to fight back. I put her to the bed and began tickling her and hearing her giggles.

"Stop!!! Please... Stop..." A message came through my phone and it was Scarlett.

"Your mum is coming back, want to help me prepare dinner?" She raised her arms, asking me to carry her. "Okay, up we go!!" I put her on my shoulder and swung back and forth while she grabbed onto my hair directing me where to go as if I was a horse.

"What's going on with my two little girls?" Scarlett came back from work and Rose immediately ran up to her. "Mummy, today I was a superhero and I built a castle and became a princess!"

"Really? You are a princess everyday."

"You came back just in time for dinner my lady." I sat the food down on the table and pulled back the chair for her and Rose. "My ladies."


"Rose was great the whole day, my lady." I said, sitting down next to Scarlett after washing up the dishes.

"Rose is back in bed, you can stop with the 'my lady'" Scarlett doesn't understand why I kept calling her that because I always I normally call her babe.

"No. You are a lady." I got up from the couch, leaving Scarlett very confused. I came back with an award in hand. "I present to you one square foot of land in Scotland, hereby becoming a Lady."

"What?" Scarlett covered her mouth with her hand, not believing what I've done.

"Since you are a lady, it makes Rose a princess." I continued. I placed the award in her lap and took out a box from my pocket and got down on one knee. "It makes me happy being next to you and Rose all day. Both of you make my day brighter. Do I have the honor of marrying you and becoming a lady as well?"

"Yes!" Her arms went around my neck and gave me an endearing kiss. I slid the ring in her fingers and spun her around in my arms.

"You gave me two surprises today." Scarlett said as she cuddled near me.

"And you surprised me by saying yes."

Written on 12/9/2021
Posted on 6/10/2021

Inspired by the repeated advertisement of one square foot of land in Scotland so why not?

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