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Peter made his way through the tour of Stark Industries with next to no comments. He was not impressed by the building even if he had never been in there before. He just walked around at the back of the group in silence. His friends didn't go on the trip, Ned was sick and MJ just refused to go. So, he walked around in silence, not caring about what was going on.

"Parker, actually pretend to pay attention," Mrs Smith said coming up to him.

"Yes, ma'am," Peter spoke putting on a fake enthusiastic face. He didn't know that Tony was watching him in the cameras. How could someone not be impressed here?

Peter was taken to the training room with the group and they were all set to try out the equipment with Natasha, Steve and Clint. Peter didn't even try to pretend that he was bad at sport. With his... past, he was actually very athletic.

"Hey, Penis, there's no point in you trying, we all know how weak you are," Flash whispered in Peter's ear.

"Let's have a bet, if you win, I'll tell the entire school that you won and that I am a loser and will let you beat me up from now until graduation, if I win you will do whatever I want for the rest of the month?" Peter spoke softly as the avengers were speaking. Flash got a glint in his eyes at that, shaking Peter's hand in agreement.

And so, it began, Peter beating scores of even the toughest avengers like Thor, not knowing he did of course until the final challenge. It was a punch bag machine that calculated everyone's score. Most people got around 50-100 in strength until it was Flash and Peter left. Flash went up and got 67, Peter smirking before taking his turn. The numbers just went up and up until the number stopped.

"New record beaten," was read aloud. "Score of 2317," was added. Peter's eyes widened as Steve came over to him.

"Kid, you just beat Thor's score by over a thousand. Do you know what that means?" Steve asked. Peter just shrugged but didn't say anything.

" won," Flash spoke with wide eyes, taking the lose with pride. Peter's eyes lit up as he turned to Flash.

"First act, tomorrow you will publicly apologise for everything you've ever done to me in front of the entire school," Peter said with a raised eyebrow.

"I will," Flash replied.

"Good," Peter said before turning back to Steve. "Thank you, I know what it means, but I don't want it to be known," Peter spoke. He'd never actually told anyone but he had a metal arm that was covered by a skin sleeve and he'd used that to up his level.

Up next, and final, was a Q&A with the avengers. So, Peter followed behind he group into the amphitheater. He sat at the top, at the back corner as everyone came in.

"Okay, raise your hands and we'll call you for a question," Tony spoke. Peter didn't pay attention until the door opened.

"Bucky, you're late," Steve said causing Peter's head to snap up. He stood and flipped over everyone landing on the floor in front of the avengers, all watching him in shock.

Bucky had yet to notice him. "Brother, it's been two years thought you'd be more excited to see me," Peter said in Russian with a raised eyebrow causing Bucky to look towards him.

Bucky came down the stage until he was in front of the kid before hugging him. "Kid, you got out of there," Bucky replied happily holding his brother before putting the younger down.

"Of course I got out," Peter said rolling his eyes. "Got out after Cap saved you, I could've left at anytime. I stayed for you," Peter spoke again.

"Ummm, Peter, what's happening?" Mrs. Smith spoke up.

"Oh, this is my older brother, James, I've not seen him in a good couple of years, well, that's not true," Peter spoke softly. "I'm Spider-Man, it's why I never hurt any of you during the Civil War," Peter spoke turning back to Bucky and speaking in Russian.

"Wait, you're who?" Natasha asked, choking on her water. She did not expect that.

"Hi, I'm Peter Parker, adopted brother of James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes. Oh, and I'm Spider-Man," Peter spoke before his brother hugged him again.

"I'm so glad you got out of there," Bucky whispered in his ear. Peter kissed his temple before grabbing his brothers hand and taking him back on stage before going back to his seat. As he sat down Rhodey came limping into the room.

"Kid I know you're busy but I need your help," he spoke and immediately Peter came rushing down to him, grabbing him under the arms.

"Uncle Rhodes, what happened?" Peter asked leading him out of the room and into an empty intern lab, Tony running after them and the Q&A continued.

"Well, you made the new legs and I might have got damaged on patrol with you last night and forgot to find you to fix them, please help," Rhodey spoke as Tony watched as peter worked on the legs in seconds.

"You realise I've nearly figured out how to stop them malfunctioning," Peter spoke as he used his Stark phone to project a hologram of his work. Tony glanced it over and found the final thing.

"You need an X after the YZA in the algorithm," Tony said causing Peter to glance it over and nod. Tony came in and sat next to his best friend. "How you feeling, Homey Bear?" He asked his best friend.

"Thanks," Peter said fixing it and writing the code into the legs, leaving the two to chat.

"I'm good, he's been working on my legs since the Civil War. He's the smartest kid I know, he came up with the designs for the legs in the first place. He was the first person I went to, I didn't want you to be upset at the situation," Rhodey said resting his head on Tony's shoulder. "Besides, the kids a genius, higher IQ than you and Banner," he added.

Peter brought the legs over and gave them to Rhodey who attached them to the links on his hips. Rhodey stood and walked around before doing a flip. He turned to Peter and nodded, the kid smiling. "Thanks, kiddo," Rhodey said hugging the kid.

"You're welcome uncle Rhodey, now, you two are supposed to be in a Q&A with my class so... we should probably go back," Peter said pointing at the door.

"One second kid, come here," Tony said gesturing for Rhodey to leave them be.

"Yes, sir?" Peter asked.

"You've impressed me today, I've been watching you all,since you came in. You doubled Thors score, you've impressed my team. I want to officially ask if you want to join us," Tony asked the kid.

"Will I still get to see my brother?" Peter asked.

"As if they can stop us," Bucky spoke leaning on the door frame.

"Yes, of course, you are your own person, we could just do with you on our team," Tony said. "You agreed before, why?" Tony asked.

"I wanted to make sure my idiotic brother didn't get too hurt, didn't want his team hurt even if they were fighting for the wrong reason," Peter spoke. "Yes, I'd love to join," Peter added.

"Good, I'll get you a key card and stuff sorted out," Tony said before the trio went into the room to see the Q&A just about ending.

Peter went back after school where Bucky was already waiting for him in the lobby and got his next card, before going up and getting to know the avengers. This was his life now.

"Hey, kid, why didn't you seem impressed walking around here?" Tony asked Peter who just laughed.

"This is nothing compared to some of the places HYDRA own. I mean they're the worst group of people but some of their mansions are twice as big as here," Peter said as Natasha nodded in agreement.

"It's true," Natasha said.

Tony just pouted and everyone made fun of him.

This was Peter's life now.

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