Clints internal debate

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Clint felt his heart ache at hearing about Bruce and Natasha's relationship from Laura. Why hadn't Natasha spoken to him, they'd been best friends for their entire lives! Did she not trust him?

Clint went out to his shooting range and just let himself practice shooting all of the targets without batting an eyelid. He was out there in the forest for hours trying to get all out his hurt out. Until he heard the rest of the avengers calling his name, evidently looking for him. He sighed, collected all of his arrows made his way to the group.

"Yes?" He asked as he came around a tree and saw the group. "I was kind of busy," he added.

"Come on, we think we have a plan," Bruce said causing Clint to roll his eyes and make his way out of the forest towards his home, the others following.

He went back and listened to the plan, nodded at it, and left back outside once more, not seeming to care that it was nightfall. He was still upset. He stayed out until dawn, before going back to his house for something to eat, having skipped dinner the night before. He walked into his kitchen to see the avengers sat down talking. He just grabbed himself a smoothie from the fridge before beginning to make his way outside once more. "Legolas, have you been out all night?" Tony asked his friend, keeping quiet for the children sleeping upstairs.

Clint turned to look at his team who were watching him closely. "Yeah, I'm sort of busy practicing," Clint said. "I need to keep my head on straight and train my vision," he added before turning to leave, missing the conversation between the avengers.

"He's upset," Natasha spoke looking towards the doorway her best friend just left out of.

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked.

"Whenever he's stressed or something is upsetting him, he spends days on end training with his bow and arrows, he'd rather skip meals and train than to talk about his feelings when he's like this," Natasha spoke turning to look at the group, everyone seeing the worried look in her eyes. They all knew she loved Clint a lot and had grown up with him.

"He'll be fine," Steve said reassuringly.Natasha nodded, she knew that much, she wanted to know what was bothering him, that's what she wanted to know. It was rare they kept secrets from each other, except her one secret of her liking Bruce.

A few days later, Clint had barely been in the house, spending all of his time training, when they were leaving for the battle. Clint kissed Laura and his children before getting in the jet. He went towards the hidden rooms at the back and went to sleep for the first time in days. No one bothered him and he was up ten minutes before they were to land for battle. And then the fight happened, Clint releasing all of his pumped up anger and hurt at all of the opponents, taking down hundreds in mere seconds being on ground, the team watching him ruthlessly cutting through hundreds of villains. His team were just watching him worried as he killed of close to a thousand villains in minutes, until all that was left was Thanos and all of the avengers.

Skipping ahead, Thanos was killed by Thor knocking off his head and immediately the avengers perked up, happy to have won the battle. Well, all except Clint who just sat on top of a car. "Thanks for all of the help guys," Clint spoke sarcastically stopping all celebrations. "Really appreciate it," he added rolling his eyes.

He didn't wait for a response, just walked towards a shop, grabbed an energy drink and laid for it before going back and waiting on the jet for the others, all watching him in confusion. "Let's go, I want to give my report to the pirate and go home," Clint spoke starting up the engine and preparing for lift off, everyone running and jumping onto the jet. Clint flew them to the avengers compound, gave his report and left.

"Triple imposter, you better find out what's bugging him before it destroys him," Tony said softly to Natasha. She nodded and sprinted out to Clint's car, the man just waiting for her to come into the passenger seat before speeding off.

"Clint, what's wrong?" Natasha asked her best friend after driving with him for a while. Clint stopped at a drive-thru McDonald's ordering them both their usual meals before continuing to drive.

"I'm happy for you and Bruce, I really am, just tell me next time instead of my wife telling me," Clint said sarcastically.

Natasha sighed, of course he found out. "Clint, listen to me, I didn't want to say anything because Bruce wanted it to be a secret until he was ready for others to know about it. He's worried about the big guy," Natasha spoke softly. Clint just pulled up into an abandoned park they played in as kids before getting out and making his way to the swing set, sitting on one of them with his best friend following him.

"Yeah, I understand that, it's just hard to hear it from Laura and not you. It felt like you didn't trust me," Clint spoke with tears in his eyes. Natasha just rolled her eyes, as if the idea that she didn't love him was ludicrous, before hugging him tightly.

"I've always trusted you more than anyone, I was going to tell you but Bruce is really worried about it, he doesn't want to be judged or really to date anyone since the gamma radiation study. I didn't want to hurt him by telling anyone. When he was ready he'd told me we were telling you before anyone else because he knows how much you mean to me," Natasha spoke softly, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "I'm guessing this is why you've none stop trained for days and killed thousands today?" She added gently.

"You know when I'm stressed I train," he spoke as he held her back. "Let's go back, you need to give your report," he spoke pulling away.

Natasha grabbed his hand as she led him back to the car. "Oh, and keep a secret from me again and I'll take away your aunt Tasha rights," he added as he drove back.

Natasha gasped comically. "As if Laura would let you," she spoke with a smirk. Clint laughed at that knowing it was true. They got back to the compound pretty quickly, Clint's arm coming around Nat's shoulder as they walked in.

"You alright Clint?" Steve asked cautiously as the came in to see the avengers on the couches talking.

"Yeah, I'm good," he said letting go of Natasha before gesturing for Bruce to follow him.

"Clint?" Bruce asked as they left the room.

"You won't hurt her, neither will the big guy. You need to trust yourself, you'll be fine. She didn't tell me, Laura figured it out, it's what's been stressing me knowing that neither of you felt like you could talk to me about it. She loves you, I can tell, let yourself love her too," Clint spoke looking directly into Bruce's eyes. Bruce felt his eyes widen at the words.

"I... thanks, I needed to hear that," Bruce spoke softly. Clint just hugged him before leading him back into the room. They both went to join their fiends and they all just chatted about life now. And if Natasha sat with Bruce no one said anything. Clint and Natasha were still best friends, that was not changing anytime soon.

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