The Snap

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Since Pepper snapped her fingers and died during the Endgame battle, Tony has fallen into the world of depression. And Peter couldn't cope with it anymore.

It's been around eight months since the final battle where Peter lost his mother figure in an act of self-sacrificial snapping. During the last eight months, Peter hasn't had a chance to be able to grieve for the loss of Pepper because his father figure had slipped into depression, after loosing his wife. Peter had had to step up to take care of Morgan, was in school full time online since MJ and Ned had grown up and gone to college, he was taking Morgan to therapy and dance classes, he was cooking for the family every day, he was home tutoring Morgan as her therapist suggested not putting her in school due to her trauma, he was looking after and getting screamed at by Tony. He's working at SI so that the business doesn't get shut down. He has to clean the house, clean the cars, make sure everything is perfect. He was going through a lot. Plus he thinks he's got post traumatic stress disorder from when he, for lack of better word, died. He feels so alone, he has no one to talk to. During the five years he'd been dead, May had fallen in love and moved to Scotland to be with her new husband. So, Peter had no one to talk to. He was all alone.

Morgan came downstairs having just gotten herself up and dressed and went towards Peter in the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around his waist as he flipped a pancake before turning and hugging his sister back. "Good morning, little princess, how are you feeling today?" He asked her softly as she held him.

"Okay," she answered softly before kissing his stomach and walking to her seat at the table.

"Good, would you like strawberries and banana this morning?" Peter asked softly as he moved the final pancake onto one of the plates before putting the pan in the sink and wetting it with cold water to cool it down.

"Please," she spoke gently causing Peter to smile and grab the fruit he'd already prepared knowing she'd want them and a plate of pancakes and put them in front of her. He then grabbed the other plate of pancakes with maple syrup on and a cup of coffee before taking it upstairs towards Tony's room. He placed them down on the bedside table before sitting down next to Tony's body. He'd finally fallen asleep then.

Peter gently sat on the edge of the bed and ran his fingers through Tony's hair. He felt awful that he couldn't help this man feel better. But he couldn't do it for much longer. He wishes that he'd not come back, but he knew if he didn't, Morgan would be alone and maybe even have died since she's too young to look after herself.

"I'm sorry I can't do more for you. I wish I'd have done it, not Pepper. I'm taking Morgan to the circus today as a surprise for passing her maths test yesterday. I can't do anything anymore, I've gotten to that breaking point we talked about all those years ago. I want you to know that nothing will change the fact that I love you, please try to get better, she wouldn't want you to be hurting forever," Peter whispered softly still running his hands through Tony's hair. Tony, though he didn't move, listened to every word his eldest said. His heart, we're he to have one, broke hearing how beaten down his kid was. Peter pressed a kiss to the top of his head before leaving.

It was then Tony decided to try to leave his room today, if only for a little bit. The man listened as Peter and Morgan left, taking Tony's favourite red Porsche - not that he knew that. He then slowly pushed himself to sitting before slowly getting up. He made a slow move to the shower and cleaned himself before dressing in some of his favourite loungewear - a set that Peter himself had bought for him.

He slowly walked down to the living room and froze. The house had never looked so tidy, it was a little concerning. He went to the kitchen and put his dirty pots in the sink before washing them and leaving them to drain on the dish rack. He smiled seeing the pictures on the mantle piece, pictures of Tony and Pepper and Tony and Morgan, but where'd the one of him and Peter gone? It had always been in the centre of the mantle piece as it's his favourite picture, but it wasn't there.

He gently sat on the couch and finally, finally picked up his phone and began to look through it. He found some news articles about his business and immediately got to reading them. He found that Peter had kept it going, everyone assumed the kid had taken over the company, made new inventions and was working his ass off and it really made Tony feel bad. The kid was doing so much and he'd left them to do it without a hint of help.

The door opened and something dropped causing Tony to turn in shock. Peter was wide eyed, but just picked up his bags - full of groceries bought on his dads card - and took them to the kitchen, not saying a word for fear that Tony would yell at him, again. He began putting the food away when the hairs on his neck stood up. He knew Tony had moved across the cabin and was stood near him.

"How are you feeling?" Peter asked softly, not looking back at him. "Do you need anything?" He added gently. Tony said nothing just grabbed peters hand, turned him and pulled him into a hug, Peter embracing it.

He knew Tony would never physically hurt him. He hugged his father back. This is what he needed, but he was hugging back because his dad needed it. Not because he did. His dad was more important.

"I'm so sorry, Underoos, I've been horrible to you when I know the pressures that you're under. I can't ever take back what I did, I just hope you can learn to forgive me. I'll be better," Tony spoke softly, tightening his grip on his baby.

"It's fine dad, I've got Morgan better, she's in therapy at the minute and I'm going to the circus with her later. She's passing all of her classes with flying colours, she's in dance classes, she's doing really well. But she needs her dad, her brother can't always be there to do what you can do for her," Peter spoke softly, not even attempting to leave his dads arms.

"I will, I'll be there for her and I'll be here for you, you're putting way too much on your shoulders. You've taken over the company, still in full time school - don't lie I've heard your classes in your room - you're basically a full time parent and you've got some bad mental health issues. I've none stop yelled at you because I knew you could handle it. I know you've kept her away so you get the brunt of it, but still, Roos, you can stop now. Be the child you are supposed to be," Tony spoke softly as he rocked his son in his arms.

"Are you sure? I want you to grieve and get everything out before you're back as a parent. I always tell her stories of you and mom, every night at bedtime. She adores you but she wants you to be better before you're back in her life full time," Peter spoke softly as Tony bent and pressed a kiss to his neck.

"I want it back,Roos, I miss her so much but I need to get my life going again. I need this," Tony spoke as they both pulled back from the hug and just looked at each other. Peter nodded slowly.

"Okay, we'll start slowly, come with me to pick her up and to the circus. She's so excited, she's been making photo albums for you for when you're better, it's where the pictures missing have gone, she took them," Peter spoke softly.

"Ahh, was wondering, my favourite picture of us is gone so I was hoping it was around here somewhere," Tony spoke gently before helping his son put the food away.

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