Filler chapter 45

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Robert frowned as he looked in the mirror. He lifted his hands to his face, feeling the fat residing there. He hated it. He looked down at the weights as it beeped and frowned harder.

50KG was reading his weight. He'd gone from 67KG to 50KG in a month and a half but it wasn't enough. Why couldn't he loose the weight he wanted? He looked awful. He hated it.

But, he couldn't dwell on it today, he was going over to his close friends Evans' house today. It was a month after finishing shooting for Captain America: Civil War and they were just meeting up as a cast to just have a get together. Chris wanted to host it this time, since he'd really improved his culinary skills. He wanted to show off, basically.

So, Robert dressed in one of his newest outfits, he'd had to get all brand new clothes since he dropped two clothes sizes. He put on a black oversized sweatsuit from before he'd lost weight. He grabbed his belongings - keys and phone etc - before leaving the house. Susan had gone to her parents for the weekend, so he was all alone.

He drove the few roads to his closest friends house and parked in the driveway, knowing that Chris wouldn't mind him doing so. He rested his head on the steering wheel, not bothering to attempt to get out the car. He took three deep breaths before pulling the hood up and getting out, grabbing the bottle of wine and the bottle of champagne from the passenger seat before going to Chris' front door. He let himself in, like always, before making his way to the kitchen where his friend was.

"Hey C," he said softly. Chris turned from the stove with a smile. Robert was his closest friend from the set, they had a very deep connection as friends. He adored Robert. He turned back and stirred the food before walking towards Robert and hugging him tightly.

He could see the troublesome and hurt in his friends eyes, could feel the drastic weight loss. But he didn't say anything, he knew Robert would talk when he was ready to. "Hey, Rob. How are you? The others will be here in about an hour," Chris said gently, pulling back and sitting himself on the counter top. He watched as Robert walked around the counter and looked in the door to the oven to see what was cooking. "It's basically thanksgiving dinner. Wanted to practice since the family's coming here this year. I've gotten pretty good at it," he added.

Robert stood and turned to his friend. "I'm meh, for lack of better words. Just bad mental health patch that I can't seem to get out of any time soon, been going on since we ended CW this time. I know they will, I'm pretty much always early and I hate being home alone with Susan being at her parents home. It smells really good, though that doesn't surprise me, you're always good at everything you do," Robert spoke softly, coming over to lean on between Chris' thighs. His hands rested on Chris' thighs softly, whilst Chris wrapped his arms around him in a hug tightly.

They stayed like that for a while until people started arriving. Robert went to set the table for Chris whilst he answered the door. Chris smiled seeing Anthony, Sebastian, Scarlett and Hemsworth. He greeted them all, invited them in and got their drinks orders and went to fetch them but Robert, having heard them order, came in with their wanted drinks. Chris stood and took Scarlett and Hemsworth's drinks before passing them to them as Robert gave Anthony and Sebastian their drinks.

Robert hugged their other cast mates before going to finish his task of setting the table. He'd been bored one day and learned different ways to place napkins so was currently making them all into swans. He called Chris in about five minutes later, causing the man to be shocked when he arrived. The dinner was set up as if it was set for the royal family, all the cutlery in the correct place. Drinks placed perfectly. Wow. "Thanks, Rob. It looks amazing," Chris said as he kissed the man's cheek before going to answer the door.

It was Holland, Lizzie, Jeremy, Don and Mark. The rest of the cast, although Mark and Hemsworth technically wasn't in the film, we're off filming other things so couldn't be there that day. Chris hugged them all, took their drinks which Robert brought out expertly on a tray as they greeted the others. He passed them out before Holland took one look at Robert before pulling him out of the room.

Robert followed Tom outside onto the back garden where Dodger was running around, before they both sat on the outside couch Chris had. "You've lost too much weight to be healthy in such a short amount of time. Plus you're wearing sweats, you don't wear sweats unless you're feeling low emotionally. What's wrong?" Tom asked his friend.

"Just a rough mental health patch. I promise I'm okay, love. Don't worry about me," Robert said. Tom looked Robert in the eyes, could see the pain and sorrow and hurt in them. But, he also knew that Robert wouldn't talk about it.

"No, you're not. I can see it in your eyes and your smile, I can tell you're not okay. We're all here for you if you want to talk about anything. But, please don't lie to me saying you're alright when I can see so clearly that you aren't alright. Don't lie to me," Tom said so softly it was almost whispered.

Robert just leaned over so he was laying down with his head on Tom's lap. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lie to you, I'm just trying to get myself to believe I'm okay. I know I've lost a lot of weight, I know I'm in a lot of pain, I know I'm angry at the world and myself, I know my anxiety's high and my medications low, I know my depression is getting the better of me, however, I know it's just a faze I'll get through. It's not going to be easy, but I'm getting there. I'm in the lying to myself until I believe the words stage and I can't wait to get better. But at the minute, my heads pointing out all my flaws, I'm hating myself and I feel bad about everything I've ever done. I didn't want to put this on anybody, so I wasn't going to say anything, but I wouldn't keep it from anyone who cares enough to ask me," Robert said softly.

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