Clintasha 4

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"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" Lila asked her dad hopefully. She loved her aunt more than anyone else.

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Natasha spoke coming out from the shadows and bending down to pick her up, holding her tightly.

The other avengers were pretty shocked. For one, a kid just called The Black Widow aunt, for two, said Widow just hugged a kid and for three, who the hell were these people.

Clint was just looking at his daughter and his best friend. He adored them both, he loved his daughter, of course, but he'd never loved anyone like he loved his partner. He loved Natasha like a brother and sister would, like a best friend and he was very deeply connected to her - more than his own wife. People would assume it's because they're always in life and death situations, but it wasn't, it was a hidden secret between the two.

So, that evening when the kids were in bed, he wasn't surprised to be sat outside on his picnic table alone. His wife was sleeping, she was pregnant so it wasn't a surprise, and the other avengers were doing their own thing. He was just sitting, taking in the fresh air. He loved coming home, it was always so peaceful. The house was isolated away from towns around as applied to the tower in the middle of New York City.

Natasha was looking for her partner. She just needed a hug from him. She had anxiety in her chest, tightening it and preventing her from relaxing. She needed a hug.

She walked outside to see the avengers sat in a circle talking about god knows what and walked straight past them. She knew where Clint would be.

"Natasha?" Bruce spoke causing her to turn and look at him whilst walking backwards in the direction she needed to go. "Where are you going?" He added.

"I need to talk to Clint. It's important," she spoke before turning and continuing to leave. She made her way to the picnic table and smiled as her friend came into view. Clint sensed her looking at him and turned his face to look in her direction as she came towards him.

"Hey, Tash," he spoke as she neared him. He took one look at her face before standing and pulling her into the hug she needed. He held her for a while, feeling her eyes water as he did so. "I've got you, don't worry," he spoke softly as he kissed the top of her head.

Nat didn't speak, she just felt herself relax into his arms. She just wanted the comfort that her best friend always gave her. Clint was pretty worried by now. Natasha never needed this much affection unless something was really wrong. "I love you," Natasha spoke softly, still not wanting to pull away from her best friend. Clint smiled at her words. He knew she loved him, he'd always known that. He'd also known that they both loved each other in ways no one would ever comprehend.

Clint pulled back before sitting back down, Natasha sitting next to him and resting her head on his shoulder. "Hey?" He questioned. "I love you too, so much," he replied gently. His arm came around her shoulder as his other hand grabbed hers gently. "What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"Just anxious. I don't know why, though. I just need to be here," Natasha spoke.

"Aww, baby, I'm sorry," Clint spoke. They both hated when their emotions went haywire but they couldn't help it sometimes.

"Did you see the others reactions to the kids and Laur?" Natasha spoke softly. Clint laughed at that.

"Yeah, did you see what they looked like when Lil's called you aunt. I wanted to laugh," he replied. The others began walking to them so they changed their conversation. "What are you getting Lil's for her birthday?" He spoke.

Natasha shrugged. "Anything she wants, I'll take her shopping closer to the time. Is that okay?" She asked as the others arrived.

"You're her godmother, get her whatever you want, it's your money. Besides she'd love the day out, she really has missed you. She always asks about you when Laur and I call. She doesn't want to talk to me, she wants you," Clint spoke with a little hurt in his voice that only Natasha could hear.

"Hey, I love her too, but whenever I call Laur, Lil's always asks for you. The kids adore you, and so will Nathan when he's born. Don't worry about that," she replied as the others sat around them.

From there they planned their course of action. Natasha kept squeezing Clint's hand in morse code as Clint did the same in reply.

They were alright. Natasha wasn't anxious anymore and Clint got to snuggle his best friend.

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