Where is this going?

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Tom sighed. There it was again, another interview where Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan were just talking shit about him. Where it stemmed from he didn't know, but it really did want him to stop showing up to work. Why couldn't they just hurry up and film the rest of the movie the interviews were for?

The next morning, Tom got to work after everyone else had arrived, them all stood talking since they didn't have to get ready for a while. Tom just got out of his car and went straight to his trailer avoiding all of his cast mates. Benedict saw what he did and excused himself from talking with Scarlett before going to grab Robert from talking to Evans and Hiddleston. "Rob," Benedict said causing Robert to immediately turn to him hearing the worry in his voice.

"Ben?" He spoke everyone else's conversations having stopped at the urgency in Benedict's voice. Benedict just grabbed his hand and lead him off towards the trailers. "Where are you taking me?" Robert asked jogging alongside Benedict who was jogging as well.

"Somethings wrong with Tommy-boy," Benedict spoke as they saw the man in questions trailer coming into view.

"What do you mean?" Robert asked now officially worried. He loved Tom Holland a lot, like a father-son kind of bond.

"He's been pretty quiet for a couple of days, I know you've been off, he's been avoiding the group where possible which you wouldn't have known since you've not been here and well, he just arrived and immediately ran straight to his trailer. Somethings off, I don't like it," Benedict said slowing down to a walk as they were almost at the trailer.

"Oh god, let's fix him up," Robert said immediately letting them into Tom's trailer. Tom looked up from his phone and just looked back down at it. Robert instantly pulled the kid into a hug and Benedict took Tom's phone from Tom putting it down to hug Robert back. He'd have been stupid to ignore a RDJ hug. Benedict scrolled through the article and frowned. No wonder the kid was so down and subdued.

Benedict pulled Tom out of Roberts arms, slyly passed the phone to Robert and hugged to, himself. Robert scowled whilst reading the words of the interview. "Hey guys," Tom spoke softly, finally pulling back, "to what pleasure do I owe you breaking into my trailer?" He spoke with a smirk adding onto his hellos.

"You're coming with us, now," Robert spoke standing and leading, Tom just raising an eyebrow and following, Benedict behind him. Robert still had Toms phone in his hand.

"Can I at least know where we're going?" Tom asked happily following the men.

"To the office," Robert said anger in his voice before turning to look at Tom and pressing a kiss to his temple. "I'm not mad at you, don't worry," he added knowing how the kid was feeling these days.

They got to the office and instantly walked in Robert pointing at the seats causing Tom to sit in confusion in front of Kevin as Robert paced angrily. Benedict waited a second before grabbing Roberts hand and stopping his movement. Robert grabbed his phone and called Anthony to bring him and Sebastian to the office now. "Get to Kevin's office with Sebastian, now," he spoke angrily before putting the phone down. The phone had been on speaker so the others heard. Immediately they all went into the building but let Sebastian and Anthony go to the office alone. They waited nearby. No one had ever heard Robert be so angry before. It worried them, especially seeing Tom and Benedict there too.

Robert was stood behind Tom with his hand on the boys shoulder and Benedict stood next to him. Sebastian and Anthony came in timidly and sat next to the trio looking at Kevin in question but the man didn't even know what was happening.

"Robert? Why have you brought them here?" Kevin asked softly seeing how angry the man was.

"Maybe because they are bullying the kid who's practically my son and I am not happy about it," Robert said unlocking and passing over Tom's phone before taking the boy out knowing Kevin would fix it with Benedict.

All the group were outside and saw Robert practically steaming as Tom took him towards the food hall. They all followed them in. Tom pulled Robert into s hug. "Thanks, but I'm fine. Don't worry, Ben will fix it. I don't know why they were bullying me in like eight different interviews but you don't need to be so worried about it," Tom spoke gently as Robert just hugged him back.

The others were looking in shock, they hadn't known about this. Scarlett pulled out her phone and immediately found it recommended on her Google app. She skimmed it as the others looked over her shoulder and skimmed it too. They weren't happy seeing the words quoted by Anthony and Sebastian. How hadn't they noticed? How had Robert noticed and he's been gone for a few days but no one else noticed?

"Thanks, I'm sorry I forced you in there without telling you anything. Ben noticed first actually, he said you'd been alone for days. So when you arrived he took me to break in to find out what was wrong. Wasn't expecting that, was expecting bad anxiety now bullying," Robert spoke softly and finally the group all got ready for work.

Benedict came and brought Robert to Tom's trailer and gave the man his phone back. "They've been told to apologise both personally and formally. And their scenes are being pushed back until tomorrow. Also, Kevin sends his apologies, he hadn't known about this before today," Ben spoke hugging the boy tightly.

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