Filler chapter 7

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Bruce often felt alone. I mean, he was never alone, he always had The Hulk in the back of his head. But he always felt alone.

Natasha had Clint, Wanda had Thor (the most hidden from the world friendship) Tony had Rhodey, Steve had Bucky and Sam and he, well, he didn't have a friend on the team. He knew the team likes him but he believed he was kept around just because he was a doctor. They never needed The Hulk on missions anymore, so, he thought, why was he here?

So, here he was sat in Tony's lab wondering what the hell he was doing here. He couldn't understand why he was even classed as an avenger. He had 7 PHD's but nothing could settle in his head about why he was kept around. It made no sense to him.

Tony walked into his lab and raised an eyebrow seeing his science bro sat in there. It wasn't often the scientist joined him in his lab, usually he went to bother Bruce in the green giants lab instead. Tony just sat across from the man and looked at him. The man was deep in thought, that much he could tell. Tony decided to leave him and just work silently on a project. Bruce had been pretty distant from all of them lately. It was starting to worry Tony.

It took ten minutes for Bruce to pull himself out of his thoughts. He'd known Tony was in the room since he'd arrived since Hulk had told him so. But he was thankful Tony had just left him alone. "Hey, Brucey-Bear," Tony spoke softly not looking up from his work. He was cutting some iron for his new suit.

"Hey," Bruce spoke softly. Tony finished what he was doing before moving everything away from him before looking at one of his best friends with a raised eyebrow.

"What's wrong? You've been off for days and it's really starting to worry me now," Tony asked softly.

Bruce looked conflicted, like he didn't want to tell Tony whilst still wanting to tell the man his thoughts. Tony let him take his time. "Why am I here?" Bruce asked softly looking at Tony like he has all the answers, and maybe he does.

Tony raised an eyebrow, that wasn't what he expected. He grabbed his phone and pulled up holograms of Bruce's file from SHIELD. He still had access to all of the files in that company from when he hacked into it all those years ago. He pushed a certain paragraph towards Bruce and highlighted the main sentence in it. Bruce read it over. In short, the sentence basically explained that the others adore him and that he really did help with his science work and behind the scenes work.

"Listen, babe, we all adore you, you're one of the best parts of the team, without you none of our missions would pass even if you aren't physically there. Listen, I don't know what's going on with you, but we need you here. You're the best part of the team, and I know without you our team would never be complete. You're one of my best friends and I adore you," Tony spoke softly putting his phone away. He was looking at Bruce with worry in his eyes. But there was a hint of hurt in them too. How could Bruce think he wasn't wanted? They sat talking for a while before Bruce was called to the med bay.

The next time Tony saw Bruce was at dinner, he was the last one to come in like always. Tony was talking on the phone to someone as he came in for dinner bending and hugging Bruce around the shoulders and kissing his cheek before going to his seat. Everyone watched him in shock.

"Hmm, I guess so, kiddo. I have to go... yes I'll see you tomorrow, that isn't changing. Don't worry. Alright, bye kiddo," Tony spoke before ending the call. He looked up to see everyone looking at him. "What?" He asked.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked causing Tony to shrug.

"Depends. Let's just eat," Tony spoke. He'd decided to shower Bruce in affection and love just to make sure he never felt unwanted again.

Later that night, it was family movie night and instead of sitting with Rhodey like normal, Tony sat next to Bruce. Bruce was always sitting alone and Tony hated it. He gently laid his legs over the man's thighs as he sat down. Bruce looked at him so Tony just pulled out his phone. 'I love you, okay? And until you get that I'm right by your side. I don't like how you're feeling lately, I'm going to make you better.' He typed this then turned his phone to show Bruce who read it and nodded softly. He couldn't decline, it was his friend after all.

Once again the others were looking at Tony weirdly. "Tony, are you sure you're alright?" Natasha asked causing the man to look at the others.

"I'm fine, I just wanted to sit next to my other best friend for once. Have none of you noticed he's always sitting alone? So, I'm sitting with him today. I'm fine," Tony spoke nonchalantly before pulling Bruce into a hug gently. Bruce hugged back, he knew Tony loved him. The others... he wasn't so sure about.

The next day, Tony spoke to Peter before he arrived. "Can you please work with Bruce today? He's not doing too well and I'm going to join you both. Show him how much you love him," he'd asked the kid who immediately agreed.

Bruce opened his pan door when it was knocked ok to see Peter. "Hey, Pete, what's wrong?" Bruce asked letting the kid into the room.

Peter just shrugged and pulled out a school textbook. "I need your help with my homework, you're the smartest person alive. Can you help? Please?" Peter asked Bruce who softened up and sat next to the kid.

"Of course," he spoke like it was impossible for him to ever say no. And the duo worked together for a half hour before Tony let himself in.

Tony came over and pulled Bruce into a tight hug, kissing his cheek softly before hugging his son. "Hey guys, homework?" He asked glancing at the book.

"Yeah, Pete needed my help..." Bruce spoke before Peter spoke up.

"Then Uncle Bruce said he's going to become my mentor instead of you," Peter spoke with a smirk.

Tony gasped in fake shock turning to walk back out of the room in sass. "I'm not talking to either of you. Stealing my kid, Baby," Tony spoke before turning back to them, all of them bursting out laughing.

"Sorry, but he's mine now. You're just the guy who brought him here," Bruce spoke as he joined in the fun. He knew Tony sent the kid and he felt a lot better for it. He looked at Tony as Peter focussed back on his book. He nodded in thanks causing Tony to smile at him.

"I absolutely love your work, Dr. Banner. I have for as long as I can remember. I've read all of your books, I've looked up to you a lot longer than Mr. Stark. My parents used to be scientists, I got my brains from them," Peter spoke looking up at the doctor as he spoke. Bruce smiled softly at the kid.

"Thanks Pete, that really does mean a lot. You don't even know," Bruce said gently. Peters eyes widened as he finally understood what Tony had meant by sending him here.

"You're the most important team member, you know that right? Without you the others would be screwed, not only when they get injured but heading into missions. You're loved by all of us, you're basically another uncle to me. Please don't forget it," Peter spoke serenely.

Bruce's eyes filled with tears at peters words, them having spilt out by the end of the small speech. Peter and Tony pulled the doctor into a hug. Bruce buried his face in Tony's shoulder as he cried.

Tony looked at Peter over the man's shoulder and smiled at him. "Thank you," he mouthed causing Peter to smile and nod. "It's alright baby, I told you we all love you. You're the most valuable team member we have and I don't mean because of Hulk, I mean because of you," he verbalised his words and thoughts. Bruce just pulled himself closer to Tony, like he don't want to let go. And he continued to cry for a short while before calming himself down.

He pulled back and wiped his eyes, Tony pressing his lips to his cheek softly.

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