Separation anxiety

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They were all at Comic Con doing a talk show press thing, like they usually do. Jeremy grabbed Scarlett's hand and pulled her close, his arm coming around her waist as she laughed with some of the other cast mates. Her arm came around so her hand rested on his shoulder, only pulling away when someone else hugged her, but not once did Jeremy remove his arm from her waist.

He didn't want to. He just felt something in his chest that told him to keep her close, like if he let go she'd never come back. It worried him, actually. It really did. So, he just isn't going to let go. Scarlett didn't know why he was holding her so tightly, so close, but she didn't mind. She was happy in his embrace.

They finished their work and even walking off stage, he didn't let go of her. Back stage she just turned and wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug, his arms coming tightly around her waist. He kissed her temple as they pulled back, his arm sitting back around her waist as the others came and hugged them.

Now, Scarlett was getting a little worried about him. He never held her so tight or for so long. It's almost like she'd disappear if he let go, turn to dust or something. They followed the others to the cars, the were all going out for a meal. At least the original six were. The others weren't informed of such a get together. Jeremy had picked Scarlett up that morning so obviously she went with him in his car back to the restaurant.

"Jer?" Scarlett spoke up as they drove. Jeremy looked at her with a raised eyebrow before looking back to the road as he drove.

"Scar?" He asked in response. He knew what she was going to ask. Of course he did.

"What's wrong? You've never held me so tight or close before. It's like you're scared I'm leaving or something," Scarlett spoke softly.

"Yeah... hit that nail on a head there Scar," Jeremy spoke softly. Scarlett reached over and grabbed his hand and held it softly.

"I'm not leaving, I'm right here, you don't need to worry. And even if I did leave, I'd come right back. I love being with you, you're one of my best friends. You don't need to worry about me leaving you, it's just not possible," Scarlett spoke softly. Jeremy lifted his hand and kissed the back of hers softly. She smiled at that. He was always so gentle with her, like she was made of glass. Which, they both knew she wasn't.

"Yeah I know, it's just a bad separation anxiety day I guess," Jeremy replied softly. Scarlett just nodded as they pulled up to the restaurant, parking near their cast mates.

Getting out of the car, Scarlett walked around and grabbed Jeremy's hand as they walked towards their friends. Scarlett squeezed Jeremy's hand before letting go, hugging everyone else. She could tell he was a little anxious at that, keeping his eyes on her, but she reassured him by coming back after hugging everyone. She glanced at him and he just nodded slightly.

They went in and Scarlett sat first, Robert and Evans next to her. Jeremy sat directly in front of her with Mark and Hemsworth next to him. Scarlett gently rubbed her foot on his thigh to reassure him that she was there. He blinked at her as the conversation went around the table.

Robert had noticed how Jeremy was feeling and got his attention before tilting his head slightly to the left gesturing he wanted to talk to him. Jeremy got the picture and stood and left, Robert turning to whisper in Scarlett's ear. "What's wrong?" He asked. He'd seen how off Jeremy was that entire day.

"Separation anxiety. He thinks I'm leaving him, I've not gotten down as to why," Scarlett spoke whispering in Roberts ear. Robert nodded before following Jeremy towards their cars. He immediately hugged the other man tightly, not caring how that would look to an outside perspective.

"She's not leaving. We might have finished filming for a while but we both know we'll be back soon. Stop panicking so much, she's right there and she's safe. Why are you so worked up today?" Robert first spoke then asked softly. I mean, this is one of his best friends who was hurting.

"Honestly? I don't know. It's just a bad anxiety day, I just need her with me," Jeremy spoke gently. Robert just nodded.

"Sit with her, I know you need to. I don't mind," Robert said softly. Jeremy just nodded in thanks. So, they went back in, Jeremy sitting next to Scarlett and taking his drink form Robert who sat where he was before. He passed Robert his drink over as well.

He slipped a hand onto Scarlett's thigh gently as she turned to look at him. "Tell you later," he whispered in her ear.

And so, together they sat and ate, and Jeremy drove her home. He didn't discuss what he was feeling, but Scarlett knew he didn't feel safe enough mentally to do so. And when she got out the car, she pressed her lips to his softly.

"I'm right here, a phone call away. If you need anything, anything at all please call me. I love you," Scarlett said before leaving the car.

Jeremy kept those words in his head, and suddenly he didn't feel as anxious anymore. He messaged her back and forth that evening but eventually he didn't need to do so anymore.

He was safe. She was safe. And he felt better.

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