Tom was laid on the couch in his trailer just reading some fanfiction one shot books. These ones were specifically about Peter and Tony's relationship with some of him and Robert's stories in as well. They were actually pretty sweet, and not too far off of the relationship between him and Robert. He read these things when he missed the man, even if they were back together working on yet another Marvel film, this one being Spider-Man Homecoming.

His trailer door was opened and the man of the hour walked in causing him to lock his phone and put it on his chest instantly. "Hi," he said looking at the older man. Robert raised an eyebrow before moving over to sit next to Tom, Tom sitting up with his feet on the floor in order for him to do so.

"Hi," he said to the kid. "What're you doing hiding away in here when everyone else is out there?" Robert asked gesturing to the window.

Tom shrugged. "Being antisocial," he said softly.

"Well no kidding. The question why?" Robert asked. "You okay?" He asked softly.

Tom just nodded before resting his head on the older man's shoulder softly. Robert slipped his arm around him gently feeling Tom snuggling into him. Robert knew he wasn't okay just from the action, because Tom was always one for a cuddle but not a snuggle. Toms arms both came around Robert's waist, making sure to hold him close. Robert just smiled and held him tightly. 

"Just scrolling through social media, like a typical average actor playing a sixteen year old," Tom joked quietly.

"Everything okay?" Robert asked softly, lifting a hand to run through Tom's hair. Tom just shrugged before burying his face into Robert's chest, staying there for a moment, before turning so the side of his face was in his chest instead. Robert bent and kissed the top of his kids' head softly.

"You know, according to the fans, Tony does that to Peter all the time," Tom said nonchalantly.

"Huh?" Robert said.

"Look into the world of fiction, Rob, it's a very interesting part of our lives," Tom said softly.

"Fiction," Robert said. "We're actors Tom, our entire lives are fiction," he said.

"And you are written as a sugar daddy about a million different times, as both Tony and as Robert," Tom said. "There are these stories online in the genre of fan fiction. Look into it," he said softly.

"You like these fan fictions?" Robert asked.

"I like a specific genre of one's with me in it," Tom said. "Do your research, see if you can find out what it is that I love," he challenged. "I'll give you a hint, it's Peter and Tony, obviously, and they're usually short stories called one shots, each chapter or couple of chapters are different stories," he said softly, sitting back and looking at Robert who raised an eyebrow.

"You're giving me homework kid?" Robert teased.

"Well, Mr. Stark, you're old you've gotta get in touch with your inner child once in a while," Tom joked.

Robert smiled at him, eyes lighting up seeing the kid be himself.

"I'll give you a week, look into it and I'll show you my favourites," Tom said gently.

"Deal," Robert said, shaking his hand. "Now come on, it's dinner time," he said, getting up and gently pulling Tom up.

"Ughh, I don't wanna," Tom said rolling his eyes, but let the man pull him up, grabbing his phone gently. He happily followed after Robert.

"Yeah but you need too, darling," Robert said softly, slipping his arm around Tom's shoulder gently as they walked. He lead the younger man towards the food courts softly.

"Yeah I know," Tom said letting the man lead him off. "Are they all there?" He asked.

"Probably. They sent me to get you, so more than likely they'll all be there," Robert said gently just before they turned the corner where their food courts were.

"Of course they're all there," Tom said softly. "You know I was alone for a reason," he told Robert gently.

"I know," Robert said softly, kissing his temple just as they reached enough to be heard by others.

"Good," Tom said.

"Finally, we got your dinner," Chris said.

"Here," Scarlett said pointing at two containers which were evidently for them.

Robert grabbed them both, Tom taking his off the top of Robert's as Robert lead them over to two spare seats. Tom gently rested his head back on Robert's shoulder and both men jumped into conversations with the other actors in the newest Captain America film.

The others noticed Tom was off but didn't comment, knowing Robert would look after him. Robert kept his arm around Tom's shoulder throughout the meal as a gentle reassurance that he was there for him.

He was quite intrigued as to what it was that had Tom so fascinated, and resigned to start his research that same evening.

Ever so slowly the cast started going back to hair and makeup ready for their next scenes until it was just Scarlett left with Robert and Tom. "You okay?" She asked Tom, sliding across the seats to be sat in front of the men.

"I'm fine, don't worry," he said softly. She looked at him before nodding.

"Okay," she said before getting up and moving around the table, gently hugging him before kissing Robert's cheek softly and going off to get her own hair and makeup done as well. Robert and Tom had another couple of hours before they were next needed on set, so they weren't in too much of a rush.

"Can we go back now?" Tom asked, meaning back to his trailer.

Robert got up and gently helped Tom up. "Come on, kid, let's go research whatever it is you're reading," he teased softly.

Tom just smiled, letting Robert lead him off back to his trailer. "Tease all you want, you find it and you'll fall into it," he said with a smirk.

"I guess we'll find out," Robert said as they entered Tom's trailer. "Is it a website or something?" He asked.

"There are websites,yes, but I use this app," Tom said gently taking Robert's phone, unlocking it with the password and downloading the app for him.

Robert gently took his phone back and created a profile. He went to the search bar and used the key words Tom had given him and typed in both his and Tom's character names.

He found something called 'irondad and spiderson' and looked for the other key word of one shots. He found one and decided to click on it and read some of these stories that had his kid in a hole.

And after just a few of them he realised why. These fans had managed to recreate their offline relationship perfectly within their characters. He didn't need to dive too deep to see why Tom loved these stories, they were incredible.

"Okay, I get it," he said, not looking up from his phone.

He felt Tom's head on his lap and lowered a hand to run through his hair. "I knew you would, it means a lot to me at the minute, I'm not too sure as to why," he said softly.

"I know why," Tom said softly before rolling over so he was facing away from Robert, before allowing the gentle movements of his hands in his hair to let him fall asleep.

Robert continued his hand movements, but focused on reading. He knew Tom had fallen asleep, could tell from his breathing, since he has a bit of a cold. After about thirty minutes, he locked his phone and put it on the arm rest before bending and kissing Tom's cheek softly.

He sat back up and just relaxed with his spiderkid.

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