Filler chapter 44

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Peter frowned. He'd connected Karen through to the cameras in the penthouse and saw his dads, brother and sister all giggling and laughing and having a good family night. He never got invited to those anymore. His brother and sister all but ignored him and had all these inside jokes and just left him feeling abandoned and alone. He hadn't felt like they were a family in a long time because they just didn't like him anymore.

"Karen, call a suit in front of dad. Ask FRI to bring him here," Peter said from the roof of a building about five miles from the tower. Karen did as asked Peter watching it.

"Baby girl?" Tony asked, looking at his suit that came out of his nanotechnology watch.

"I'm under order for you to get in and fly towards your son," the AI replied. Tony shrugged.

"Is he injured?" He asked as he got up, placing Morgan down on Harleys lap and kissing Steve softly before walking over to the suit, letting it encase him just leaving the face plate off.

"No, he just needs you. I've got the location linked up for you," she replied.

"Thanks. Bye guys, love you," Tony said before flying off, getting to Peter in a mere ten minutes.

Peter turned off the cameras and just removed his nanotechnology suit, it retracting back into his watch as he just sat crying into his lap. He heard Tony arrive but didn't move, just kept crying into his lap.

Tony took in his sons appearance with a frown as the suit arrived to his son. "FRI, why's he crying?" He asked as he moved forward, trying to get there quicker as he'd seen his son in peril.

"He feels alone and rejected from the family. He feels left out," the AI said in basic terms making Tony's heart break. He adored Peter more than any of their other children. They just had this unbreakable bond and to hear his son felt like this really broke his heart.

He landed and reduced the suit to his watch as Peter had done too. He walked over and sat next to his son, but didn't touch him. "Pete? Baby. Can you look at me?" Tony asked softly. Peter just laid himself down so his head was on his dads lap, Tony instantly running his fingers through Peter's hair.

"I'm just upset. It's just normal for me to feel like this these days. I just needed you this time," Peter said softly, rolling over to his back to look up at his dad.

Tony thumbed the tears away softly feeling his heart hurt. His son was obviously hurting for a long time and hadn't felt safe enough to come to him, and that hurts him. Had he hurt his son somehow?

"Do you want to talk about it? Or do you just want a while to cry?" Tony asked softly, bending and pressing a kiss to his head as gently as he could.

"Lately Morgan and Harley have been getting super close and leaving me out. With all their inside jokes and stuff and they barely even talk to me anymore. You and pops are getting close with them and I just feel like I'm on the outside looking in. I don't know, I just feel like I've lost connection with my entire family and it hurts. I called you here out of jealousy more than anything, I was watching you guys all sat giggling and laughing as a family and I felt jealous so I called you here. I regretted it the second you started flying out the window. I felt bad, they're your family. I shouldn't have brought you out here," Peter rambled, but Tony listened to each and every syllable.

Tony hated how his son was feeling. He'd need to talk to Steve the second they got back.

Tony sat his son up and pulled him into a hug. "Don't ever think you're not a part of the family. You and I both, along with the others, know you are my favourite. We've always had such a deep familial connection. I adore you, Pete. I'm sorry if I've made you feel unwelcome. Secondly, don't be worried that you called me, baby. Call me the second anything is wrong with you, love. I'll always come to fetch you. You mean the entire world to me. I'd never want anything to happen with you, I'm glad you feel safe enough to call me. It means you trust me and I'll always treasure that trust. It's the trust you have in me I treasure and adore the most. Don't ever forget that. You're my entire world. I'm worried about you, you said you've been feeling down for a while but never came to anyone about it. Would you like to come home? I can call Happy to pick us up? Or we can fly together?" Tony said softly. Peter just listened as his anxiety lowered in his chest, finally feeling safe.

"Uncle Happy, please. I'm sorry I didn't come to you, I just felt alone and it triggered my anxiety and depression so badly I couldn't talk to anyone. But I really do adore you, you've always been my favourite. Pops and I never got too close and he has almost ignored me since I was bitten. Ever since I was little I've barely felt like he cared about me. I know he does, but it's never been felt. Back then all he was doing was grieving losing uncle Bucky and then you guys got together when I was three and he seemed to resent me. I grew up and we argued and fought and one time he said he didn't like the fact I took you away from him. So I've always kept away from you since then. I didn't want to cause any problems or arguments between you two. I didn't want you to be resentful for me destroying your relationship with him so I kept civil but when you're not around, I just keep away from him. I don't want to upset him by being myself," Peter said softly. Tony felt his heart break more.

"He does love you. He never wanted you to feel pushed away from me. He's always told me that when I've questioned why I never really hear about him taking you out or anything. Do you mind if we talk about it with him at home? It's a conversation about him and I think he should be there for this. Maybe explain his reasons? We don't have to if you're not ready. Happy's on his way. I love you, more than anyone or anything in the entire multiverse. Please don't forget that, all I want is the best for you," Tony said gently, holding his son as tight as possible.

Peter just scoffed as if what he said was ridiculous information. "I know you do, I've always known that. Your blood runs through my veins, daddy, I'm as smart as you are. Of course I know. I love you too," Peter said as Happy pulled up.

Tony smiled. Peter is thirteen years old, he's always called him daddy, since he was little. But with his siblings calling him a baby he changed to dad and honestly, Tony preferred daddy. Tony's suit came around them and they flew to the ground, getting into the car in the suit for it to dissolve as they were in.

"Thanks, Uncle Happy. I'm sorry to bother you from your security work," Peter said, as he does every time the man picks him up.

"It's alright kiddo. Are you okay? You've been crying," Happy asked, turning from his seat to look at the kid and his boss.

"I'm okay. Just a bad day, that's all. Finally told dad about his I'm feeling, I won't be escaping to yours any time soon, I don't think," Peter said, snuggling into Tony's chest as the man drew him close.

"Good, hopefully you'll feel better soon then. You alright, Tony?" Happy asked. The man just nodded with a smile.

"I am, not so much emotionally knowing my baby's in such pain, but I'll fix it," Tony said gently. Happy nodded and turned around, beginning to drive them home. "You've been spending time at your uncles then?" He asked his son.

"I spend time with all my godparents, Uncle Rhodey, Uncle Bruce and Uncle Happy's houses. I'm there more than I'm at home these days," Peter said softly.

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