Filler chapter 19

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Sebastian slipped an oversized sweater on just to hide his body. He had baggy sweatpants on too to his his legs. He hated how he looked. He always had but lately it's gotten worse. He pulled the hood over his head before leaving his house, 'forgetting' to eat breakfast and jumping into his car and making his way to set.

He got there and made his way to the hangout lounge the group had. He wasn't filming that day, but it was custom to come in and support the others, no matter how hard it is for him to get up and out of bed. He curled up on the couch, not talking to anyone, just pulled his legs up to his chest as he made himself as small as possible.

Anthony got up and made his was over to Sebastian, sitting next to him and pulling his friends head into his thigh, lowering a hand onto Sebastian's chest and holding it there until Sebastian linked his fingers through his hand, pulling it to his chest.

"What's wrong, Seb?" Evans asked him softly. Sebastian didn't reply. He just closed his eyes and finally fell asleep, he'd not slept in days due to his insomnia. Anthony was happy to stay there, he wasn't filming until the afternoon.

"He's been off for weeks, it's worrying me," Robert said softly. It was true, Sebastian was worrying them all, collectively. They didn't like what they were seeing, he was spiralling downhill and extremely fast, but they couldn't do anything about it because he wouldn't talk about it.

"It's something really bad if he won't even talk to us," Anthony said softly, pulling Sebastian's hood down and playing with the man's hair.

"Yeah, he tells us everything and I mean everything," Chris said softly. The cast all left Anthony and Sebastian in the lounge to go film, deciding to leave Sebastian alone, wanting to make sure he slept properly.

"I'm so worried about you, Seb. Please talk to someone, anyone, it doesn't have to be any of us. We're here to help you," Anthony said softly after sitting on his phone for an hour. By now Sebastian was mostly awake and aware of his surroundings, his eyes were just too heavy to open until Anthony spoke to him.

"It's my depression acting up," Sebastian said startling Anthony into putting his phone down. Sebastian rolled onto his back and looked up at Anthony sadly. "I have quite severe depression, it's just a rough patch where I can't even look on a mirror because I can't recognise who I see anymore," he added. Anthony frowned at the words. He hated when Sebastian felt bad but to learn it's a lifelong condition, that hurt him too.

"Aww, SeBass, I'm sorry. That mustn't be fun. Is there anything I can do to help you?" Anthony asked as Sebastian sat up, turning to face him.

Sebastian just hugged him, instantly getting a hug I'm return, Anthony squeezing him tightly. "Just keep doing what you're doing. You and the others are the only thing getting through to me, even if they don't know what's wrong. I know you're all worried about me, I am too, but keep talking to me, it really does help," Sebastian spoke softly. It was true, he only ever felt safe when he was with his friends.

"We will, are you going to tell them?" Anthony said, pulling Sebastian to sit on his lap to hug him easier.

"Not just yet, I'll talk to C later, please don't tell anyone," Sebastian said gently. Anthony just nodded.

"As if I would do that to you," Anthony said quietly.

"Mackie, you're needed to get ready, I'm done, I'll stay with him," Evans said as he came in. He hadn't heard anything. Sebastian got off of Anthony's lap and was stood waiting to take his seat when Anthony stood and hugged him.

"Talk to him, I promise it'll help," Anthony said as he hugged his friend, kissing his cheek before leaving. Sebastian took Anthony's spot and allowed Chris to lay with his head on his thigh, running his hands through Chris' hair.

"Hard shots?" Sebastian asked softly.

Chris looked up at him with tired eyes. "I'm so exhausted, they just kept getting me to redo scenes over and over, using me more than my stunt double. I didn't even get a lunch break today. I want to go home," Chris said looking up at him with tears in his eyes. Sebastian just kissed his forehead softly.

"Wanna leave and go eat? I need to talk to you anyways," Sebastian asked softly as Robert came in angrily.

Robert knelt in front of Chris before hugging him tightly. He was pissed at the directors for overworking his favourite Chris. "I am so sorry, I tried to stop them," Robert said trying to calm himself down.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm alright. I'm fine, I just need to sleep," Chris said, sitting up to hug Robert back properly.

"Do you wanna join us for dinner?" Sebastian asked Robert who nodded as best he could on Chris' shoulder.

"If you don't mind, are you sure?" Robert replied looking at the man who nodded.

"Might as well tell you now instead of in the near future what's wrong with me," Sebastian said before standing and helping the two men up. Chris had picked both Robert and Sebastian up that morning os they all just went to Chris' car and left.

As they drove Sebastian spoke up softly from the passenger seat. "So... I have depression. I'm just going through a bad time with it lately and it's giving me bad insomnia and I can't even look in the mirror as I don't recognise what I see any more," Sebastian said a little awkwardly. Robert looked at him.

"Well then, we'll help you," he said determinedly. Sebastian turned and smiled at him.

"You guys already do help me. Just being around you lot takes my mind off of things, it really does make me feel better," he said softly before Chris spoke up.

"Is that what Mackie meant by talking to me?" Chris said softly, reaching and grabbing Sebastian's hand from his drivers seat. He wasn't going to ask questions about it, he was going to distract his friend and on a good day he'll enquire about it.

"I was going to anyways, but yeah. I already knew you could help, that hasn't changed a thought in my head. You're still my best friend whether my head wants to believe it or not," Sebastian said softly.

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