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Peter groaned as his phone went off meaning he had to answer it on speaker for the entire class to hear.

It could only be Mr. Stark, as he'd silenced his phone and only he could get through it with the level of code and technological crap he'd put the phone through.

"Answer it Penis," Flash said loudly as Peter pulled his phone out and rested it on the table.

"Karen who is it?" Peter asked causing everyone to look in question at him.

"It's Boss Man, Peter, I wouldn't miss this call," Karen spoke softly.

Everyone looked at him at that, they'd never heard a robot sound so, human-like. "Answer it on speaker," Peter spoke gently.

"Pete? I need your... die squidward... help, I'm coming towards the school, suit up, we need to... fuck off *blast*... fight now," Tony spoke as he fought off a few aliens.

"Okay, Mr. Stark, I'll..." Peter was cut off by Flash talking loudly.

"Why have you bought a voice impersonator of Tony Stark, Penis?" He spoke laughing. Peter just ignored him as Tony spoke up.

"Was that him, again, son? Give me one second I'm here," Tony said as he appeared at the window, ending the call and coming in. "Kid suit up," he spoke coming out of iron man suit. He came over and gently lifted Peter's head under his chin to get the boy to look at him. He took a picture of the bruises there before gently kissing his forehead.

Peter pressed a button on his watch and his clothes changed into his iron spider suit, man did he adore that nanotechnology. "Let's go dad," Peter spoke softly causing Tony to nod and they left. "Ned keep my stuff I'll get it from you later," Peter spoke having only grabbed his phone from the table. The boy nodded and the superhero's left.

"Wh... Ughh.... What?" Flash spoke confused.

"Let me dumb it down for you, Peter is Spider-Man and Tony Stark adopted him like two years ago, you've been bullying Spider-Man, Flash. And Uncle Tony has a huge court case against you and your family for hurting his heir," Michelle spoke causing the teacher to blank when she looked at him. "You too, teach. He's not happy that everyone is ignoring bullying especially Peter's bullying. So, expect a long court case that you will lose, there's evidence everywhere..." she added looking at Ned who spoke up.

"Especially since Peter bought the school when he began working with Uncle Tony four years ago. He has access to every camera and sound recording in the school and has saved everything as evidence against you all. Good luck," Ned spoke before grabbing both his and Peter's belongings, Michelle getting her own before they both left the school towards Ned's car where they drove to Stark Tower to get everything prepared for when the others get back.

"Finally, some closure," Betty said softly to her friend Abraham. He nodded in response as the others were in shock.

"I can't believe he finally came out as Spider-Man. I mean it's not hard to guess, he always disappears when Spider-Man is here, he's built like him and he acts like him all the time," Abraham spoke.

A few hours later...

Everyone was back home and safe with few injuries, Natasha having a broken ankle, Bruce has extreme exhaustion and Clint has bruised his arms when he was thrown into a tree.

Tony left the group and walked towards Peter's bedroom. Michelle and Ned had left to their own families with promise of coming for dinner the following day. Peter wasn't in his bedroom when Tony was looking for him, so he asked FRIDAY where he was and followed the words of "in your bedroom boss," before going and seeing his son sat on his bed in one of his sweaters.

Tony walked up and gently used his forefinger to lift Peter's chin to make the boy look at him. He bent down and kissed his sons nose gently. "Hey, I love you, no matter what anyone else says, okay? I'm so proud of you today, you did so incredibly well. Do you want to sleep here?" Tony asked gently.

"I love you too, thank you, and yes please," Peter spoke as he looked at his dad, so defeatedly. He was so exhausted and was just sick to death of feeling like this. Tony gently picked his son up and took him to the top of the bed before laying the boy down and going to get changed in his en suite.

Tony came back and laid next to his boy and let him snuggle down into his chest. From there he just held the boy tightly, knowing just how hard the boy has life mentally. He gently began to sing a nursery rhyme in Italian as Peter allowed the hums in his dads chest to put him to sleep.

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