Filler chapter 57

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Y/N and Sebastian had been close friends and colleagues for years on end, but their friendship was a weird one. They spent a lot of time arguing and fighting, but that was just their friendship. Everyone at the office seemed to think they didn't like each other, hated each other, but it isn't true. They'd spend time together outside of work and actually got along really well.

Y/N was Sebastian's personal assistant, they spent all day at work together and she actually lived in his house as he would need her at any time of the day, so he just decided to move her in. She only agreed as she was basically living in the slums before, so she'd rather be with him. Sebastian was a CEO of a very large technology company, his parents owned the company and he was born into that monetary value.

Currently, our duo are at home, Y/N watching TV in her room whilst working on a makeup look for her TikTok live stream and Sebastian was in his home office working from home. He'd just got a call from his father telling him he needs to get married within the month or his father would arrange a marriage. Sebastian ran upstairs and walked into Y/N's bedroom, face planting her bed.

Y/N looked at him through the mirror before turning towards him, still applying her eye shadow on her eye shadow palette mirror. "If this has anything to do with work, don't talk about it, I'm live streaming," she said causing Sebastian to sit up and look at her. She moved to the side to show the live stream before turning back to the camera. "Who is he?" she read the comments and laughed at the next one. "No, he's my boss," she said with a laugh after reading the question 'are you dating?'

"And closest friend," Sebastian said getting up and resting his hands on her shoulders. "Where are you going?" he asked her.

"We've got a meal with a couple of your business partners," she said as she finished her eye shadow. "Now, the last thing is lips, so should I go with a baby pink, or should I go with a nude?" she asked the live stream, holding up each next to her lips for them to see. She saw more comments to go with a nude lip so she put the pink down. She applied the lipstick and smacked her lips, knowing he didn't like it. She pulled out a clear gloss and applied that before deciding to end the live stream. "Okay, that's all for today. I'll see you all in a couple of days. I love talking with you all. See you later," she said before ending the live stream.

"Why do you wear all that?" Sebastian asked. "You know you're gorgeous, right?" he asked her.

She stood and moved to the closet and pulled out her outfit for the day as she replied. "Oh, I know. I just enjoy it, I don't wear it due to insecurities or anything," she said softly. "What's wrong?" she added as she closed the door most of the way and began to get changed.

"Just spoke with my father. He's giving me a month to get married before he's arranging a marriage for me," Sebastian said.

"Then just marry me," Y/N said coming out of the room. "Keep it going for a few months then call it off. You get married, break it off and make him feel bad that he rushed it," she said softly, coming over to him and sitting him on her make up chair, beginning to cover the few blemishes in his skin and apply eye liner, like everyday.

"What's in it for you?" he asked softly as she used her beauty blender on his face gently.

"I get to be fake married to a millionaire, I'll get basically anything I want. Besides, it'll stop people harassing me all the time, win-win situation," she said with a shrug. "Besides, anyone else living here would just be weird so I'd be moving out," she added.

"Hey, I'd rather it be you than anyone else, I don't like many people," he said with a shrug. "But I don't want to lose our friendship after all of this," he said softly as she finished his makeup.

She made sure he was looking in her eyes before speaking up, once more. "Hey, you'll never lose me. We're friends, yes, but I am also your assistant, I'm in a binding contract with you for another year at least, I plan on renewing it. I'll be fine, we'll be fine," she said.

He stood and left the room, going towards his own before grabbing an engagement ring he'd bought for one of his old girlfriends. He found out the day he'd planned to propose that she was cheating, so he just kept the ring and left her. He took the ring to her room and opened the box, placing the ring on her finger softly.

"Fucking hell, its massive," she said wide eyed as she looked at it. "Why do you just have this" she asked softly.

"My ex, we were together for three years, the day I planned to propose I found out she'd been cheating. I kept the ring and left her. Marry me, please?" he explained and then asked her.

"I'd love to," she said softly before kissing his cheek gently, like she always did. "How do we make this look believable? Everyone thinks we hate each other," she said softly.

"Do you hate me?" he asked gently, lifting his hand to hold hers softly.

"I could never. I think it's the arguing that makes people think we don't like each other. You know I don't hate you," she said softly.

"I know, I was just making sure. We just need to dial it down a bit. We can still fight, that's just us, but make it more affectionate, loving," he said softly. "Wear the ring tonight, it'll get people talking about us and word will get around. We'll do a public announcement on Monday as I know my parents will know by the end of the night. It'll work, baby, I promise," Sebastian said gently.

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