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"...You're such a baby, I don't want a brother, just leave me alone!" Harley yelled at his one head younger bother, Peter.

Peter blinked, once, twice, thrice, before turning and leaving. His brother didn't want him anymore? Well that's fine, he'll be fine. Peter went to his room. "Baby girl, lock the doors and keep everyone away from my room," Peter spoke before going to his closet. He began pulling all the clothes out and laying them on his bed before putting his clothes back into the closet. As he did so he saw he had barely any clothes. The rest were his older brothers. Which he was giving back.

"Boss says to come down for lunch," FRIDAY spoke softly. Peter grabbed all of Harley's clothes and carried them down to the dining room with him. He deposited them into Harley's hands causing the boy to look at them before looking at Peter.

"What? You're the one who doesn't want a brother. Figured I'd give your clothes back. Dad, I need to go shopping I only own two outfits," Peter spoke as he sat in his seat. Harley looked down at the clothes sadly.

"What do you mean he doesn't want a brother? Harley loves you," Steve spoke confused.

"Well he did just spend twenty minutes yelling at me and telling me what a disappointment I am and that he never wanted a brother. So, I'm now an only child," Peter spoke shrugging before looking at his dad.

"You can go whenever, kiddo. It doesn't matter to me as long as you let me know when you're leaving and things," Tony spoke causing Peter to nod, eat two bites of food before going back to his room, locking himself in. He began trashing everything that proved he wasn't an only child, everything that Harley had ever given him was trashed. It was dinner time when Peter came down with multiple trash bags full of stuff from Harley. Peter's room was basically empty now. Not that he cared.

"What's in the bags?" Sam asked softly. They'd decided to sit and have their takeout on the couch whilst watching a movie. Peter sent the bags down in the elevator for the downstairs staff to take to the trash cans before turning to Sam.

"Everything that dad hasn't bought me. In other words everything from my ex-brother," Peter spoke before looking at the table. "I, not hungry, I'm going to bed," Peter spoke before turning and leaving, grabbing a water bottle on the way.

Harley looked down. He hadn't even meant what he said, but it seems like Peter was taking it seriously. Tony got up and walked off after his son. "I didn't even mean it," he whispered.

"Yeah? Well why say it then? Obviously there was truth to it, there's truth behind everyone's words," Natasha spoke with a scoff.

"Yeah, and now you've broken that kid. He was broken before and now he's destroyed all thanks to his big brother. Oops, sorry, his ex-brother," Bucky spoke. He loved Peter, he was his little buddy and he'd always been closer with him than Harley. And no one who could hurt that innocent soul was anyone he wanted around.

"Pete?" Tony asked as he knocked and opened the boys bedroom door. Peter was sat typing on his laptop on his desk and Tony's eyes widened seeing how empty the room was.

"Hi, dad," Peter spoke as he scrolled Amazon for things for his room. Tony came and sat next to the kid and looked at what he was doing.

"I'm sorry Harley said all of those things. I hope you realise how important you are to me. I absolutely adore you. There is nothing anyone could say that I wouldn't adore you. You've always been my favourite, you know that. Harley's just the spoiled brat who I also love. You're the one who refuses to spend money unwillingly and unneeded. You're the one I love to take down to the lab and work with, you make it fun. I love you," Tony spoke hugging his son tightly.

"I love you too, daddy, don't worry. I'm just waiting for him to realise what he's lost," Peter spoke before looking at his dad. "I'm looking for stuff for my room, is that okay?" Peter asked gesturing to the empty room.

"Of course, anything you want you know you can have," Tony spoke gently. "I'll leave you to it, if you need me you know where to find me," Tony added before kissing his head and leaving.

The next morning, Peter walked off to school and sat with Ned and MJ. It was sports day so the school was outside all day, except for toilet breaks and lunch. Peter and his friends weren't participating. MJ had a broken wrist, Ned had severe asthma and Peter opted out to give the others a chance.

"What happened?" Ned asked Peter who just shrugged.

"I'm an only child now," Peter spoke as Harley came over with a sullen and crestfallen look.

"I'm sorry, Peter. You're my brother, I love you, I didn't mean it," Harley spoke with tears in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter. You said it meaning it had truth. Meaning you don't want a brother, so it's fine. M. Stark isn't my dad anymore. I'm back to being Peter Parker and I will be moving back in with my aunt this afternoon. You did this to yourself, don't pretend to cry," Peter spoke before Harley just got up crying and left.

"Seriously?" MJ asked shocked.

"He yelled at me for twenty minutes about how much of a waste of space I am, how he didn't want a brother and wished I was dead. So, I'm an only child again. I've not told Mr. Stark I'm leaving yet," Peter spoke nonchalantly. He didn't really care. He'd rather not have a brother if said brother was going to be horrible to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise it was like that," Ned spoke hugging his friend tightly.

"It's alright, I'm talking to him tonight," Peter spoke gently as he held back.

The day went quickly and Peter walked home. Peter called a family meeting as Harley walked in and sat down silently. "Pete? What's this about?" Clint asked his nephew.

"I just thought I'd let you know that I'm moving back in with aunt May tonight. I'm not staying where I'm not wanted. I'll come back on the weekends like before the adoption," Peter spoke looking at Tony. "Is that alright?" Peter asked timidly.

"Will it make you feel safer? Because as long as you feel happy and secure it won't matter to me, it's not like I won't see you," Tony asked raising an eyebrow at the boy.

"Please. I can't stay where I'm not wanted, at least I have other family to go to," Peter spoke softly before hugging his dad and leaving. Tony smashed his hand into the coffee table before turning to Harley angrily.

"Are you happy now? You've just lost me my son all because of your pettiness. It should be you leaving, he was here first, he's my son. I didn't even have to adopt him, he's biologically mine. I love him and now I've lost him. So, thank you," Tony spoke before turning and beginning to leave. "Also, until I get my son back you're grounded," he added before leaving.

Harley just started to cry. "I don't know how to fix this," he spoke. The only person who tried to comfort him was Steve.

"Yeah? Well maybe you shouldn't have kicked the kid out of your life. You know how much anxiety he has, he broken he is and you took his insecurities and destroyed him. Like Tony said, he was here first, he welcomed you into his family with open arms and you took that and destroyed it. How could you break such an innocent and beautiful boy? A gorgeous boy with a heart of gold," Natasha snarled out. She was pissed. No one hurt her little spider and got away with it.

"You don't deserve him in your life," Loki added. The others left, except Steve who was too good hearted to leave a kid crying.

"What do I do, uncle Steve?" He whispered.

"You leave him alone. He needs distance that's why he's left. And in the meantime, just try to show him how much he means to you," Steve spoke softly. He was always closer to Harley from their daily workouts than he was Peter, though he adored Peter more than anything.

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