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Tony was sat working on the couch when some of the others came in. Steve, Natasha and Clint all came into the lounge - the other avengers being on a mission. Tony didn't bother looking up from his work on his StarkPad.

"Stark, we're watching a movie, turn that off," Steve said. Tony just shrugged, stood and left into the kitchen, sitting himself on the table, still not looking up from the tablet.

The trio followed him in confusion. "What are you working on?" Clint asked. Tony just pushed his work up into hologram forms as he continued to work, the others seeing what he was doing.

"What are these?" Steve asked pointing at something. Tony glanced across before continuing what he was doing.

"They are new suit designs for the avengers," Tony said before gesturing near them. "These are new designs for the Spidey suit," he added before moving his hand across. "These are documents and work needed for Stark Industires, these," he said moving his hand across more, "are new designs for weaponry for the avengers and finally," he said moving his hand once more, "this is work for EyePatch. He's had me doing his filing, paperwork and filtering all of his emails and stuff for months now. These ones are due in an hour. I got them about ten minutes ago," Tony said before continuing to do his work.

"This is so much work, Tony," Natasha said a little in shock.

"Who else is going to do it? You guys show up to the meetings, go out on missions. I'm the one who has reports to write, updates to give Fury, I'm the one who has all the paperwork and behind the scene details to do. Fury said that you all deserve a break when not on missions so that's why he gives them to me to do," Tony said with a shrug.

"Then when's your break?" Clint asked.

"I'm supposed to get a break?" Tony asked in question. "My last break was that Stark Party where War Machine and Iron Man fought where I was super drunk and dying from palladium poisoning. Other than that, I've got to work, Pepper screams if I'm not working for SI, Fury has some pretty hefty threats if I stop doing his work and all the avengers paperwork and without updating all suits and weapons as often as possible, anyone could look at fighting styles and mimic the weaponry and beat us," Tony said as he scrolled through some emails. "If that happens then that's on me and we'd all be in trouble," Tony added.

"That's... that's not how that works, Tony. If we got beat, it would never be on just you, it hold be in all of us. And I don't think you'd be in trouble, either," Steve said in a confused tone.

Tony just looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Okay then, did you get in trouble when you were kidnapped with Bruce that one time?" Tony asked the captain who frowned and shook his head.

"No, Fury said it was a inevitable experience he knew we couldn't help but get into," Steve said in question.

"And about an hour after you came back, what happened then?" Tony asked.

"You brought back my shield, newly fixed with new suit for me and more works for Bruce. Why?" Steve asked quietly.

"I was screamed at, you know. Fury blamed it on y tech not being strong enough, he blamed you getting kidnapped on me, screamed at, yelled at the entire hour I was working on redoing all my own work and restrengthening everything. If it's not perfect, I redo it. I don't have time to work on my suit because making sure you are all safe, making sure Spidey is safe, that's my first priority, working on tech and battle gear is second and working for SI is third. Anything after that ranges from coffee, to small meals, to the meetings, the galas, the clothes fittings, the hospital visits as iron man to see the kids who look up to me. I eventually get time to work on my suits and have to leave my AI to do any and everything because I get another work load. Some weeks I get less than an hour of sleep because there isn't time to sleep," Tony explained to the trio who frowned harder and harder at each word.

"But that's not even remotely safe," Natasha said.

"Who cares, Nat? Because I sure as hell don't. I can die for all I care, as long as everyone else is safe, as long as the work is done. I go on these missions and I go quiet on comms because I turn it off so I can instruct my AI on work needing to be done back home, it's more important than my safety. It's been in-drilled into my head for years now. Since I was a little kid. Us Stark men are made of iron after all," Tony said softly.

"Tony, why have you got all this work to do? At least give us our portions of work," Clint said, coming over and gently running his fingers through Tony's hair. The man just looked at him. They actually got along really well, Clint would join him in the lab when he was free from training and such. They'd sit talking and would just have a laugh.

"C, you spend at least three hours a day in my lab with me doing who knows what. You've seen my work ethics, seen my actual work, you know all of this already," Tony said slowly in confusion.

"I know, but I didn't know it was this much at once," Clint said softly, kissing Tony on the temple softly. "Come on," Clint said before leading the billionaire to the laboratory where they sat working. Clint decided to take off the avengers work and Fury's work for the billionaire who just laid down with his head in Clint's lap as he worked.

"Thanks, C," Tony said softly. Clint lowered a hand and ran it through Tony's hair as he continued to work.

"Always, I'm going to come help you from now on, Mr. Genius, Billionaire. You should be focusing on your actual work, your business and your tech. You shouldn't be doing all of Nick Fury's work nor should you be doing all of our work either," Clint said.

Coincidentally, that's where Natasha and Steve had gone. They were currently in Fury's office yelling at him for the workload he was putting on Tony. Nick was a little put out, as anyone would be when getting yelled at by the Black Widow.

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