Shield of Iron

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They were on a mission together, but before they let, Fury had pulled Tony back and told him to stop annoying everyone else, asking why he couldn't just do as told. So, this entire time, Tony hadn't said a word. No one could figure out why. Tony landed on a roof and stepped out of his suit, commanding it to go and do all the work for him. Peter, seeing where he was, immediately came over and hugged him.

"Sir? What's wrong?" Peter asked, switching his comms off before doing so as to not distract the others.

"Nothing, just needed a breather. Go, continue your task, we'll talk later, I promise," Tony said softly, kissing his forehead softly causing Peter to nod and leave.

Tony frowned, he'd seen the mass destruction that was coming, that's why he stopped for a minute. His suit came back and he jumped off the roof, it forming around him before going back to his task, listening to Steve shout orders at him before following them, even though he could see he was going to get very hurt.

The battle ended and Tony immediately dropped out of his suit before walking towards the jet that magically appeared. He had a sprained ankle and three broken ribs but he would walk it off, like always. Stark men are made of iron after all.

They gave their reports to Fury before being sent home. Tony skipped a trip to the Medbay and just went to his laboratory, Peter following. Tony had jumped in front of the kid and that's how he gotten hurt, Peter wasn't even scraped, Tony hadn't allowed him to be.

Peter grabbed Tony's hand as they walked, like father and son, and the duo talked softly about their projects until they got there. "Well done, kid, you did an excellent job keeping up with them lot," Tony said kissing the top of his head as he brought the kid into a hug. He knew Peter thrived off of praise and he was always working so hard to please him, he didn't need to of course, Tony loved the kid, but he always made sure to praise his efforts and work.

"Thanks, sir," Peter said softly. Tony smiled at him and they began to work on their latest project.

Peter was staying with him since May died, not that anyone knew why he was staying. Peter saw the man was wincing every now and then and had detected both the limp and the broken ribs. He silently went to the medical box they kept and pulled out some painkillers, taking them over to Tony. He placed them in front of the man.

"Kid?" Tony asked looking at the medication then at his favourite kid.

"Please take them, I know you're ribs are broke and you've got a sprained ankle, I'm not blind you know," Peter said quietly. Tony just smiled and instantly took them, wanting to keep the boy happy. He would and did anything the boy wanted him to. Peter smiled as he took them, happy he could help. "Thanks, sir," he said hugging the man softly.

"It's alright, kid, I needed them anyways. And you're right, three broken ribs, four bruised ones and a sprained ankle," Tony said softly, hugging the boy back.

"Why not go to the Medbay?" Peter asked, sitting on the desk where Tony had been working previously. Tony sat on the spinny chair and looked up at the kid, relieved to take the pressure off of his ankle. Peter bandaged it up before helping the man to bandage his ribs for a short while.

"I'd be stuck there for like a month if Bruce caught wind of this. Plus, Fury might have, kind of, told me not to talk to them, something about bothering them too much and hindering the team," Tony said softly. He wouldn't lie to the boy, not about his health.

Peter's eyes widened in recognition. "That's why you didn't talk on the comms and his you knew to jump in front of me, isn't it? You saw it but couldn't tell anyone," Peter said softly. Tony nodded.

"I'm working on cutting off comms completely on my side, I can hear everyone else so I can follow Captains orders, but I won't be able to talk to anyone," Tony said gesturing to the hologram next to Peter. The kid turned and looked at it before editing the code so the man could still talk to him. Tony watched him with a smile, Peter was so much like him it was scary, especially since he knew what his later teenage and young adult life was like. He didn't want Peter turning into that.

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