Tony loves him

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Peter was sat doing his homework in the lounge area of the compound silently. Usually he'd be talking with everyone as he worked but he was just sitting quietly.

He'd been quiet for a while now, and it was slightly worrying to pretty much every avenger. Bucky and Sam had even stopped teasing him like older brothers because they were so worried about him.

Usually they complained when he talked too much, but now they were worried because he was silent.

Tony came into the lounge with Harley who went over to talk with Steve who didn't seem too interested in conversation, watching Peter with a worried look. The spider child was someone who meant everything to these people and he didn't really like Harley's attitude.

Tony moved over before sitting down on the floor with Peter, lying down on his stomach just as Peter was. Peter just silently pushed his science paper over to him to read over and continued to work on his maths.

Tony silently read over the paper before adding in a few extra notes as he usually did. Peter loved having random bits of extra knowledge in his schoolwork so he always added whatever he knew for Peter to learn and rewrite into it.

He was the most worried about the kid, but he knew Peter didn't need to be worried about, so had created his own ways to comfort the kid.

He pushed the paper back to Peter who passed him his English paper over and he did the same thing. Peter finished his maths before pushing it aside and rolling onto his back before lifting his hand and letting his webs pull him up to the ceiling before cutting it off and dropping back down to the floor, one of Tony's suits catching him easily.

The suit gently lowered him to the ground back next to Tony who just rolled his eyes at him. "You're lucky they trust you," he told the kid.

"Am I?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You wouldn't have been hurt if you had dropped to the ground, but my suits will always save you anyways," Tony said looking at Peter.

"Good," Peter said. "I need it," he said before getting up and picking all his papers up, putting them into his school bag before helping Tony up.

He went towards the kitchen and grabbed one of his bottles of Pepsi. "Tony," Steve said cutting off whatever Harley was yapping on about.

Tony looked over at him before raising an eyebrow. "Steve?" He questioned softly.

"Fix our kid," Steve said.

"Yeah you fix things, we fuck them up, fix him, please," Bucky told him.

Peter smiled to himself in the kitchen. He knew his family cared about him, but it was Harley getting him down. His attitude towards him was anything but kind and he was starting to get physical with him as well. It was getting him down and really hurting him but he felt like he couldn't talk to May as she'd tell Tony and he couldn't talk to the avengers as he knew it would get back to Tony who adored the kid. He wouldn't be the one to get him to choose between them so he just persevered, despite how much it hurt.

"Listen I'm as worried as you lot about him, probably more, but I'm not going to force him to talk, if he doesn't want to, forcing him would just push him away, and I can't lose my kid," Tony said. "I've got regular health updates from both KAREN and FRIDAY but I can't do much else otherwise. But know I've got him, I'll always have him," Tony said softly.

"Good, he's our baby," Sam said gently.

"Tony," Natasha said and he looked at her and nodded.

"I know," he told her gently. She nodded.

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