Filler chapter 4

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"Es, are you coming with us?" Tony asked his team mate.

"Where?" Esmeralda replied looking up from her book. She saw all the avengers, minus herself, stood in their going out clothes.

"We're going to dinner. Do you want to join us?" Thor asked her softly.

"Hmm, no thanks, I'll just finish my book. See you later," Esmeralda replied holding up her book to them. The only person who wasn't going was Clint because he just didn't feel like it. The others all kissed her on the top of the head as they left.

Clint was leaning on the door frame as they all left. "So, still going through a hard time then?" He asked. He was the only one who knew what she was feeling and was going through mostly the same things.

Esmeralda just shrugged as he came and sat next to her. "I just can't do it. I've already eaten today, it's like I can't eat again as it's being stopped in my head. You know what I mean," she spoke resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yes, I do know. I'm sorry it's a bad day for you. Do you want to watch a movie?" Clint asked wrapping his arm over her shoulder. She nodded so they started watching the film The Lovely Bones.

It was a month later when Fury directed the group to get to know each other by forcing them into a room until they all confronted their biggest fears.

"Fine. Whatever. I have PTSD for, the field. It won't go away and working helps take my mind off of it," Tony spoke with a shrug.

They all went around saying their fears until only Clint and Esmeralda were left. Clint looked at the girl next to him before shrugging. "We both have the same fears, and some different. But our worst fears are..." Clint began but Esmeralda cut him off.

"Eating and not being good enough. Our anxiety levels are extremely high and it causes us to escape in the only way that works..." Esmeralda was cut off by Clint.

"By self harm," he spoke before they simultaneously lifted their sleeves to show their wrists. They were both skin and bones and they both were covered in cuts and bruises.

Natasha's eyes widened seeing ghee best friend and the girl she thought of as a sister in such pain. She got up and immediately hugged them both.

The group,spent the next two months working on each other's fears and looking after Clint and Esmeralda until they began to get better. They knew it was a long process but after a year they were both clean of self harm and had managed to get to eating two meals each and every day.

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