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"Agent Barton, you're being requested to the training room under protocol SNS," FRIDAY spoke up causing Clint to frown. That protocol was a long and hard training for the senses that he and Nat had come up with and Nat never called that protocol unless she was really worried about something. He grabbed the half of the sandwich he was eating before ditching the other half onto the coffee table before standing and walking towards the vent.

As he walked he clicked his fingers to change into his training gear before reaching into the vent and grabbing his bow, his supply of arrows already on his back. He continued to eat as he walked to the training room, all of his teammates behind him. Clint leaned on the doorframe when he arrived.

"SNS? You okay queen?" He asked causing Nat to sigh loudly. She had a blindfold on and was doing flips before he spoke to her. She took it off and looked towards him as he walked in, the others going behind a protection window to watch them train. It was a protocol they'd never heard of and wanted to know more.

Clint had, by now, finished his sandwich, so he hugged her. "Since the NY battle I've been freaking out. Need your help with training. Please?" She whispered to him, not wanting to seem weak to the others.

Clint just nodded as they pulled back. "What do you wanna do first?" He asked sitting on the floor as she sat across from him.

"Can we follow your regimen? Ears then eyes then injured?" Nat asked as they began their warmups, which was really them meditating with each other, to feel one another. It was something they did multiple times a day and it was one of their secrets behind their success.

"Course, it's your training, I don't care how we go about it," Clint spoke nonchalantly. It was true, he'd do anything she wanted. He wanted her to be happy.

They did their warmups and them began training. Nat borrowed some of Peter's noise cancelling earphones, ones he used for his sensory overloads, to take away her hearing. And, then they began to train. Nat trusted her instincts and she trusted Clint. They began with hand to hand combat then training with Clint's arrows as a mock enemy situation with the training dummies that Tony had made them. Nat was good at this one, she's done the hearing loss training a lot, it was the sight loss one that was sort of worrying her.

After half an hour training like this, they moved onto sight loss hand to hand training before moving onto the training dummies. The others were watching them, it was like a dance, they seemed to really trust each other and knew what was going to happen before it did.

After an hour of training all together, they decided to switch it up a bit. Clint took his hearing aids out before grabbing another blindfold and they both went in together. This worried the group because they were both senseless, but it seemed easy to them, they were going at it just as easily as before.

They did this for a half hour before Nat grabbed his hand. They both took their blindfolds off and made themselves able to see again before sitting down to do their cool down, this was more yoga than anything.

"You feeling better now?" Clint asked as they did so. Nat just shrugged and nodded.

"Yeah, a little. Might have to run it again tomorrow if you don't mind," she spoke softly. Clint just rolled his eyes.

"Tasha, we spend at least four hours a day training, I don't care when or how, it doesn't matter, I enjoy it. Of course I'll be there," Clint spoke as if he'd abandon his partner for herself. "Besides, when have I missed a day of training since Strike Team Delta was formed?" He added.

Nat thought back and just sighed. "Not even on missions have either of us missed it. I was just making sure especially since we've trained for seven hours altogether now," she spoke softly. They finished cool downs and began to leave. Clint's arm came behind her back as he lead her out of the room, the team following them.

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