Bucky and Steve

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Bucky was sat in his bedroom at the tower. Alone. He was always alone. Sometimes Steve pulled him out to the others, but those times were getting fewer and farther between lately, his best friend spending all of his time with his teammates. Bucky was alone. He was always alone.

He came down for a drink, seeing the whole team watching a movie together, before silently walking back upstairs. They didn't want him around. They never spoke to him, never tried to invite him to training or anything and when he had been dragged down by Steve, they all just ignored him. They didn't want him around.

Bucky packed a bag of a few days worth of clothes before climbing out of the window and sliding down the wall of the tower, landing safely on the floor before getting on his bike and leaving. He had only some clothes, his toothbrush and paste, his wallet and his phone. He made his way to a motel. He wasn't wanted around at the tower, so he was staying there for a while. Bucky took his bike for miles and miles, not stopping or looking behind. He was well out of New York by the time he'd finished, was closer to LA. He was staying there for a while.

No one noticed he'd gone, not for five days when Steve decided to go and see his best friend. He adored Bucky, but since Hydra, he figured his friend wanted to be alone, and he wanted to respect that. So he checked in on his best friend, every so often, but then left him to his own devices. It was five days, and no one had noticed he'd left. He knocked on the man's door and let himself in, just like always, but frowned seeing his friend having left. He knew he was gone, the window was open and he just knew his best friend. He turned and left the room, going straight to the lounge where the rest of the group were.

"Tony, can you do me a favour?" Steve asked bringing everyone's attention to him.

"What's up Capsicle?" Tony asked, Steve never asked him for anything, he knew it must be important.

"Could you track Bucky's phone? He's left, I just want to make sure he's alive," Steve said holding his phone out to Tony who nodded and took it, pulling up the hologram of what he was doing, tracking him in minutes.

"Baby girl, when did MC leave?" Tony asked as he worked.

"He left five days ago, boss," the AI replied.

"He's in LA, been there for five days. He's fine, he's in a hotel named LA Hotel Motel. You can take the jet," Tony said handing the man the phone back and passing some keys along. Steve nodded in thanks before leaving, Sam following.

They got in the jet and set off, putting on autopilot almost instantly. "Why are you so worried? You've said he's run off like this before," Sam asked. Steve sighed, covering his face before looking at his friend.

"He's been my best friend since we were teens, he's always looked after me, I don't need it anymore, but since his mind control, he's changed. He's worried that he's going to go down hill again, spiral down into the winter soldier. I've been leaving him alone, it's what he needs right now. But it's been too long, I have to see him. I can't let anything happen to him," Steve spoke softly.

Sam nodded in response but didn't say anything else as they descended down onto the roof of the hotel. Bucky was sat on the roof, right on the edge of the wall facing away from them. He had a sketchbook and was drawing the view. He loved to draw. No one knew it, they knew Steve drew, but Bucky had always drawn. He was extremely talented.

Sam stayed on the jet as Steve went to talk to Bucky. "Hey," Bucky spoke not turning around. He'd heard the jet and knew Steve would have come that day anyways.

Steve joined him on the edge of the roof, Bucky snapping the book closed before he could see anything. "Are you drawing?" Steve asked softly. Bucky turned to look at him.

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