Thor and Loki

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AN/ I'm just doing Midgard earth years I'm not figuring out Asgardian years... cos I really cba.

When he was 5 and the elder was 7, the five year old had fallen over. Loki, had tears in his eyes as he saw the blood running from his knee where he'd landed on them. Thor, his older brother, came over to him and gently kissed the hurting knee. Thor ran his hand over it and the cut and blood disappeared with his magic. Yes, he had magic, he was just told not to use it. Thor helped his brother to stand before gently kissing the younger on the lips.

"You okay now, brother?" Thor asked Loki softly.

"Thanks, brother," Loki whispered.

"You're always welcome," Thor said, tucking his brother into his side.

As they grew, Thor always looked after his brother. Their connections grew and they got closer. Even though they knew they weren't blood related. But, then Loki got mind controlled to overtake Midgard.

After that, Thor never saw his brother again, not for a long while. They'd fought against each other, when growing up it had always been them against the world. But now, now it seemed that his brother didn't want anything to do with him. How could his sweet innocent baby brother attack an entire race of human life? He didn't understand.

One day, years later, Loki came looking for his brother. He was dying, he knew he was. But he had to tell Thor he loved him before that happened.

Thor was sat with the other avengers laying around a field with snacks and food, as a picnic. Loki climbed up a tree near them and sat on one of the branches before waving his hand and sending blue butterflies towards Thor, a spell that used to put the boy to sleep when they were younger. Thor saw the butterflies before smiling as they all landed on his body.

"Thor, what're those?" Bruce asked him.

"Where are you, Lolo?" Thor asked instead.

"Trees," the butterflies whispered softly causing Thor to look up at him. Thor stood and went over to his brother, climbing up the tree as well, sitting on the branch next to him.

The other avengers watched as Thor and Loki sat next to each other. They were confused, they knew Loki hasn't spoken with Thor in years, so why was he here now?

"Hello, love," Thor said softly as he settled next to Loki. "What makes you come around now?" He said softly.

"I'm going to Valhalla, soon, I can feel it," Loki said softly causing Thor to look away from the sky he'd been looking at to zoom in and look at his younger brother.

"What?" He said wide eyed.

"Yeah, I had to come and see you first. I've not seen you in so long as I've been to different universes to try to cure my illnesses, but, as a frost giant, they couldn't do anything anywhere, I came back here to tell you. I had to see you before I left. I had to tell you that I was mind controlled, that why I attacked Midgard. I wouldn't have some so otherwise. I came to tell you not to waste your life away, thinking of me. I love you, a lot, Thor. I don't want you to destroy your life by being stuck on me," Loki said softly. Thor took his hand and laced their fingers together, just like when they were children before his eyes lit up.

Thor jumped out of the tree before gesturing for his brother to do the same. Loki raised an eyebrow but flew down gently. Usually he'd have jumped but he didn't want that to be the last thing he ever did.

"Dance with me, one last time?" Thor asked holding his hand out, palm upwards, in front of his baby.

Loki rolled his eyes before taking the hand softly. "Of course," he said, curtsying just like always. "But I'm not up for the full Thor and Loki show, I'm way too drained," he added as Thor gently pulled him closer, lifting his hand to move Loki's hair behind his ear.

Thor tilted his head before waving a hand and letting his magic braid his brothers hair, just like always. Loki waved his own hand and ended up in a black and green dress, like always. "Happy now?" Loki asked his brother.

"Yes," Thor said before twirling his brother around in his arms before lifting him up. They danced for a few minutes as the avengers watched. They watched as Loki crumbled after a while, Thor lowering him to the ground, softly, causing the others to come over in a panic of worry.

"Don't worry, brother. You'll like Valhalla. And as the AllFather, I can come and see you when I wish. Go, Lo. I'll come and find you. I love you," Thor was saying as they got over to them.

"What's happening?" Steve asked quietly.

"Valhalla is their version of heaven. Loki has passed," Bruce said softly.

"You'll be loved up there, Lolo. I'll come and find you, don't worry, love," Thor said, causing Loki to nod and close his eyes, finally allowing himself to almost pass, dying just after Thor's final words. "I forgive you, I always will. It wasn't your fault," Thor said and finally, Loki passed away. Thor gently let go of his brother before waving a hand and changing his clothes to a deep green dress, one they'd always talked about wearing if he was to die as children. He called the Bifrost and his brothers body was sent up to Asgard, to the prince chambers and inside a gorgeous stone black coffin they'd designed when they were teens.

"Thor I..." Stephen began but Thor just shook his head.

"Don't, it was way more peaceful than what we'd planned for when we died when we were kids. It's fine, he's okay. I'll go see him soon. Don't worry," Thor said before looking at Tony. "He was mind controlled, that's why he attacked earth. Growing up we'd spend all day watching over different planets and earth was always one of his favourites. I've always known he was mind controlled, I know him better than anyone else. It's why he didn't aim to kill because even controlled, he couldn't," Thor said to the billionaire.

"Oh, okay then. Are you going to Asgard?" Tony asked, kneeling down next to his closest friend. Thor just hugged him gently.

"No, we planned it this way. Valkyrie, the king of Asgard will be down soon, but you'll love her," Thor said just as the Bifrost opened up again.

"Hey, T," Valkyrie said softly.

Thor stood and hugged her gently before stepping back and bowing sarcastically. "My king," he said before hugging her again as she laughed.

"I've not seen you in a while. I'm sorry for the loss of your brother. Asgard is doing well, don't worry about that. Are you enjoying time on Earth?" Val asked her close friend.

"Of course, I love being down here. And yes, of course, Asgard is well. There's a reason I left you in charge," Thor said before turning to the others, "guys this is Valkyrie, she's the king of Asgard because fuck gender barriers," he said. "V, you know all of them," he added.

"Yes, yes I do. How are you faring? I know how close you two were," V said softly.

"He's always been my entire world. We grew up together, I miss him, yes, but I can go and find him when I want to see him. I've always known where he is, even if he never told me," Thor said softly.

"Okay, I'll let you know if anything happens, coke home sometime, your people miss you," Val said softly before leaving on the Bifrost.

"Are you sure that you're alright?" Sam asked gently.

Thor looked at him before nodding and leading the way back to their picnic, going back to eating with his family. "I'm always alright. Don't worry about me," he said softly.

"Okay," Tony said before continuing their previous conversations. Thor looked at the sky before nodding and continuing to talk to Bucky as if nothing had happened.

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