Filler chapter 36

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I was laid on my stomach on my bed with my knees bent on the phone with my boyfriend. I didn't get to see him often, since he was a movie star. But, we were very deeply in love, I adored him and he doted all over me.

"I'm going back to New York this weekend. I want you to come with me. I miss you too much when we're apart. The others bring their partners, it won't be so bad. I know your anxiety is high, but I really think you'd enjoy it and if it gets too bad when I'm filming you can just go hang out in my trailer. Please, El, please come with me," he said softly.

"I'd love to. My anxiety medication works pretty well so I should be fine," Ella-Marie said softly. She adored her boyfriend so much.

"Well it's settled then. Pack light, we'll go shopping one day before the main shooting, we always do to bond with each other even if some of us has been working together since 2007. I, glad you're coming, I feel so alone without you there. They all think I'm single and refusing to get with anyone," he said.

"Seb, I'd come with you anywhere. Except that one place of that cannibal murder your playing next year," Ella said.

"I know. I love you, get some sleep, I'll pick you up in the morning, you can stay with me overnight so it's easier to get to the airport," Sebastian said softly.

"I love you too, baby. I'll see you tomorrow," Ella said and the conversation ended. They both went to bed, he picked her up the next morning and the day after that they went to the airport to fly to NYC.

On the plane, Sebastian grabbed Ella's hand softly causing her to look at him. They were descending in about ten minutes. "I'm glad you're coming, I hate being away from you. You're my baby and I adore you," he said softly. She smiled before leaning in and kissing his lips softly, his hand coming to her cheek as he kissed her back.

"I love you too," she said pulling back.

They landed, went to the hotel and went straight to set. His hand was laced in hers as he walked into the building towards the meeting room where he knew the others either were or were on their way to.

He knocked on the door before entering, holding Ella's hand tightly. The occupants turned to him and immediately came over to greet him. Ella let go and wandered off towards a wall away from them all, slipping down to the ground and pulling out her headphones and beginning to listen to music.

Sebastian greeted his cast mates before glancing around to find his girlfriend. He gently pushed past everyone to get to her, the others wondering who she was. He sat across from her on the floor before gently tapping her thigh. She looked up at him with a tilted head.

Are you okay? He asked her in sign language. The others were watching them both in wonder but also a little worry. She looked a little stressed out.

I'm alright. Was just waiting for you to finish greeting your friends. Are you finished? She replied to him causing him to smile. He leaned forward and took the headphones off before slipping them on for a minute before taking them off.

"Why am I not surprised you're listening to Christmas music? Yeah, I've greeted them all. Do you want to meet them? I can push it off if you're not feeling good," He asked her causing her to roll her eyes and stop it, putting her headphones back into her bag.

"Because you know me better than I know myself, Seb. I'll meet them. I told you my medications working for once. I'm doing it while I can before it stops working," the girl said. Sebastian stood up before lowering his hands for her to pull herself up, which she did instantly. He kissed her cheek before taking her over to the others.

"Guys, this is Ella, my girlfriend, she knows who you all are," Sebastian said softly.

"How long have you been keeping this a secret?" Anthony asked looking at the girl.

"We'll have been together for four years next Monday," Ella said softly. "And my names Ella-Marie. He likes to ignore that all the time," she added looking at Sebastian who just shook his head with a soft smile on his face.

"I'm not calling you by your full name when we're getting married in three months, love. I would if I was mad at you. You came to NYC for me, I couldn't be mad at you," Sebastian said softly.

Ella just smiled and kissed his cheek. "I know, I'm just teasing you. I don't think you know how to be mad at me. You haven't ever been mad at me in the nine years we've known each other. I don't think it's ever going to happen at this point," she said gently. "Are you going to table read now?" She asked as Kevin came in to fetch them all.

"I know I can't be mad at you, Princess. We are going to table read, you can come if you want," he said his hand coming up around her waist.

"If Kevin doesn't mind. I know how secretive marvel is," Ella said. Sebastian went over to Kevin with her to ask if she can come with him and got his permission to do so.

She sat on his lap as he read the script, burying her face into his shoulder as she read over it as they all read their parts. She just relaxed as he held her softly, as if she were porcelain. She listened to everyone's parts over about three hours, listened as the directors described roughly what they wanted in a scene.

She let her eyes close and drifted into a light sleep. She never slept deeply. It was about halfway through the read through when they took a break, food being brought out.

"Is she asleep?" Anthony asked.

"Babe, come eat please. You haven't eaten since yesterday," Sebastian said softly as he squeezed her hip gently.

"Do I have to?" She asked not opening her eyes.

"Please, for me?" He asked softly. He knew they were being watched by the others.

She opened her eyes and sat up to look at him, tilting her head. "Okay. I know how you hate it when I don't eat. I'm not starting our first argument. But not a lot, please," she told him. He smiled at her before kissing her nose softly.

"I'd force you to eat but not more than usual. I'm not cruel, but with your meds you need to eat," he said gently. She just nodded in response.

"You'd never force me to do something I didn't want to. You're not like that," she said softly, standing up and taking him over to the food. She grabbed herself a small plate of sandwiches and some salad whilst he got himself some pizza.

He took her back to the table and sat with her on his lap as they talked with the others. The group just getting to know her as she got to know them. She grabbed a piece of lettuce and held it out to Sebastian who kept his eyes on Anthony who was talking with him but ate it from her hands. It was a common occurrence between them both when they were eating around people.

"Babe?" She asked and he instantly turned to look at her.

"Yes, love?" He asked softly.

"You don't like lettuce. You just ate lettuce," she said tilting her head.

"You don't like it either. Besides it's better than what my cannibalistic character that's coming has to eat," he said softly.

"What?" Anthony asked with wide eyes.

"I'm starring in a film called Fresh, we begin filming next year. My character is a psychopathic cannibalistic killer so... eating lettuce isn't as bad as that," Sebastian said gently.

Ella kissed his cheek softly as she continued eating. She was eating slowly, but she was eating and that's all that mattered to Sebastian. Over the years he'd slowed down his eating to match her pace, he does so even subconsciously these days.

"I love you," she whispered in his ear. He smiled and kissed her lips gently in return.

"I love you too, I always have," he said gently.

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