Pedophile Wade Wilson

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AN: The picture below is how I got Wades age, I'm going with the middle of 25 and 35 which is 30. So people who ship them together. I'm not judging I just don't like it, not at all. Also has no proper ending just wanted to show how much I dislike this shipping...

 Also has no proper ending just wanted to show how much I dislike this shipping

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Peter walked into Mr. Starks laboratory and froze seeing someone sat in his seat. "Hi Mr. Stark," Peter spoke softly causing the man himself to turn with a smile. He came over and hugged Peter tightly before pulling back and looking at him.

"Hello, kiddo, I want you to meet someone, this is Wade - he's that Deadpool guy we've been looking for," Tony said as the boy came up to him with a smirk.

"Hello baby boy," Wade spoke but froze when Peter's eyes darkened and he pulled out a knife and held it to his neck.

"Don't call me that you creep. I'm fifteen, and you are around thirty. You're just a disgusting pedophile," Peter spoke before looking at Mr. Stark who was raising an eyebrow at him. "Come near me again and I will find a way to kill you," Peter spoke before directing his next comment to his mentor. "I just came to let you know I'm not doing lab today, I'm going training with Aunt Tash and the team," he spoke causing Tony to nod slowly.

"Okay, I'll come with. Wade you will follow us, and if you try to hit on my son again I will have you destroyed. It's disgusting and when the others find out they will destroy you," Tony said as he pressed a button on his watch to send the video to everyone whose in the training room waiting on Peter. He picked Peter up onto his hip and they went to the training room.

Wade isn't going to lie, he's terrified of the fifteen year old boy and his family. He was just so beautiful, how could he not flirt with him all the time? He's just so innocent and stunning, such a cute little baby boy and he wants to flirt with him, wants to see his cheeks redden as the words got to him, making him even more stunning than before. They couldn't do anything to him, his DNA had been changed and he couldn't die.

What he didn't know is that Peter and the gang had been working for months on destroying that DNA strand and had finally figured it out. So if he did anything else to their kid, he would be killed. And good riddance, the entire group thought.

As they got in the room all conversation stopped. Natasha came up and took Peter out of Tony's arms and hugged him tightly "baby, are you alright. We've seen what that bastard said to you," she asked softly as she bounced him on her hip. Peter nodded softly.

"I took care of it. He's a disgusting old man, please get rid of him," Peter said and at those words Dr. Strange froze time, causing Wade to freeze but the others to stay mobile.

"What exactly happened?" The doctor asked, since he had been summoned by them and not told anything yet. Peter waved his hand and the scene played causing Stephen to frown before looking at the kid. "Alright, get at him," he said aloud, grabbing the child out of Natasha's arms. "But, you should take his powers first and let him die a slow and painful death. Take his powers, I'll restart time and then watch him die slowly and painfully," he added causing the others to nod.

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