Fan Fiction

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Peter had been reading fanfiction and he'd just read something that had hit him hard. He'd found that there's a lot of short stories, called one shots, and in a lot of them, Tony Stark - his father figure - had forgotten, replaced and ignored him. And he hated it. What if it was only a matter of time before he began to do it in real life, ignoring and replacing him?

Peter put down his StarkPad and went down to the laboratory where he knew his dad was. He let himself in causing Tony to look to see who it was. "Hey kiddo. Thought you had homework?" Tony asked as Peter came up to him.

Peter never replied, just hugged Tony tightly, the man putting down the tools in his hands and hugging him back tightly, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. He didn't know what was wrong with Peter, he just knew that his son wanted a hug, and he was going to give him a hug. As Tony hugged him back, he just tightened his grip, as though scared he was going to lose him, and Tony just reciprocated.

"What's wrong, babe?" Tony asked softly as he pulled back, lifting the kid to sit on the bench in front of him. Peter just looked at Tony, trying to remember all of him, everything about him. Tony gently grabbed Peter's hands and just held them until the boy was ready to talk to him. He adored this kid, so much, he'd never do anything to hurt him.

"I love you," Peter said, but didn't elaborate on anything else. Tony felt his heart melt, he adored this kid - has anyone said that?

"I love you too, don't forget that," Tony said, lifting Peter's hands to wrap around his neck before hugging around Peter's waist softly. They hugged for a short while before Peter pulled away and walked out. He was not going to let his dad forget him, that was not going to happen.

Tony watched his son walk off and made a mental note to check in on him more often. He loved his kid so much, that wasn't going to change.

The next occasion where Tony saw Peter was when he was having dinner. Tony was waiting with the other Avengers and Pepper for Peter to come down for dinner so they could eat and Peter finally came down. Peter came straight to his dad and hugged him, sitting on his lap softly, but still hugging him, burying his face in his dads chest. Tony hugged back as the kids actions caused all conversation to stop. "Hey kiddo," Tony spoke softly as he held his kid. Peter pulled away after a minute before sitting down and helping himself to the food, which got everyone else to copy him. They didn't question anything, knowing Tony had control over the situation.

The next day, Peter saw his dad talking with someone in his laboratory and felt his heart hurt. He walked in before hugging his dad, burying his face into his dads shirtless chest. Tony had opened his shirt as he worked and hadn't bothered to close it as a new intern did his interview with him. Tony felt his chest getting wet and he immediately cradled his son.

"Whose this?" The intern, named Carl, spoke with a hint of sass in his tone.

"This is my son, and he's the most important person in my life," Tony said as he pulled Peter back a bit, frowning as he saw the tears streaming down his face.

"Baby girl, get Bruce here to finish the interview, I need to look after my son," Tony spoke to his AI. Bruce walked in a minute later - seeing as he was in the laboratory next door - and took over, Tony picking his son up and carrying him to the door and out of the room, going towards the penthouse and towards Peter's bedroom.

He laid the boy down before going to get some tissue and wiping his kids' eyes before laying down next to him as Peter snuggled into his side. "Pete, what's wrong? I've never known you to be so upset, or touchy," Tony asked causing Peter to unlock his StarkPad and show him the story which Tony skimmed through before frowning.

"I don't want to lose you," Peter spoke softly, and it was true, he didn't want to lose his dad.

"Aww, baby, you won't lose me, ever, I love you more than anything, it's just a book. No one means more to me than you, you're my everything. Please don't forget that, you're my son, I love you, so much," Tony spoke strongly to his son.

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