Civil War

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Robert came onto the screen as Chris was talking shit about him, kissed his cheek before walking behind him and looking at the camera, "there's no hate from me," he spoke before walking off. He was sick of this on-screen rivalry he was supposed to keep up, he adored Evans, everyone knows it, pretending to hate him was killing him.

No one had seemed to realise how much he actually despised acting like he hated the man, except for Holland, Tom was the only person who noticed. Tom had seen what happened and followed Robert to his trailer, letting himself in and closing the door so no one would disturb them before sitting next to Robert and pulling him into a hug.

"Please don't cry, I know it hurts, it'll be over soon, we'll finish filming, get the film out then you can be loving him again," Tom spoke softly as Robert buried his head into his neck, arms coming around him in a hug. He was so emotionally drained from all this bullshit. And with his thoughts, he just broke down in Tom's arms, the younger rocking him softly, humming a tune to bring Robert to relaxing.

Robert calmed after a good quarter of an hour and both had never been so thankful to already be in costume since just as he calmed down a buzzer sound went off calling all cast members to hair and makeup. Tom gently wiped the tears from Roberts face before pressing a kiss to his forehead, like a parent to a child. "Do you feel better now?" he asked, having known for a while that Robert needed it. He stood up holding a hand out for the elder who grabbed it and they went towards the door together.

"Thank you," was all Robert could get out, but they walked together to the studio, where everyone else was. All conversation stopped when they saw the red eyes and tear streaks on Roberts face. Tom led Robert to a couple of tables away from everyone and they both had their makeup done, no one saying anything to them. The tables were away for people who just wanted quiet for whatever reason.

Everyone kept their eye on the duo but Robert just ignored them all, waiting until his face was done before turning to Tom who just raised an eyebrow at him through the mirror, his makeup still being done. "They're gonna kill me when they know what I did," Robert spoke quietly, but everyone heard it.

Tom turned away from his artist before standing, walking to Robert, slapping his hand before going to finish his makeup. "I'll tell them I told you to, they can't be mad at me, I'm too innocent. Besides, they can't kill you yet, you're one of the OG team members. Marvel needs you yet," Tom spoke with a raised eyebrow before relaxing his face as his artist finished the makeup look.

"Yeah, but I also broke contract, decided to spend ten minutes crying on your shoulder when I should've been reading lines, so they probably could and would fire me. Ughh, I just want to go home," he spoke looking Tom in the eyes. Tom frowned, as did the others, before furrowing his brows.

"Again, just blame me if they say anything, which they won't. Everyone knows it's just for kicks, what you're doing, and no one can expect you to keep at it all the time. Better to cry on me instead of crying by yourself, and you will be going home eventually," Tom spoke, everyone still confused as to what they were talking about.

"But I..." Robert began but was cut off by Tom, who just gave him a glare, until he shut up. "I... Okay," he spoke with a frown.

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