Filler chapter 26

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The words ran around her head, telling her over and over again what it is that she needs to do. So, she had to do it. There's no other way out of it. She'd been stuck there in those thoughts for months and months on end. She was alone, her parents had died when she was sixteen in a car crash with her baby brother and she had a grand total of one friend. Yes, you read that correctly, she has only one friend, someone whose been friends with her since they were only three years old in nursery. Her one and only friend was Tom Hiddleston, more commonly known as Loki.

He was always out of town filming his movies and shows, so she very rarely saw him lately. As he got more well known, he got more opportunities and that left him away from her a lot of the time. She was alone for about three hundred and fifty days out of the year. At first, they were always calling and texting each other, especially when he's come back for the weekend and they've hung out, but she hadn't heard anything from him in seven months. He had more important things to do than to dwell on her. She was his past, he needed to lose her to enjoy his future, if there's nothing holding him back, then he can focus on his family, his community he's built.

Her phone buzzed and so she looked at it, seeing a picture she posted and looked at the comment underneath it. Just kill yourself already, no one would miss you. She sighed. She knew it was true, she had to do something about being alive to protect the world around her. Why exist when no one wants that of you?

And so, she grabbed a notebook and a pen and began to write. She was writing Tom a suicide note, knowing he'd never read it. Then she got changed into a tracksuit (she's British like Tom, a tracksuit is basically a sweatsuit if you didn't know) and began to leave her house stopping and sighing as a car pulled up. She just turned and locked the door, beginning to walk down the path towards the edge of the road. She just climbed into the passenger seat and it the seat belt on as the car drove off.

"Hey, Ti, where were you off to?" Tom asked as he glanced at her when he stopped at a red light.

She didn't reply, just shrugged. She wasn't about to tell him she was off to kill herself, now, was she? He didn't say anything else but drove off towards their restaurant. They'd been going to the same place to eat whenever they're together since they were twelve years old. When the place almost went bankrupt, Tom bought the place and let the original managers work there and things. So, he'd called ahead to keep the upstairs ready for them, where they tended to eat.

Tom had noticed his friend being down lately, had seen it online and when they call or message, he could tell a difference in her. Especially now, since she never wore a tracksuit in public.

They went and sat at their table upstairs before Tom spoke up. "I want you to come to America with me," he said causing her to look up from the table she was staring at to look at him with wide eyes.

"You want me to what?" She asked her best friend.

"I'm going back to film a new Marvel film, come with me. Please, Ti," he said softly. She looked at him, could see the sincerity in his eyes, could tell he really wanted her to go. But the question is...

"Why?" She asked tilting her head slightly. The waiters brought their usual meals up and left them alone before Tom could reply.

"I miss you whenever I go off. I don't want to have to miss you anymore. Come with me, please," he said softly. She found herself nodding in agreement even if she really didn't want to go. She was scared she'd screw everything up for him.

"I mean, I have nothing else to do," Tina said softly. Tom just smiled and they ate in comfortable silence, they never liked to talk whilst they ate, it was a pet peeve.

Tom drove her back home and followed her into her house. He watched her run to the living room and pick up a letter off of the table before going to move it, but he grabbed the envelope from her hand before she could. "You writing to me, now?" He said seeing his name on the front.

"Please don't read it," she said timidly. He looked up at her before passing it back.

"I won't if you don't want me to, love," he said softly before going upstairs to help her pack.

It had been three weeks since she'd gone to America with him, she felt a lot better in herself that she decided it was time. She grabbed the envelope from the suitcase and hopped into an Uber making her way to the Marvel set. She hadn't really met anyone else so when she stepped out of the car they all stopped talking and looked at her.

Tom came over and hugged her causing everyone else to question who she was. "Ti, what're you doing here?" He asked her softly, pulling back.

"Who's this?" Benedict asked causing Tom to turn to look at them all.

"This is Tina, my best friend since we were three years old," Tom said before looking back at the girl, could see the worry in her eyes.

He gently lead her to the grass away from the others who just talked amongst themselves, they could ask questions later. They sat down together and he just waited for her to speak at her own pace.

"I'm sorry," she said before passing him the envelope. He looked at it before looking up at her. She nodded so he opened it and began to read. He quickly understood what the words meant, and his heart broke. He folded it back up and put it back in the envelope before hugging her tightly, pulling her over onto his lap, knowing his cast mates were watching.

"I'm glad you never went through with it. It couldn't live without you. I love you more than anything. I'm sorry you've felt so alone," Tom said as he tightened his grip around her.

"I was going to, that night when you came home. That's where I was going. I've felt a lot better since being here, I had to tell you, the guilt was eating me alive," Tina said softly.

"I'm so glad I went home then, you're the last person I'd ever want to lose. I love you more than anything," Tom said. It was true, he loved everything about her.

"I love you too. You should probably go back to the others now, they'll be wondering what's up," she said gesturing to the others watching them from about ten metres away.

He helped her stand before getting himself up, grabbing the envelope and her hand before leading her to the others, sitting down in the gap they'd left for them. "So, how'd you two meet?" Robert said wiggling his eyebrows.

"We met in nursery, been best friends ever since," Tom said.

"Are you alright?" Scarlett asked the girl laid on Toms chest.

"Me? Yeah, I'm great," she said softly. They all knew that wasn't true, could see tue troubles in the girls eyes. They all got up to go back to set, except Hemsworth who wasn't needed for another hour, like Tom wasn't either.

"So, I can see you're not okay," Chris said when Tom left to go to the toilet.

"I know. I came here to tell him that I almost killed myself a few weeks back. He came home the night I was going to and stopped me without even realising it, invited me here and I've been feeling better ever since. He's literally the only person I have left. I had to tell him," Tina said softly.

She knew how much Tom adored this man, she knew she could trust him with everything she had in her. Tom came back and laid down, resting his head on Chris' thigh, the man running his fingers through his on screen brother.

"I know, I can see the pain in your eyes," Chris replied to her softly. Tom didn't say anything, it wasn't his business, he just closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his friends hand in his hair.

"I know, I've given up with the mask. I can't hold it on forever, it's too painful," Tina said. Tom reached out and grabbed her hand softly from where it was resting on the floor next to her. He knew she was using a mask, had for a long time but didn't want to force her to discuss the reasons why she was wearing one in the first place.

"You never have had to, not around me. I've seen you wear it for six years now, I just didn't want to force that conversation out of your mouth," Tom said, opening his eyes to look at her. She just smiled at him. He never tried to force her into anything he knew she wasn't a hundred percent wanting to participate in.

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