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"You can't eat it," Sam spoke angrily.

"Ahhhh," Peter screamed causing all of the avengers to run into the kitchen.

"Pete, you alright?" Nat asked softly, hugging her nephew.

"He won't let me eat the cookies," Peter said pouting and pointing at Sam.

"They have cinnamon, that's cannibalism," he spoke angrily. "You can't eat it," he said again.

"He's trying to eat what?" Bucky said with wide eyes coming to stand with Sam. As did Steve, Wanda and everyone except Natasha and Tony.

"Cinnamon cookies. He wants to eat cinnamon," Sam said anger in his tone.

"I don't get why I can't. Or how it's cannibalism, since I'm not eating human," Peter spoke reaching for a cookie. Steve slapped his hand away a bit too hard. Peter's eyes filled with tears.

"Hurt speed protocol activated," FRIDAY spoke up.

Peter tried to move his hand but couldn't. "What's happening?" Peter said looking at his hand.

"It appears, mini boss, you have broken two fingers and three bones in your hand," FRIDAY spoke up causing Natasha to growl.

"Steve, you broke his hand over some cookies. Peter's right, it's not cannibalism and if you don't give him the cookies I'm the next two seconds you're all going to see that I don't miss," Natasha spoke as Tony hugged Peter. Bruce walked in and set Peter's hand and bandaged it for him. Bruce then passed him a cookie and let him eat it.

"Bruce! You just gave the kid cinnamon when he is a cinnamon roll, that's cannibalism," Wanda spoke with wide eyes.

"Oh for gosh sakes, Steve just broke his hand, leave him alone. It's nothing to do with you. He's Tony's son not yours if Tony wants him to eat food then he will," Bruce spoke rolling his eyes.

"Dad?" Peter spoke softly.

"Yes baby?" Tony asked holding his son tightly.

"I don't want to be here anymore. They're all just bullies," Peter spoke. He was genuinely scared of the others now, especially Steve. Tony grabbed the plate of cookies and lead his kid out towards the elevator. Natasha began chewing the group out as Bruce followed them to Tony's laboratory. They went through to the hidden bedroom at the back and all sat down there.

"I can't believe he did that over some cookies," Bruce spoke angrily.

"What did I do? I knew Sam and Bucky didn't like me but I thought Steve did," Peter whispered. Tony hugged his boy again, Bruce joining in.

"I don't know, they're up with Nat, she'll sort them out. Don't worry, you don't have to see them again," Tony spoke softly.

"How could you abuse that poor innocent boy. Over some fucking cookies? Yes, he is a cinnamon roll but you really think breaking his bones is better than him not eating? He doesn't eat enough as it is and to stop him eating what he wants is like telling him he's fat," Natasha spoke angrily. Steve was still in shock that he'd broken the kids bones. "He's severely underweight. If he wants to eat, you don't stop him. It's none of your business. Did you know at home he refuses to eat so May doesn't have to waste money on food? He refuses to eat so when he does we encourage it not stop him. I'm disappointed in all of you," she spoke before walking out.

"I... I broke his bones," Steve spoke looking wide eyed at his hands.

"Did anyone else not know he wasn't eating?" Wanda asked.

"You didn't know because it's none of your business. Now, I must request you to pack and leave. You have one hour," Tony spoke as he leaned against the doorframe.

"Is he okay?" Steve asked still in shock.

"No thanks to you. You broke his bones, he's scared of you," Tony spoke as he walked to make a coffee. "Gosh, I'm nothing without coffee," he spoke.

Peter ran in and took a deep breath before walking to Tony. He ok the coffee and poured it down the sink looking him directly in the eyes. "Thank you. I've been waiting for this. If you're nothing without coffee then you shouldn't have it," Peter spoke causing Tony's eyes to widen. He wrapped the boy in a hug.

"I am so proud of you. I don't even care. You're picking up on my sarcasm, I'm so happy," Tony spoke hugging the boy tightly.

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