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Peter had grown up, he was eighteen at the time. When Thanos snapped, everyone who died, died. Sort of. Pepper died, along with the others, Peter didn't. May died a month later of cancer and Tony instantly moved Peter into a cabin he'd bought. He shut down stark industries, making sure each of his employees who survived got a year worth of wages each, so they had enough money to find a new job and not be rushed.

He'd quit the avengers, and lived life with Peter and his newly born daughter, Morgan. Pepper had given birth a week before the snap, which was now being called the blip.

Tony spent a lot of his time with Peter and they ended up growing extremely close. As in they were dating, close. They'd really fallen for each other, and they were happy.

"Papa," Morgan said, now at four years old. She ran over to Peter who bent and picked her up onto his hip, passing her a small grape he'd been cutting up for breakfast.

"Good morning, my little girl," Peter said softly. "Did you sleep well last night?" Peter asked softly.

"Yes, papa," she said happily. "Where's daddy?" She asked him.

"In the garage, could you fetch him for me and tell him I said to come eat breakfast please, princess?" Peter asked setting her down.

"Yes, papa," she said as she ran off. He could have gotten FRIDAY to tell him, but he knew Morgan loved to fetch him and get important jobs to do. He finished setting the food onto plates and placing them on the table as Morgan got to the garage door.

She knocked on the open door before speaking up. "Daddy, daddy, daddy," she said as she came into the room. Tony left the door open when she could enter.

"Baby girl," he said as she ran over and leapt into his lap, his arms coming around her tightly.

"Papa says to come and eat breakfast," she said as she relaxed into his hold. Tony stood and moved her onto his hip and carried her through to the kitchen.

Tony set Morgan in her seat as he went over to Peter who was just putting a lid onto their daughters bottle. He gently lifted Peter's face and kissed his lips. "Morning, my love. How are you feeling today?" Tony asked softly.

"Mmm, morning my love. I'm okay, just hungry," Peter said softly. Tony hugged him tightly as he lead them both to the table.

Mornings in their household were always slow and soft. They always spent mealtimes together, it was very important to them. Tony and Peter would spend a couple hours each day tutoring their daughter. They'd play games with her, would spend the day with each other. Once she'd gone to bed, they'd then work on their projects, in the lounge with a film on in the background.


A year later, they were so close to one another. Morgan was currently playing out in the tent outside whilst Tony and Peter sat on the stairs of the porch.

"I love you," Tony said softly as they watched their daughter laugh and run around.

"Will you marry me?" Peter asked softly. Tony froze as Peter turned to look at him. Tony instantly pushed their lips together.

"Yes, yes I will," Tony said softly. Peter pulled out a ring box from his pocket and opened it, helping Tony put a ring on his finger. Tony out the other one on Peter's finger and they kissed again. Tony's was a black band with a ruby ring through the middle. Peter's was a diamond shape black ring with a red ruby in the middle with smaller rubies around it.

 Peter's was a diamond shape black ring with a red ruby in the middle with smaller rubies around it

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"I love it. I love you," Tony said softly.

"I love you too. Sorry I didn't do the whole shebang, I just couldn't wait anymore," Peter said softly.

"No, no, I prefer it like this," Tony assured the man.

A car was heard coming towards their cabin as Morgan came running to the parents. Tony picked her up, onto his hip as he and Peter stood up.

"Daddy said yes, baby," Peter told Morgan softly causing her to squeal.

"Let me see," she said and instantly both men showed her their rings. "Yay," she said softly.

"Did you tell her?" Tony asked Peter who nodded.

"We went ring shopping together," he told Tony as the car came to a stop.

They watched as Steve, Natasha and ... a guy got out of the car. Tony nodded at Steve who nodded back. He passed their daughter to Peter who went over to their swinging chair and sat with her softly.

Once the avengers came over, Peter gently placed Morgan on the floor. "Go and grab daddy a juice pop, love," he told her in a fake whisper.

Her eyes widened as Tony gasped looking at them in betrayal. "Betrayed by my own husband, you're just trying to make me fat aren't you?" Tony said looking away as Morgan ran off to get juice pops.

"You can't run off if I fatten you up, baby," Peter said as he came over, wrapping his arms around Tony's waist.

"I'd never run off from you and our life here. It means everything to me," Tony said softly. Morgan didn't come back out for a few minutes, knowing the adults needed her away.

"Tony," Steve said softly. Tony moved over to their porch table and sat down, Peter sitting in his lap, arms around him.

"Steve," Tony said softly, gesturing for them to sit across from them.

"We've found a way to bring them back, to bring them all back," Natasha said, getting straight to the point.

"Oh, cool. Good luck," Tony said, gently running his fingers through Peter's hair.

"We need your help," Steve told Tony who just sighed and looked at him.

"I would, but I'm out of commission. I'm retired. I'm not about the superhero life anymore. I'm about the dad life who is not leaving my cabin anytime soon," Tony said softly as Morgan came out holding a half eaten juice pop.

"Daddy, I got the wrong one," she said holding it out to him.

"Mmm, coke, my favourite. Thanks baby," Tony said pulling the rest off with his teeth and chewing it down.

"You freak me out sometimes," Peter told Tony who laughed.

"I know I do, baby. You hate when I do that," Tony said with a laugh before kissing Peter's lips softly.

"Tony, we can't do this without you," Natasha pleaded.

"Morgy, do you want daddy to leave and get himself killed because of these people?" Peter asked their daughter who frowned.

"Daddy isn't going anywhere. I need him here," Morgan said sternly.

"There's your answer. Bruce will happily help you. Good bye," Tony said before taking his family inside.

Marvel Moments: A Collection of One-Shot AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now