Filler chapter 48

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All the avengers were sat in the lounge talking with each other, except Tony who they assumed was in the lab, but was actually in his bedroom.

Rhodey was the only person laid down on one of the couches because he had been ill lately. So, he was resting and the others had joined him to give him company.

Conversations slowed to a stop when Tony came over and laid on top of Rhodey, his face burying into his chest as Rhodey let his arms come around him softly but comfortingly.

Rhodey took a moment to process the fact everyone had silenced up causing him to stop talking in wonder. "What's wrong?" He asked in general, allowing the reply to be from any of his friends.

"Is he okay? He doesn't do emotions," Natasha said, gesturing at Tony. Rhodey looked down at his best friend on his chest before frowning at Natasha.

"Yes he does, he just doesn't trust people easily," Rhodey said softly as he ran his fingers through Tony's hair. "When did you last sleep?" He said softly, turning to look at Tony. The billionaire just lifted his head so his chin was resting on Rhodey's chest so he could look at his best friend.

"Last night, I sleep most nights, I'm just mentally exhausted, so here I am, as usual," Tony said gently. Rhodey raised an eyebrow before deciding it was the truth and nodding softly in agreement.

"Why are you mentally exhausted?" He asked his best friend. Tony always told him the truth, well, he had since the palladium poisoning. He was trying to prove to the others that he has emotions, they just never got to see them. Tony, knowing exactly what his best friend was doing, replied anyways.

"I'm sick of crying myself to sleep each night, I'm sick of working. I've never had to work, at the beginning I was trying to prove Howard wrong, then I began to enjoy it. But, then Director Fury decided to take over my entire life, force people to live in my home against my will, force me to give majority of my monetary value over - which I told him was only a million because he is not getting all of Petes money under my watch. I have to put a front on, day in and day out, J, and I am over it, more than I've ever been over it. I'd retire if I could, but I can't so I have to stick around here. No matter how much I don't wish to. I have ninety three properties, seven islands. If it were up to me, I'd be living somewhere else, relaxing in retirement. But that's not my choice anymore because I joined a government I no longer believe in and I'm trapped here. So, Platypus, I am mentally exhausted," Tony said softly. Rhodey had already known most of that.

Rhodey let his arms tighten around his best friend. "I love you, you wanna leave? Do it, if you go off the radar, no one will find you. Except me and Pete. Since we know where all your properties are, including Area 51," Rhodey said softly. Tony just laughed.

"In my dreams, I'd left before I even started. I don't have control over anything anymore. Pepper has control over my company, she controls what I eat, when I sleep, forces me into meetings and brand deals for a company I have nothing to do with anymore. Fury keeps taking control over FRI, keeps beating me into submission if I even try to say that something will go wrong in a mission. I have FRI in my suit, she tells me the second something will go wrong but I'm not allowed to listen to her. I can't disagree with anything Americas Ass over there states because he's the leader and he's the one that has the best plans even though everyone knows that his plans go wrong ninety seven percent of the time. I can't talk during meetings because no one actually tries to listen even though the world has labelled me genius. Pepper chooses what clothes I wear, chooses what I eat and for the amount of exercise I have to do for training, she barely lets me eat enough for a toddler because I'm fat and extremely overweight, her words not mine. I don't have control of my own life. I go on a mission to please Fury, but to get yelled and beat up by Pepper for going, I don't go on missions because I'm extremely exhausted and injured, I get beat up by Fury and yelled at by Pepper for laziness. I can't win, the only normal thing I've had in my entire life is my friendship with you. You were nineteen, I was fourteen when we met, you know that. The only person who has ever actually cared about me, other than Jarvis who'd patch up all the bruises and cuts from Howard, is you, Sour Patch. Im thankful you never changed because being around you is safe, it's my safe haven. The only place I can actually be myself is right here in your arms. But, I can't complain. At least I'm not being abused to death like millions of people all over the world are," Tony said softly.

The group listened to his words, thought back and saw that his words were true. Why hadn't they ever noticed that Tony was feeling like that? What kind of a team were they.

"I know, I've known this since the team began. You're my best friend, that hasn't changed last time I checked, T. I've patched your bruises and cleaned the cuts. I've fixed you from everything. I stay the same because I adore you. I love you more than anything around. As do..." Rhodey began.

"Momma and Papa, I know. I need to go visit them, I've not seen them in a couple of weeks, I'll regret not going, I know I will," Tony said softly.

"They're waiting on you. They want to see you again before they die, made me promise to get you out there," Rhodey said gently.

"Of course I'm going, I'll go first thing in the morning," Tony said softly.

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