Very confused

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"You've known him for years, why is he not your dad?" Harley spoke rolling his eyes. He was sat in the lounge with Peter, Natasha and Bucky. Harley didn't like Peter, not at all. Nor could he understand why Peter called his dad, Mr. Stark.

"You want to know why I call him Mr. Stark? Because my dad died in a plane crash when I was six. The plane was hit by a Stark Industries bomb. Then, my uncle and aunt raised me as my last living relatives but my uncle, my second father-figure, got shot and died in my arms when I was fourteen. It's none of your business about my personal life. Nothing about me is any of your business. If it bothers you that much, speak to Mr. Stark about it," Peter spoke as the man in question walked in.

"What about me, Roos?" Tony asked coming and pressing a kiss to the top of Peter's head before sitting next to him on the couch. Harley just rolled his eyes.

"Ask him, then Harley. Because he'd agree that he isn't my father, he just keeps me around because I'm his intern," Peter spoke.

"Wait you thought he was my kid? Good joke there Harls," Tony said laughing causing Harley to pale. The man was agreeing with him? Then what's with the father-son bond they had?

"Then what's with the father-son bond you guys have?" Harley asked with a smirk as if that proved something.

"That's the thing, we don't have a father-son bond. He's the annoying kid I keep around under Fury's orders, that's it. But it's none of your business," Tony spoke rolling his eyes.

"There, I told you. I'm only here under orders from Director Fury, nothing else. Why is that so hard for your little brain to grasp? Mr. Stark said you were pretty smart when he first met you, but this isn't hard to understand and you don't get it," Peter said. He really couldn't understand why Harley was so insistent on this.

"Because you act like father and son, you go out and play catch in the garden for gosh sake," Harley spoke still unable to wrap it around his head.

"Right, you know what. I'm over it," Peter said before tapping his watch and his suit coming over him. "I'm here under orders as a part time avenger. Nothing more nothing less, Mr. Stark and I just work on my suit and that's about it. I do some training with the others. If it weren't for Spider-Man, I'd never be here. My aunt cannot stand the avengers, none of them. She doesn't even know I spend most of my time here working. That's the only reason I'm here," Peter spoke changing back causing Harley to gasp.

"You're Spider-Man?" He asked in shock. Peter just rolled his eyes.

"Obviously, keep up child," Peter said rolling his eyes before deciding to tease the kid. "Dad I'm going to go and find Mr. Rogers, he promised to teach me to properly use the shield," Peter spoke hugging Mr. Stark who just laughed.

"Okay, kiddo. Have fun and remember what I told you?" Tony spoke gaining the full attention of Natasha and Bucky.

"Don't do anything you would do, don't do anything you wouldn't do, there's a small grey area where I reside. Oh and don't stress out Mr. Hogan," Peter spoke before leaving the room.

"Good job kiddo," Tony shouted out the door and getting a laugh in return before turning back to the room occupants.

"Seriously? You don't think of him as a son?" Harley asked, he was so confused.

"Not one bit. I don't like children, I literally only have him here because I've been told to, otherwise he'd be at home right now. You already know I don't like children. Not at all. Nor do I ever want any," Tony spoke with disgust clear in his tone. Harley sat back in shock. Maybe they weren't like father and son after all. Harley got up and went off to ask Pepper her thoughts.

"Mom?" Harley spoke knocking on the open door to her office. She waved him in and he closed the door before sitting next to her.

"What's wrong Harls?" Pepper asked the kid.

"Don't you think Peter and dad are like father and son?" He asked. He really didn't understand, and he thought of Tony as a dad so he was so confused.

"Oh god no, Tony could never be his father. Peter doesn't want a dad and we only keep the kid around under strict orders from Fury. No one actually wants him here," Pepper said rolling her eyes at the mention of the kid. "He's the most annoying thing on earth. If it weren't for the direct orders they'd have kicked him to the curb years ago," she added with a far away look in her eyes like they wished they would.

"Really?" Harley asked in a small voice. Maybe they didn't want kids around full stop.

"Oh don't panic, Tony actually likes you," Pepper said seeing the sad look in his eye.

"But he doesn't like kids. Maybe I should go home," Harley whispered.

"He invited you here, he likes you," Pepper spoke softly.

"Yeah, but my mom might be missing me," Harley spoke before waving bye and leaving.

Peter was now back in the dining room with the others and he was telling them all Harleys words them all laughing. They all disliked Peter. "And he thought I was like family to you, when you only keep me around for Director Fury. And... he thought Mr. Stark was my dad," Peter spoke laughing with tears in his eyes.

"Oh god, how can anyone be so stupid?" Sam spoke as he caught his breath from laughing so much.

"I don't know, it was pretty funny," Tony spoke before Peter looked at his phone.

"Oh, gotta go, aunt May wants me home. See you all next week," Peter spoke before leaving. He went to his home and sighed. May was at work. It still stung slightly that the kid wasn't wanted but he had to pretend he was fine. He's not s baby, right? He can take their harsh words and actions. It's fine. He's fine.


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