Unfinished 2

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"...and Peter, this is your brother, Harley," Tony said, his hand resting on Peter's shoulder having shown him around the building.

Peter had been through different foster homes and finally, Tony had proven to the courts that the kid was biologically his, so now he was living in this big penthouse. Peter didn't want to.

"I'm going to leave you to to get to know each other, I've got a meeting with Pepper," Tony said before leaving.

"Let me get this straight, dad, is my dad, not yours, I don't want your scrawny ass here, no one wants you around, dad only found you because Iron Man cannot be seen ignoring his loser son," Harley spoke causing Peter to sigh.

"I will leave you alone, just could you show me to my room?" Peter asked. Harley sighed but showed him the secret doorway through a wall before leading him to the last room at the bottom of the hallway.

"Here, the others belong to mom and dad, the avengers and me. You don't go into anyone else's room," Harley said before leaving. Peter just made his way to his bedroom, smiling seeing the room was only small and barely had enough room for a bed and space for a floor. He didn't want a big room, he'd rather just stay in a bed. Only four more years, Peter, then you can move out and live alone.

There were two doors one at each side of the room. He went and opened one and saw it was a closet before opening the other to see a bathroom. He went back into his bedroom and began unpacking his back pack. He put his two outfits in the closet, his spare shoes at the floor of the closet, his toothbrush and toothpaste into the bathroom before grabbing his tablet. It was a StarkPad 1 and he'd saved up for ages to get it a few years after it came out. He was proud he'd been able to save up for it. He didn't need anything else. He left his wallet in his bag, since he didn't think he needs his credit card whilst sitting on his floor.

Peter began by connecting to the internet with the passcode Mr. Stark had given him when he'd shown him around. He then began to play a sudoku game. He spent a good hour on the game before he heard someone knock on his door. "Come in," Peter said softly, causing Mr. Stark to open the door.

"Hey, kid, I've come to bring you to dinner. You must be hungry. Oh, and here," he said passing a credit card to the kid. "Anything you need, buy it," he added. Peter took the card and put it in his wallet before locking his tablet and putting it on his bed before leaving with the man. They went to the kitchen where the avengers were just as Harley came out, screaming.

"Aunties and uncles, you're all back," Harley said hugging them all. Peter just sat at the chair that Tony pointed out to him before getting the bare minimum amount of food and mostly vegetables. As he waited for Harley to sit down the avengers introduced themselves as he did in return.

"Are you not wanting more to eat, kiddo?" Mr. Rogers asked him.

"No, thank you, sir, I have more than double what I'm used to," Peter said as they all ate, he didn't notice the worried looks between the adults. Peter ate just under half of his plate before he felt sick and just pushed the plate away, drinking some of his water. He didn't like other drinks. They were too fatty.

"Pete, why didn't you grab any meat or anything else?" Sam asked.

"Oh, I'm vegan, gluten-free and lactose-free. I have a lot of allergies too, if I were to eat, say, fries, my throat would seize up and I could die," Peter said, again not noticing the worried adult glances.

"How old are you?" Wanda asked the boy.

"Twelve, Ma'am," Peter said looking at her politely. Everyone cooed over him, but Harley just felt jealousy tighten his stomach. This was his family. He didn't want an idiotic brother.

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