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Peter wasn't allowed to go on the school trip, to his own house, because of having a few absences more than he should. Stupid teachers. He'll show them.

"Daaaaaaaaddddd," Peter whined as he came out of the elevator to the penthouse where his family and Steve were. Peter hated that man for trying to kill his dad. 

"Peeeeeeeetttteeeee," Tony mock whined back. He stood and hugged his son as he did so.

"I'm not allowed on the field trip to here, I want to lead it, change FRI so it's me that's showing them around. They'll learn not to mess with me," Peter said, a glint in his eyes. Tony immediately did as asked. He'd do anything for his boy.

"There, now you're leading the tour, it'll be tour Beta as there's a Q&A with us at the end. You okay now?" Peter was asked by Tony who looked at him.

"I am, thank you, dad," Peter said hugging his dad and leaving to take his school bag back to his bedroom. Tony, unbeknown to Peter, sighed in relief and sat back down, wiping sweat from his head. He hated when his son was upset, or angry, or anything less than happy. 


Peter woke up with a smirk on his face. It was the day of the field trip. He went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. He refused to eat anything made by Steve for fear of him trying to kill him, and he refused his dad eating anything from the man as well, so he also made food for his old man.

Peter made a bacon sandwich for himself and one for his dad before Tony came in, placing it in front of the man with a cup of coffee before getting himself some milk and sitting next to the man in his chair. Tony leaned over and kissed his temple gently. "Thanks, baby," he spoke in response for the food.

"You're welcome, daddy," Peter spoke softly.

"Hey, Pete," Sam spoke up causing the kid to look at the man in question.

"Yeah?" the kid asked in response.

"Why do you always make you and your dad food?" Sam asked piquing the interest of the entire group.

Peter pointed at Steve before putting his hand down. "He shoved a shield into dad's arc reactor and left him for dead. Who's to say he won't poison dad's food or my own because I mean a lot to dad and him losing me would destroy him? I don't trust him, I never will again. I made that mistake once before, it will not be made again," Peter said nonchalantly, his words causing Steve to blanch. He didn't know the kid knew about that, he hadn't even told anyone other than Bucky who was there. "Plus it was his team fighting who got uncle Rhodey paralysed. I don't trust him, not one bit," Peter added.

"You did what?" Natasha spoke calmly. You didn't want Natasha to speak calmly. 

"You left him for dead? You were his brother and you wanted him dead? I'm sorry we didn't know, Pete," Wanda spoke up causing Peter to shrug.

"I like you all, I can't stand Rogers. Dad's told me to try, I'm nice to him, but never will he mean anything to me again," Peter said, grabbing his plate and washing it before turning to leave. Peter kissed his dad on the cheek before looking at him. "Love you dad," he spoke softly.

"I love you too, thank you for coming to save me back then," Tony spoke causing Steve to pale further. 

"Always, I don't want you dead. I love you, I'll see you later. I'm going to get dressed then go to the tour," Peter spoke before leaving, happy that he finally told everyone about what happened.

Tony smiled as he continued to eat. "Glad someone finally told you guys why we don't like him anymore," he spoke up.

They all finished breakfast and made their way into the lounge, leaving Vision to clean the pots since it was his turn to do so. Tony went with his son to the elevator, to go downstairs and lead the tour with him.

"Midtown High? You're in luck, it seems the heir of the company is leading your tour today. He'll be down momentarily, but here is your passes. You scan them on the right of this scanner here and go through," Meghan, someone who works in the reception showed the class. They all made their way through and waited for around five minutes before Peter and Tony came out of the elevator stopping all work being done.

"If you aren't working in the next five seconds you're fired," Peter said. He was loved around and was known for being tough, but they liked that. Everyone got back to work as Tony and Peter came to the front of the room.

"Penis?" Flash said loudly.

"Mr. Parker, you can not be here, you didn't sign the permission slip nor could you go on the trip as you've missed too much school," Mr Harrington said.

"Oh, then you can all leave since we're leading the tour," Peter said before turning to go back upstairs with Tony just watching with a smirk. "Dad, let's go, they want to go home, let's just go work on the new suit," Peter added. 

"Coming, son," Tony said causing Betty to speak up.

"No, please let us do the tour, we really want to look around. They'll behave," Betty spoke with a pout causing everyone else to murmur in agreement.

Peter sighed loudly as if it was his greatest annoyance. "I should just go do my work, but no, I got banned from a trip to my house and I just had to get dad to make me the tour guide. Dad, slap me next time I ask for anything," Peter said causing Tony to slap him. 

"There, you asked me to slap you if you asked for anything so you asked for a slap," Tony spoke before kissing his son on the top of his head. "Let's get this shit over with," he spoke rolling his eyes and the tour began. 

They got through until the Q&A where Flash next spoke up. "Why is Penis leading a tour?" he spoke causing Natasha to throw a knife at him, hitting the floor just in front of his feet, barely a centimetre off.

"I hope you don't mean my nephew," she spoke sweetly. 

Flash gulped loudly. "Why is he here, he wasn't supposed to be able to be here?" he added.

"Well, since I came out of mom's vagina after my dad had sexual intercourse with her nine months before, I've been down as heir to the company and am taking it over in September. So, I live here. Also, I..." Peter began before pressing a button on his watch. "I am Spider-Man. Every time I miss school I'm on a mission with the Avengers so... Yeah," Peter spoke before retracting the suit and looking at the group. "Besides, on top of that, I also own most big brands, such as Nike, Mcdonald's and even Netflix and Instagram," Peter added. "Yeah, don't ask, I got bored," he added seeing the questioning looks in his classmates eyes.

"Peter, that is just so you," Wanda spoke with a smirk.

"I got bored and decided to use my credit card and just went and bought a bunch of stuff for pretty cheap actually and get a lot of money in profits from the companies. FRI, how much money do I have from my companies on that account?" he asked.

"Reading your bank numbers its $89,834,232,456.43 at the minute from the account based on the companies. You have three other accounts, want to know what they contain?" FRIDAY replied causing everyone to freeze at the numbers, except Tony who already knew.

"What is in my pocket money account from dad?" Peter asked.

"In the account made when you were born there is $567,123,438,933.45. Boss puts in a couple hundred thousand each week, along with the Spider-man account form what the pirate gives you for your work," FRIDAY spoke up.

"Thanks baby girl," Peter spoke causing Tony to gasp.

"Hey, that's my nickname for her," he spoke causing Peter to laugh.

"Yeah, but she loves me more," Peter spoke before hugging his dad. "I love you," he whispered in his dad's ear.

"Love you too, Bambi," Tony whispered back, kissing his neck.

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