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Robert was laid over one of the couches in the green room of the marvel studios, back against the arm of the couch and legs across to the other arm.

He was just scrolling through one of his current favourite apps, Wattpad, and found a small one shot that he just had to open. It was a spider-son iron-dad type of one shot and he really enjoyed reading them. He'd never let anyone else know that, of course, but he did.

It was called Reforget and he quickly became entranced in it. He had tears in his eyes from the beginning, through to the end, but by the mid way point, they were streaming down his face.

He finished the story and felt his heart aching. Poor Peter, feeling like he had in the book. He wondered if Tom had ever felt like that, when he'd pushed the lad aside, instead of listening to his stories and tales. And those thoughts hurt his heart even more. So he made his way out the green room towards the lunch room, where he knew the others were.

"Downey, you okay, man?" Mackie asked as he walked past. He just shrugged and walked past until he got to their very own Spider-Man. Tom was sat talking to Benedict, Evans and Scarlett at one of the tables.

"Downey, you've been crying," Tom said looking up at the man.

Robert just nodded and sat next to the younger lad, head resting on his shoulder. Hemsworth came over and placed some food in front of Robert before sitting next to Evans. Jeremy, Mark and Hiddleston came and joined them at the table. "Thanks C," Robert said opening his usual pasta box and beginning to eat. Mackie and Seb joined them and they all sat chatting as they ate, except Robert who was just content to listening.

He vowed to himself that he wouldn't push Tom away anymore and would listen to him wholeheartedly, so that's what he was doing. Listening to the lad.

As dinner came to an end, cast members started going back to hair and makeup for touch ups, until it was just Tom and Robert sat there. Neither had another scene until that evening.

"So, why're you so upset? Is Susan and your family okay?" Tom asked Robert softly.

"Yeah, yeah, they're fine. Just down today," Robert said softly, still with his head on Tom's shoulder. Tom turned and hugged him tightly, not knowing what was wrong, but knowing everyone needed a hug sometimes.

Robert instantly hugged back, holding the younger man tightly. He kissed Toms cheek softly. Tom would not pull away, he never pulled back from a hug first. And at that moment, Robert was thankful he didn't, because he didn't want to pull back from the hug.

Tom knew something was wrong, but he had never been more sure of it until Robert had yet to pull back from the hug. He wouldn't complain, but he was worried. "I love you," Robert uttered softly to Tom who just smiled in response, leaning his head back to look at the older man, without pulling back from the hug at all.

"I love you too," he said softly.

And he did. He had always loved Robert growing up, and now having worked with the man and becoming so close to him over the past few years, it just made him feel warm and happy.

And if the hug went on for almost two more minutes, neither complained. When Robert did eventually pull away, Tom just smiled at him softly, seeing in the elders eyes that he felt better. "Come on, I'm not sitting out here all afternoon," Tom said, getting up.

Robert followed and they talked all the way back to the green room, sitting and talking with some of the other cast who were waiting to shoot before they were left alone.

And so, they chatted until it was close to their call back times. And Robert seemed content that Tom was okay.

And from that day on, he made sure to give his full attention to Tom, no matter what or when.

Marvel Moments: A Collection of One-Shot AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now