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AN... there will be homophobia in this story. I'm part of LGBTQIA+ myself so this is pretty triggering. But, I just wanted to warn you.

When Tony said he wanted to introduce me to someone, I didn't think it was an absolutely stunning kid.

"I'm here, Mr. Stark, what's wrong?" A boy said coming in through the elevator door.

"Pete, hey kid, I just wanted you to meet Harley," Tony said, looking at me before standing and hugging this kid.

"Oh, hi," the kid, Peter I guess, said. I was staring at him, had been since the second he walked out of the elevator. I mean, why wouldn't I be? He's absolutely stunning. I really hope he's gay.

"H-hi," I spoke, not meaning to stutter, it just kind of happened that way. Tony looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Obviously he sensed that I wasn't supposed to be nervous.

"I've known you for most of your life, and never once have you stuttered," Tony said nonchalantly.

Small time skip...

It had been a few months since I had been around, hanging out with Peter as much as I could. I know for a fact I've fallen in love with him. Every little thing about him makes my heart melt, and in school where he's just nervous and cute, it makes me want to grab him and kiss him so badly.

I was currently sat on the couch in the penthouse with Tony and Peter when Peter bolted up.

"Kiddo?" Tony asked.

"What's wrong?" I added.

"They're back Mr. Stark," he said. I didn't know who he meant or why he calls Tony 'Mr. Stark' it's just weird.

The elevator opened and immediately I realised the avengers who'd been away were back. I was frozen looking at them until the Scarlet Witch screamed and came running towards Petey.

"Baby," she said as Peter caught her and spun her in a circle.

"Hello, baby girl, I've missed you," my Petey said putting her down before... kissing her. I felt my heart break. Tony looked at me with raised eyebrows at that, I'm guessing I looked shocked or upset or something.

Peter put the Scarlet Witch down before hugging everyone else. "Auntie Nat, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Clint, Uncle Loki, Auntie Carol, Uncle Steve, Dad, you're all home, I've missed you so much, it's been so boring here without you," peter said hugging everyone. Did he just call the Winter Soldier 'dad'?

"Hey, son, we've all missed you too. Now, whose this?" The Winter Soldier asked as people came and hugged Tony as Peter went and hugged the Scarlet Witch again, wrapping his arms around her waist. What did she have that I didn't?

"This is Harley, the kid who saved my life back in like 2009 or something," Tony said pressing a hand onto my shoulder.

"Hi," I spoke softly.

Captain America narrowed his eyes at me causing me to freeze. "Why are you glaring at my niece?" He asked causing me to look at him, I didn't even realise o was glaring at that bitch.

"Yeah, leave my daughter-in-law alone," the Winter Soldier spoke causing Peter to look over at me.

"Just because you have a crush on me, like a disgusting freak, doesn't mean you can glare at my fiancée," Peter said with a dangerous look in his eyes.

"He has a crush on you? That's disgusting," the Winter Soldier spoke with disgust in his voice. I felt as if I'd been shot. Who knew hat Peter could be so mean to me?

"You didn't think my best friends would keep anything from me? They know I'm in love with my girlfriend, not some scum like you, faggot," Peter said, malice in his voice. Tony went up to him and hugged him.

"Sorry, son, I tried to keep him away from you," Tony spoke hugging him. Did they all hate gay people? I thought Black Widow was a lesbian?

"I know, you did Mr. Stark. I'm so thankful for it. It's why I've been away so much these past few months, I can't stand being around the likes of him. I don't want his disgusting homosexual genes to rub off on me," Peter said in disgust. The elevator opened and MJ and Ned stepped out, them both coming over.

"Hey Wanda," Ned said hugging the woman still having Peter's arm around her waist before he hugged the avengers. MJ hugged her too.

"Hey big sister," she spoke. "We got FRI to tell us when you were home," she added as she hugged the others.

"Ahhh, figured you would," The Black Widow spoke.

I just frowned before leaving to my bedroom as everyone began to have a party of sorts. As soon as I was in the privacy of my room I collapsed to the ground crying. How could they be so mean? Just because I fell in love with the once sweet boy, Peter.

"I'm sorry we left you with such disgusting things, baby," Wanda spoke causing Tony to look over at them.

"I'm sorry I bought him here, I'll have him escorted out immediately," Tony said as Happy came in to discard of Harley Keener.

In school the next day, Wanda walked in with Peter, Ned and MJ causing applause to come around all of the school. They were happy she was back, they knew how worried Peter was, it's why Flash has left him alone these past few months. Speaking of, Flash walked up and held his hand out to Peter. "We back on, let me know if she's going off again," he spoke to Peter who nodded.

"Get everyone into the hall, you have to see this," Peter said with a smirk. Flash immediately ran to the principals office and three seconds later everyone was pulled into an impromptu assembly.

"Mr. Thompson wanted me to pull this school wide meeting for Mr. Parker, his last act of kindness until the next time Miss Maximoff needs to leave," principal Moria spoke softly causing Peter to come to the front with his friends.

"First off, Wanda and the avengers are all back, uninjured. There's a conference later on all channels, after school so make sure you watch to find out about the mission. Now, Wanda is back and the arguments with Flash are back on after this. I have a video you need to see," Peter said as he connected his phone to the projector and began playing a video of Harley flirting with Peter. Everyone adored Peter and Wanda's relationship and growled when they say Keener flirting and trying to date him. What a disgusting slag.

From them on, everyone at school gave Harley a hard time and hated him due to his homosexual tendencies. I'm fact, during the press conference he was outed to the world, and everyone knows in NYC if you're homosexual, you're killed. So Peter didn't have to worry about a disgusting whore again, and he happily finished school with his rivalry eith Flash strong, and all of the world watched on video, his wedding with Wanda as soon as they finished school. And everyone was happy for them, even the prisoners and villains quit their ideals whilst their honeymoon happened for a good three months. They stopped their plans to let the kids have a proper honeymoon. And later in the years when any of the avengers had children, they stopped plans again and let them birth and look after their children. They were villains not monsters... sorry homosexuals.

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