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Tony didn't want to adopt a child. He couldn't have kids, he wasn't mature enough or ready for kids.

So, when Aunt May died and Peter was staying with him everything went to shit.

"Tony, can I talk to you?" Natasha asked, standing with Bruce, Steve and Wanda. Tony looked away from the TV screen he was playing Mario Kart on with Peter before looking back at the game.

"Hah, I win," Peter said as he took first place from Tony as the man had looked away. Tony just laughed, pressed a kiss to his temple before going with Natasha who wanted to speak with him.

Natasha lead the group out into the hallway before the four looked at Tony who just leaned against a wall. "Yes?" Tony asked raising an eyebrow.

"When are you adopting him?" Bruce asked softly.

"Wha... I'm not, I don't want kids, Peter knows that. I'm not ready for kids. Besides Pepper doesn't want kids," Tony said a little bit in shock. Adopting a kid? Yeah, not going to happen.

"What do you mean you're not going to adopt him?" Steve asked with wide eyes.

"Baby girl, bring Pete here," Tony asked his AI softly. Peter came through a moment later.

"Yes, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked shyly.

"Am I adopting you?" Tony asked softly. Peter hugged him gently.

"No, you and Pepper don't want children, I'm here whilst you find a good home for me. Why?" Peter asked.

"Oh, these three have it in their heads that I'm adopting you, that's news to me," Tony spoke with a smirk.

"Oh, good joke guys," Peter spoke before looking back at Tony. "Can we play another round now?" He asked.

"Anything else you need, or can I go play video games?" Tony asked looking at Natasha, Bruce and Steve.

"Fine, if you aren't adopting him, I'll adopt him and we'll move to DC and I'll have Fury call me for missions," Natasha spoke raising an eyebrow in challenge.

"Hear that Pete? Nat's adopting you, better start packing, I'll fetch the forms from the lab for her to sign. You'll like DC, nice place," Tony said turning to go and get the forms.

"Thanks, Nat, makes it easier for Mr. Stark if it's someone who he trusts, I'll get to packing," Peter spoke before going towards his bedroom to pack some of his belongings.

"Did he just..." Steve spoke in shock.

"Yeah," Wanda replied.

Natasha immediately called everyone down to the lounge using the emergency meeting button they had.

"Guys, Tony refused to adopt Peter even after I threatened to take him to DC and adopt him myself. He's..." Natasha was cut off by Tony walking into the lounge from the elevator.

"Here, Nat, sign these, then you can take him whenever," Tony spoke softly handing the forms and a pen over to the woman who was still shocked.

"Are you really letting her take him away?" Clint asked softly.

"Yeah, I mean really? You love that kid," Sam spoke adding on to Clint's words.

Peter came in at that minute and stood next to Mr. Stark. "I do love Peter, that's why I've been looking into getting him adopted. Obviously. Pepper and I aren't ready for kids, not yet anyways," Tony spoke wrapping an arm over Peter's shoulders.

"Yeah, and Mr. Stark trusts Nat, it's better I'm with someone he trusts not to hurt me than random strangers, right?" Peter said softly.

Pepper came in through the elevator doors to see everyone sat in a meeting. "Pepper, Nat's adopting me," Peter said pointing at the papers in Natasha's hands.

"Oh, well done, Tony. You've finally found him a new home. Bye Peter," Pepper spoke, almost sarcastically, as she sat next to Steve.

"Really, none of you care that you're never going to see him again?" Natasha spoke in shock.

"As we've said, we don't want children. Peter was here until I could get him adopted. You adopting him is best for both Pepper and I and him as well. He'll like DC, it's a fresh start for him. And besides, we'll see him eventually, right Kid?" Tony spoke causing Peter to nod in agreement.

"The day that Aunt May died and I came straight here to see Mr. Stark, I asked him to keep me here until he found me a new family. I have known how much he doesn't like nor want children since I met him. I trusted him to find me a new home, that's why I've been here for three weeks. Whenever we're in the lab we've been looking at families and seeing if I could live with them. Now, Nat's agreed to adopt me so that's that. I've not even unpacked these weeks I've been here so I can leave for Washington whenever," Peter spoke causing everyone to look sad at the words. They cannot believe that Tony could refuse to adopt him.

"Well done, guys. Bye Peter, see you eventually," Pepper spoke before standing and leaving. Natasha handed over the signed forms before looking at Peter.

"We can stay here, you know, I was joking about DC," she spoke softly.

"I don't care where we are. Anywhere's fine as long as Mr. Stark doesn't mind," Peter spoke still having Tony's arm on his shoulder.

"Of course, that room has always been yours," Tony spoke kissing his temple before leaving the room, the others taking his example and leaving Nat and Pete together.

Nat hugged Peter softly, kissing the top of his head gently. "Well, looks like I've adopted you then," Nat spoke softly.

"Thanks, Nat," Peter spoke in return. And with that they separated, Peter joining Bruce and Tony in the lab and Nat going to chat with Clint.

"That was not how I expected that to go," Clint said as soon as Natasha walked into his bedroom.

"Me either," Natasha spoke laying next to him on the bed, her head on his chest as he began playing with her hair.

"At least you got him and not some strangers in Afghanistan or somewhere else," Clint spoke softly. Nat just nodded as she closed her eyes and let sleep overcome upon her. Clint falling asleep not long after she did.

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