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Peter walked into the lounge with a phone to his ear and a StarkPad in his hands.

"Yes, sir, of course. Let me see when I can..." Peter cut himself off when three arrows came towards him that he just grabbed and put into his back pocket. He went over and pressed the emergency meeting button on the wall calling the avengers into the room. Why were the rogues shooting at him?

"Sorry Mr. President, I'm just being shot at by an imbecile. You know how it is. Looking at the timetable I've got Wednesday free on dads calendar, I'm sure he won't mind going to DC for dinner with you and the family. He's shaking his head so I'll add it in then? Alright, say hi to the family. I will too, don't worry. We'll see you next week then, bye sir," Peter spoke before taking the phone and StarkPad and placing them down before sitting at the dining room table, his family doing the same.

"Stark, who is that kid?" Natasha asked.

"You don't not have clearance to ask anything of the sort," FRIDAY spoke sassily.

"Kid?" Tony asked looking at Peter softly.

"What's wrong?" Rhodey asked looking at Peter with soft eyes. This group loved Peter like a little brother.

"Well, I don't appreciate being fucking shot at by people who don't even have clearance to this floor, fix it or I'll get Happy to do so, you know he's looking for a challenge these days," Peter said looking at Tony who immediately frowned as he took the arrows from Peter.

"They did what?" He said angrily. "Baby girl, what level clearance are they?" Tony asked a hint of anger in his tone.

"Level 4 boss, Eye Patch hacked into me to let them come up here," the AI said sadly.

"That's alright, send Hap up and tell him their clearance level. Kid, you need to re-hack into her, fix her and make her stronger," Tony said first to the AI then to Peter who nodded.

"Right, emergency meeting. Eye Patch has forced me to have a meeting with you lot and him tomorrow, as matter of upmost importance, according to him. On Friday I've set up family games night instead of movie night because I wanted a change and since it's my week to choose I've changed to games. Uncle Thor, Uncle Loki, grandfather has requested you go home tonight as for your mothers ball, as soon as possible. We have training with no weaponry tomorrow morning, uncle Bruce, I've got science homework I'd appreciate your help with, please. Dad, I need mark 32 suit for Spider-Man finishing please, I promised him it'd be done by Saturday and I'm a little busy at the minute, I've sent the blueprints to your office. Uncle Rhodey, nothing specific for you yet, however I've nearly finished the new legs for you. I've got meetings planned all week for dad, and you are..." Peter spoke but was cut off.

"Not missing them I know kiddo, don't worry, I've got you," Tony spoke hugging his kid.

"Who are you?" Steve asked.

"Oh, hi, I'm Peter Stark, biological son of Tony and Pepper Stark, son of the man you attempted to murder," Peter said turning to the others who looked at Steve with wide eyes.

"You did what?" Wanda asked causing Peter to smirk.

"Oh he didn't tell you, well I'll show you then," he said pulling up a hologram of the scene on his phone. It showed Bucky and Steve fighting Tony in Siberia then stabbing the arc reactor with the shield and leaving him for dead.

The rogues all gasped in shock except Steve and Bucky who were glaring at the kid. "You had no right to show them that," Bucky said angrily.

"So you have the right to murder my grandparents, attempt to murder my father and leave him to get hypothermia and die. But I can't tell them the truth? Besides, I've just accidentally sent that to every tv as we were watching it. Oops. Oh no, darn it. I can do what I want here, I am heir to the company and dads favourite person, so... good luck because since the accords, the world adores the avengers, the rogues, really not so much. They even stopped playing your PSA's in schools. Now though, any credibility you still had is gone. Bye," Peter said as Happy walked in.

Happy came and hugged the child. "Hey kiddo. Not seen you since I've been back, how are you?" He asked softly.

"Good, I hope I'm not becoming a cousin anytime soon," Peter said with a smirk causing Happy to roll his eyes. "I'm kidding, how was the honeymoon. Did you have fun?" Peter asked instead.

"I did actually, it was a nice break. We went to your beach house you made your dad buy when you were seven in Sydney. It's lovely down there, you should go visit your other properties soon, it'll be nice for you to get a break. Maybe next month for your graduation you, N and M can go away for a weekend or something?" Happy said looking at Tony who just shrugged.

"If you wanna kiddo, you and I both have property in just about every country in the world, makes travelling so much cheaper especially with our private jets," Tony spoke causing Peter to nod slowly.

"Princess, remind me to speak with the dynamic duo about this when I'm on call tonight," Peter spoke getting confirmation from the AI of the reminder.

"So, meeting done, you know what you're doing. I'm going for a bath, I need to relax before I do anything else it's been such a long day. I mean do we have to train at 3 am every bloody day? No, no we don't. So, I'm going to take a nice long bath and come see you all later. Speak soon," Peter said before leaving. The avengers then left too. Happy was all too pleased to kick the rogues down to their level whilst Peter upgraded the AI whilst in the bath making it impossible for even Tony to hack into.

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