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"Guys?" Tina said coming into the lounge where the avengers were all sat.

"Hey, baby," Tony replied, opening his arms for a hug from his daughter.

Tina fell into them happily. "Hi, daddy," she said softly. She might be seventeen, but she was always a daddy's girl. Pepper and her just did not really get along well.

"What did you want, Ti?" Clint asked softly, reaching over form where he was sat next to Tony and running his hand through her hair gently.

"Oh, yeah. I've got a tv performance of a new song I've written tomorrow, I wanted to ask you all to come," Tina said softly.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Tony assured his baby.

So, the next day, they all got ready and went to the set of Ellen.

"Now, I must bring out one of the best singers I've heard in a while, Miss Tina Stark," Ellen introduced and out stepped the girl.

"Now, I must bring out one of the best singers I've heard in a while, Miss Tina Stark," Ellen introduced and out stepped the girl

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"Hi, it's good to be here," Tina said as she hugged Ellen tightly before sitting down.

"Wow, that outfit really suits you," Ellen said softly. "You'll be having boys running after you for days with that fit," she added.

"I mean, when you hear my new song, you'll see that I'm not dating for a while. And don't say that stuff, dad will show you how much his thrusters hurt his enemies," Tina said seriously but then jokingly at the end.

"Ah yes, you've been working on new music. You're fans cannot wait for releases. Anything you can spoil us with until then?" Ellen asked.

Tony came out and passed something to his daughter before gently kissing her temple and going back stage.

"What's that?" Ellen asked in question.

"This? Oh, I can spoil a lot. Let's just say, coming out the first of May, in two weeks, my new album will be released. It's called Insane For Your Love," Tina said (AN that's a great song by Scott Hoying. Seriously go listen to it)

Tina passed the album over to Ellen who looked it over with cameras looking over at it. "These songs sound good. Which will you be performing for me tonight?" Ellen asked.

Tina smirked, stood and walked over to the microphone and stand in the middle of the room. "Uncle Steve," Tina called and she uncle came out with Tony.

"What's wrong, love?" Steve asked softly, but was picked up by the microphone.

"I'll say it for you," Tina said causing Tony to laugh, catching on but Steve didn't have a clue.

"Huh?" He questioned.

"Language," Tina and her dad said in unison causing everyone to laugh as Steve just face palmed.

"I hate you,both," Steve said before leaving backstage. Tony just shrugged and went to sit with Ellen who happily introduced him.

"Tony Stark, everyone," Ellen said.

"Now, I'm doing a new song called Psycho. It's about my current boyfriend, Logan," Tina said into the microphone.

"Well, the floor is yours," Ellen said and instantly music began playing.

Oh no, look who guessed your password right, huh
Oh no, and the girl you said who ain't your type
Is sendin' messages, messages, they never end
That's a whole lot of messages for just a friend
Oh no, had a feeling I knew what I'd find

Tina sung then took the microphone off of the stand and walked over to her dad who tilted his head as she gently grabbed his hand.

You met up with Veronica late last night
You had a bit of Elena on the side
Was chattin' up Anita all last week
And now you're doin' Nina, how'd you even meet her?
Hittin' on Bianca, are you dumb?
Got with Alexandra and her mum
You're tellin' every girl they drive you mad
Yet you're callin' me the psychopath

I'm the psychopath
I'm the psychopath
Oh, I'm the psycho
I'm the psychopath
Oh, I'm the psycho

Tony's eyes widened. So that's why she was so pissed with Logan the last time he was at the tower. The avengers backstage were seething. Tony gently squeezed her hand causing her to nod and go back to her seat, looking at Ellen for the next part.

Oh no, you got to be kiddin'
You say how much you respect women
I'm buyin' your meals, I'm payin' your bills
While you're out here switchin' positions (ah)

Suddenly she pulled the microphone away and another voice was heard as someone walked from back stage to sing their part. That 'someone' was Peter, her brother.

Hold up, wait, babe, I ain't finished (hold up, wait, yeah)
All in my face, girl, you trippin' (why you trippin' for?)
It's not what it looks like, they're bruises not love bites
Good luck with the hole that you're diggin'
I don't fuck with Emily, on my life
Had to cut off Beverly, at least I tried (swear I tried)
All these other girls that I can't see (huh)
I just want a lil' Tina Marie

As he sung he walked over to her and helped her up, hugging her before taking her seat to let her finish the song. Tony gently hugged him as they listened to their kid.

Oh no, call me crazy all you like (uh)
Oh no, turns out I was fuckin' right
You met up with Veronica late last night
You had a bit of Elena on the side
Was chattin' up Anita all last week
And now you're doin' Nina, how'd you even meet her?
Hittin' on Bianca, are you dumb? (What)
Got with Alexandra and her mum (nah)
You're tellin' every girl they drive you mad (uh)
Yet you're callin' me the psychopath
I'm the psychopath
I'm the psychopath
Oh, I'm the psycho
I'm the psychopath
Oh, I'm the psycho
Oh, I'm the psycho

The song finished so the girl bowed to the crowd before coming over and slapping Peter on the back of his head. "Oi, you nicked my seat," she said before resting on the arm of the couch next to her dad who grabbed her hand softly.

"For starters, that song was amazing. I cannot wait for the album. Seconds, that was a lot to unpackaged. How could anyone cheat on you, do they not know who your family are? Thirdly, who are you?" Ellen said looking at Peter.

"Oh, hi, I'm Mr. Starks personal intern but Tina and I are basically siblings. She asked for me to cover for the hidden artist from the song and of course I said yes. It's better than sitting at home doing nothing," Peter explained.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you, then," Ellen said softly.

"Likewise," Peter said before looking back to his sister.

"Thank you, I love that song. My uncle Steve hates when people use bad language words, always yells out LANGUAGE when he hears it. It's hilarious when uncle Bucky came back and told us he'd swear like a sailor during the world war," Tina laughed as she explained, Tony nearly dying of laughter next to her. "I don't know how he cheated on me. We've been together for six years. But, now this is out, it's over. I just wanted the best way to tell him I knew so I wrote it," Tina explained.

"Well, I cannot wait for the album. It was nice seeing you again. That's all we have time for, folks," Ellen explained and the cameras cut off.

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