School 🔫

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"Protocol 105 is in order, there is an active shooter in the school. Please follow protocol measures," was heard by Principal Morita on the speakers.

Peter was in the bathroom when that notification was made, so he had no way to get to safety, all classrooms were locked - he could hear it. So, he locked the door to the bathroom before going into a stall and locking himself inside, using his webs to climb to the other stall and lock that one too. He lowered the toilet lid and sat up there, legs crossed so no one could see him below, we're anyone able to get in.

He pulled out his phone, but contemplated ringing his dad. They'd argued that morning, Tony had never been so mad and upset at him, so Peter didn't want to upset him by calling him. But as he heard the gun shot fired outside a room about four classrooms down the hall, he just pressed the call button.

Ring... ring... ring... ring... ring... you have reached the voicemail of Tony Stark. Please leave your message after the tone, to re-record your message, please press #

Peter frowned. His dad didn't answer. "Hi, dad. I'm sorry for bothering you, or not bothering you, since you didn't answer. The schools on lockdown, there's a shooter coming towards my location now. If I die, I'm sorry about the argument this morning. I know you're still upset with me, this is the first time you've ever missed my call, even cancelling it since it didn't even ring the whole time. Don't blame yourself if something happens to me, I deserve it, anyways. Bye, dad," Peter said softly into the phone. He then ended the call and slid his phone back into his pocket.

He sat in silence, listening to the slight whimpers of his schoolmates, the sound of the guns and the sound of the police cars, about five buildings down the street. He wasn't scared, if anything happened to him, it didn't matter.

He waited another twenty minutes until there was the sound of the police getting his classmates out. Suddenly, there was a knock on the bathroom door. "Police, if you're in there you can come out now, it's safe," a person from the other side said softly. Peter unlocked the door silently before climbing over the stall to unlock the other door before opening the main door and nodding to the officer.

"Thank you," Peter said softly before leaving towards the outside of the school. He walked over to his class where his teacher was taking attendance.

"Ah, Peter, there you are, are you alright?" He asked the kid, bringing the classes attention to Peter who just shrugged.

"I hid in the bathroom, locked the main door and stall door and sat silently. I'm fine," Peter said softly causing the teacher to nod.

"Okay, all of your parents have been alerted and will be on their way. I need to see you leave with them before you can go home," the teacher said to the class.

Thirteen parents came over then and took their kids. So, from thirty, there were now sixteen of them considering some of Peter's classmates were twins and triplets.

All the students around them were getting picked up until only Peter was left. He knew he wasn't getting picked up today.

"Do you want to call your guardians, Peter?" The principal asked, sitting next to Peter on the bench he was sitting on.

"They aren't coming. I've already called them during the shooting, they didn't pick up. I usually walk home," Peter said softly.

"Just try them again. Please, I can't let you walk home without permission from them," the principal said softly. Peter sighed but pulled out his phone.

"K, call dad, please," Peter said aloud.

The phone rang a second later until Tony picked up the phone. "What, Peter?" Tony asked, looking at his son through the video call. "I'm busy," he said. He was still angry at the kid.

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